~ i wont lie, it was me ~

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Corin Westbrooke





Corin is of mixed race, her mother was black and her father was Asian

General description
Corin has very curly dark brown (almost black) hair with red undertones. Her skin is the color of coffee with milk, and her eyes are a deep brown color. She's curvy and muscular, but her body is littered with scars.

The scars are from an attack (more in the backstory)

(^ she has a similar scar on her right calf, while the scar picture is on her left arm)


Spoken Languages
German, Russian, English, French

General Personality

Corin is an angry person, she's quick to violence no matter the situation. The smallest thing can set her off, but when she's not being set off, she seems almost impassive. She wears a neutral resting bitch face, and she barely talks. She doesn't talk much even when she is violent. She spends her free time exercising or reading or drawing, and she doesn't take kindly to people bothering her while she's doing any of these things. She doesn't have a good means to channel her anger or her emotions, hence the physical violence.
She's cruel when she gets very violent, she'll bring someone to the brink of death without a second thought, and will think nothing of it. She seems to enjoy hurting people, and no one really knows her backstory, or why she's like she is.


Flowers - she has enjoyed flowers since she was a little girl, sadly she hadn't been around the most of her life.
Books - she always found reading was an escape from her life, which went from rocky, to terrible, to worse. She reads a lot, and enjoys it.
Drawing - she enjoys getting the images out of her mind. Most of her drawings are twisted images of monsters or of mutilated people and bodies.
Exercising - she likes having an edge on others, and exercising exhausts her so she can fall asleep easily at night.
Silence - she hates noise, her whole life has been loud and full of pain, so the silence is a welcome change to her.

Being ignored
The trainers
Her adoptive father

Corin was put in a foster home in Germany almost the second she was born. She lived in an orphanage until she was six, and was bounced from foster home to foster home for a year; she had already started expressing violent tendencies, often fighting with her foster siblings and other kids in the orphanage. When she was seven she was adopted by a wealthy man in Russia. She wasn't excited, but she didn't put up a fight, glad to leave the orphanage and foster homes where she'd been picked on and underfed. When she got to the home she was joyous for probably the first time in her life. It was a mansion with a sprawling garden and a private nightmare. Life seemed to flow smoothly until a month after she got there, when her adoptive father started to sexually abuse the girl. Whenever she fought back he'd beat the crap out of her, and then continue with the sexual abuse. She retreated to books and the garden when he wasn't home and she wasn't in a fancy private school nearby. At ten he sent her to a boarding school, and when she got back for the summer he continued with the abuse, but it was worse than before. Until she was thirteen she was sent to the boarding school. But when she was thirteen she got in a fight at the school and hospitalized a boy who had been making sexual remarks towards another girl in one of her classes. She was sent home almost instantly, and her adoptive father was furious. The abuse was worse than before.
After a week of being home she set up a trap for him. She knocked him out and tied him up and tortured him to death over the course of four days. She was found by the police when the company her adoptive father worked grew concerned with his failure to show up to work. She was taken to the facility when she was thirteen, and after a year there she grew silent, and hardly talked, if ever.
When she was sixteen she got in a fight with another girl there and ended up killing her, she was punished brutally, dragged into a locked room with nothing but a wooden sword while a bear was let into the room. She was mauled by the bear, which was only killed just before it was able to kill her. She was treated in the medical wing of the facility for weeks before being released back into training again.


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