Chapter 3

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Levy P.O.V.

I straightened the black head band that held back my curly blue hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a short strapless black cocktail dress and knee high black leather boots. I turned this way and that, wishing I could do something about my chest, but resigning myself. I added some make up but not too much. Just enough to make my eyes pop. Once I was satisfied I grabbed my black clutch and went to wait for Gajeel in the living room.

He came out soon after in black jeans and a red button up shirt. The shirt was tucked in and he had a black suit jacket over it. I followed him out of the house, neither of us saying a word as we get in the limo. The ride was quiet and, I like this morning at breakfast, was rather uncomfortable. Luckily the party was close by and the limo pulled up in front of the mansion. He glanced over at me before opening the door. "This is for the treaty. We stay, show off for a few hours, then leave." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't have to tell me. I will just be the prize on your arm. Grin and bare it dragon." He snorted but got out, holding the door open for me. Time to put my acting to the test. I got out and took his offered arm and we walked inside. His arm was so hard and warm, it was actually quiet nice. And his cologne, it smelled wonderful-stop Levy! I sighed inwardly, this was going to be a long party.

We greeted guests, shaking hands and smiling. He had a wonderful smile, even if it was forced. He kept his arm around my waist, as if saying I was his. I allowed my imagination run wild, thinking what if I was truly his. Levy! You've known him for a day! Stop! But I couldnt. He was handsome, and even though he could be an ass, I felt there was something more to him.

As the party dragged on, the bar was looking more and more appealing. As if on cue "McGarden!!" A woman cried my name. I turned and a smile split my face. "Alberona! Boy am I happy to see you." I smiled up at the tall brunette. Her name was Cana, and we have been friends for years. She was a wonderful drinking partner. I hugged her before turning to Gajeel. "Gajeel 'dear',"i forced the word and he glanced at me. "Cana and I are going to share a few drinks. Come get me when it's time to go." I said. I turned back to Cana and we walked arm in arm towards the bar.

Gajeel P.O.V.

I watched the two girls practically run for the bar and groaned a little. Great, I get to deal with a drunk on the ride home. I continued talking to people but my eyes kept wandering towards the short bluenette. The dress looked good on her, though I would never tell her. My side felt empty without my arm around her, her being there had felt so, natural.

About an hour later I heard a call from the bar. "McGarden is again victorious!" I looked over to see the very drunk blunette laughing at her unconscious friend. "If you'll excuse me gentlemen, I need to be getting my wife home." I excused myself from the group that had formed around me and walked to the bar. Levy smiled drunkenly up at me, "Gajeely! There- there you are. Where'd ddid you go?" Holy shit she is trashed. I wrapped an arm around her and lifted her to her feet. Wow she's light.

"Come on, let's get you home you drunk." I mumbled the last part though I was pretty sure she was too gone and I could have shouted it at her. I lost my patience with her stumbling and eventually picked her up bridal style. "It's so high up here!" she said with a laugh and I couldn't help but smile. Drunk Levy was entertaining. She gasped lightly. "G-Gajeely smiled!" I immediately frowned. "Boooo." she groaned and I had to bite back my laugh.

I finally got her in the limo and she laid against me as we drove off. I tensed a little and looked down at her. "Gajeely is comfy.... Smells good too...." she mumbled and I swear my face got hot. I shook myself and looked back at the now unconscious girl. Even with her face flushed from booze and hair a mess she was still- beautiful? I caught myself. Did I think she was beautiful? I was usually into the tall women with fu figures but the shrimp was different. A different kind of beauty.

I was pulled from my thoughts when we pulled up in front of the manor. I carried her inside and took her to her room. So many books! I didn't think it was possible for a human being to be able to read so much in one life time. Pretty and smart. No! I laid her in her bed and quickly left again. I would not let this small woman tie me down. I would continue to live life the way I have for 25 years. I left to find a woman who could take my mind of the blue haired woman in my home. And yet, even as I sit beside the sleeping naked woman whose name iv already forgotten, my mind still went back. Back to the girl in her room of pages.

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