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Topic 1:Making telephone contact

hello. PLC company. Who is calling,plz?/ Speaking.

oh hello, could I speak to mazia ,plz?

I'm afraid she's not here at the moment. Can I take a message?

yes,plz. This is son from luxury inc. could you tell her I need to meet her immediately

 yes, of course. can I take some details? could you give me ur telephone number?

oh yes. I'm on 09073528711

ok. thank you. bye

I can't get through to them ( ko the ket noi)

hold on. I'll put u through. ( giu may toi se ket noi cho ban)

their phone is always enggaed( dien thoai cua ho luon ba.n)

I'm phoning about...

could u send me an application form, plz?

Topic 2:Job Advertisement, Job Interview


1.Tell me a little about yourself:

“Well, I graduated from the thang long University. From there I took a job with company ABC. I was promoted to Project Manager .I was with ABC Company for four years ....

2.What are your strengths?

Hard worker



Able to prioritize

Believe in myself; self-confidence

Highly energetic

Love to learn new things.

Having good interpersonal skills

Well organized and like to be neat with all of my work

A good helper towards those who need it

I am a team player and work well with others.

I have great communication skills.

3.What do you want to be doing five years from now?

In five years, I want to be a senior analyst. I want my expertise to directly impact the company in a positive way

4. Why did you choose your major?

5. Why do you want to leave your current job?

6. When will you be available for employment?

7. how much is the salary?

8. which is the degree you have?

Why should we hire you

What is your biggest weakness


1. I apply for the job because I think I have got lot to offer.

2. I'm competitive and I like to win

3. I get results/ That the way I get result

4. If you choose me, I'll start by improving...

5. I want people enjoy the working in our sales department

6. everyone in the team must have ....

7. I have got lot of sales experience/ I always have been sucessful wherever I've worked

8 I'm a very fast learner

9. I'd enjoy going on a traning course to help me do the job better

Topic 3:Negotiating skills

1. nêu ý muốn

2. đồng ý hay ko và phải giải thích why

3. thương lượng

4. đưa ra ý kiến cuối cùng


A: good afternoon

E: good afternoon Mr. hieu.It’s pleasure to see you here. Can we get you anything? Tea or coffee?

A: No thanks

E: . Alright. Please take a seat. We interested in forming a partnership with you, Lifetime Company.

A: Yes, We are glad to contract with ur company, Direct Sun. Let’s talk about the contract


A: Now let’s summary the contract.We have a 4years contract. We offer all the holidays in both companies’s catalogues.The aim at the 30-50 ages group.

E:we will pay 200 000 for advertising budget and share cost basic on 50/50. The media is mail shot. Express advertising