~ Chapter 10 ~

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The journey had begun, and a strong bond now united Branch and Poppy.

For three days now the two trolls were on the long road, following the trail that the rebel troll they search had left behind him. Poppy couldn't see a visible trace anymore, but the gray troll was confident, so she followed him, trusting him completely.

When they weren't walking, it was either to rest for the night or to play a game because Branch wanted to get the pink troll's smile back. Over time, the two companions had even invented some "tactics" to escape future enemies, instead of running away without having any escape plan.

Every night now, the two trolls sharing a strong bond of trust, sleeped snuggled up in each other's warmth, making them feeling safe.

But their body heat was starting to not be enough ... So Poppy, sitting on the frost covered ground, was making a warmer outfit for Branch who was shivering under her cloak beside her. The trail had led them to the snow-capped mountains, and they first had to cover themselves warmer before starting the ascent; no continuing without the necessary equipment!

- I'm almost done, Poppy reassured him as she worked on one last seam.

Branch responded with a tremor, his nose buried in his plush Bandit. Unlike Poppy who had a cloak to keep her warm, Branch would walk around shirtless, which wasn't very practical for temperatures like this. But if the cold wasn't deadly yet, Poppy had decided that he should start protecting himself from the cold.

- Here it is ! She smiled at him as she showed him what she had made for him.

- Aoow? Branch stuck his head out from under her cloak, curious.

It was a shirt made of warm moss, covered with a large sun tree leaves; its leaves had a reputation for capturing the sun's rays and making the leaf produce heat, which allowed the plant to survive in colder temperatures. Branch got up to sniff at the clothes, his gray skin now in contact with the cold air shivering.

- Let me put it on before you turn into an ice cube! Poppy laughed, Sit !

Branch obeyed and sat down ... yes, like I told you, they had found ways to understand each other ... But that wasn't the coolest tactic that Poppy had taught her companion.

- What do you think about it ? Poppy asked him when she had finished putting it on him.

Branch stood up and began to check himself; it wasn't so cold anymore, and the soft leaves kept him nice and warm.

- Yay! Branch exclaimed, that meant he loved it.

He was spoke more and more, and made more and more progress. Happy, he threw himself on her to lick her face happily, thanking her. Poppy laughed, trying to gently push him away.

- Okay okay ! We must continue to walk! Poppy laughed.

- Boom Boom ! Branch said, licking her cheek one last time before letting her get up.

The Queen of Pop ruffled his black hair, giggling; she still hadn't understood what he meant by "boom boom", and that made her curious ... but her mind was too busy on other subject to focus on that "little" detail. Branch had resumed his way back to the mountains, at first Poppy was smiling, amused by the funny way the puppy troll walked on his three legs, but her mind eventually traveled to her worries; she missed her friends and father so much ... what if Barb had hurt them? Was there some of them in the zombies looking for her?

Branch had sensed her pain and let out a whimper as he looked at her. But she continued to stare at the ground sadly… he hated to see her sad, when Poppy was sad, boom boom tightened painfully in his chest and his ears go down sadly. He had to quickly find a way to help her feel better !

Branch observed the area around him, trees and mushrooms ... but the more he observed, the more he began to build a course in his mind ...

- Poppy ! the puppy troll caught her attention.

She looked up at him;

- What's the matter ? You're hungry ?

She was about to pull some berries out of her bag, but Branch slid under her cloak and grabbed something between his teeth; it was a stick with a rope attached to it, then that rope was attached to the belt around Poppy's waist.

Remember I told you they made up tactics ?

- Oh oh, the pink troll laughed, you want to play again?

- 'urf! Branch managed to bark with the stick between his teeth.

Poppy smiles widely. In the blink of an eye she wrapped the rope around her wrist and recited the name of their favourite tactic;

- Branch, zoom zoom !

Like an arrow in the air, Branch raced through the dense vegetation, pulling his friend behind him. Their first attempts had often been unsuccessful, but with practice Branch was able to take the most impossible paths, followed by Poppy who had learned to follow him by jumping over or sliding through obstacles without getting trapped. As well as being fun, this tactic allowed them to outrun an opponent in only few seconds.

- Woohooo! Poppy laughed to accompany Branch's cheerful howl.

• ♡ •

And .... dead end.

After playing, Branch had led them up the mountain ... but before the mountain there was little, but deep cliff that separated them from the path taken by the troll they were looking for.

- We must found a way pass ! Poppy told Branch.

The gray troll understands and easily climbs a rock, looking for a way to cross this obstacle from a higher view. For her part, Poppy was also looking ...

- Find ! Branch exclaimed, jumping down the rock.

Poppy followed where his gaze was ... a log sprawled over the cliff, forming a natural bridge. Poppy let out a victory squeal;

- Good boy! Come on!

The two trolls approached their way to bridge; the trunk was completely frozen to the ground, so they could step on it without risking it moving. Poppy, confident and determined to find this other troll, climbed onto the trunk and passing on it. The bridge creaked worryingly, but didn't give way.

- Your turn ! She told Branch, relieved to have crossed.

But it was a horrible whimper that answered her; Branch was back up, staring worriedly at the bridge. At this sight, the heart of the pink troll sank; the poor boy was terrified at the idea of ​​crossing the bridge.

- You can do it, go ahead! Come join me !

But Branch cried louder, backing up and hiding under a mushroom. The pink troll let out a sigh and leaving her bag on the ground, went to get for the poor terrified troll on the other side.

- Come here, buddy! She called him in a soft voice

Branch looked up at her with his blue eyes, and slowly stepped out of his hiding place. Poppy lifted her fingers and rested them against his warm cheek.

- Are you afraid to cross? She asked him, it's easy you know ... you just have to ...

But at the same time, her eyes caught on his scar-covered leg ... of course, he couldn't keep his balance walking like that ...

- Get up, Poppy ordered him gently.

Branch was confused, he had never heard this order before.

- Get up, Poppy repeated, on your leg, you will lean on me and we will cross this bridge together!

The pink troll slipped her shoulder under his and lifted him; Branch gave a confused squeal, then his eyes widened ...

- Poppy little !!! He exclaimed, not believing his eyes.

The queen had lifted him up so that he was standing on his leg, leaning on her. It was clear now that the gray troll was slightly taller than his friend, and that surprised him.

- Yes, Poppy chuckled, amusing as her face darkened slightly, you're taller than me, now we're crossing, together, okay?

- O-Okay, Branch answered in a shaky voice.

The trunk was wide enough for them to cross together, but Branch was still scared… so, before they started, he asked;

- Poppy ... sing ? ...

Her partner's voice calmed him down, and he really needed it now ... the pink troll, surprised by this request, blinked before nodding and starting to sing;

Hard to find a way to get through
It's a tragedy
Pulling at me like the stars do
You're like gravity

Well, it wasn't the best song to sing when trying to NOT fall into a void, but it was the only song that came to her mind.

Even if the wind blows
It makes it hard to believe

Poppy put her first foot on the frozen trunk, followed by Branch who was shaking with fear.

How ya gonna love
How ya gonna feel
How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real
And If you lost your way
I will keep you safe
We'll open up all the world inside
I see it come alive tonight
I will keep you safe

She would keep him safe, he had to trust her ... After a deep breath, Branch took a nervous first step, leaning on Poppy. They walked together, they could do it!

Doesn't even matter to you
To see what I can see
I'm crawling on the floor to reach you
I'm a wreck you see
When you're far from home now
Makes it hard to believe

So how ya gonna love
How ya gonna feel
How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real

If you've lost your way
I will keep you safe
Well open up all your world inside
Til you come alive tonight
I will keep you safe

Poppy smiled through her song, they had already crossed half of the bridge!

- Good boy, she reassured him, you will get there! We are almost there !

But her moment of joy was cut off by a deafening crackle. The two trolls froze and looked down at their feet: a long crack was emerging in the frozen bark.

- P-Poppy… Branch whispered, staring at the crack under his foot, frozen in terror.

Poppy took a nervous breath and forced the gray troll to take another step, the crack still growing. Then, after a moment, ran the last few yards and pushed Branch to safety on  land, before her foot slipped and she fell into the void.

She let out a cry of terror, but quickly felt something holding her back; Branch had grabbed her cloak between his teeth. Grunting with the effort, he pulled her securely to his chest and Poppy wrapped her arms around him, both of their bodies shaking with tremors, but relieving; they had succeeded!

- Poppy ! Branch suddenly exclaimed.

The pink troll turned her gaze to what he was showing her; Poppy's bag had opened, and the egg was slowly sliding into the void ...

- NO ! Poppy screamed

Immediately, Branch jumped on the egg and grabbed it, sliding into the void with their protected one. Poppy didn't even have time to scream out in terror, she stretched out her pink hair and grabbed the gray troll, pulling him back to safety and pulling them both away from the edge of the cliff.

- BRANCH! OH GOSH, ARE YOU CRAZY ??? She screamed in panic

She turned his face so he was looking at her, the gray troll holding the egg against him, smiling as if he hadn't just thrown himself off a cliff. He was just happy to have saved the egg, that stupid little !-

- NEVER! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! Poppy yelled at him, her eyes filled with tears as she hugged him again, Branch licking her cheek to reassure her, glad that Poppy now let him protect the egg too.

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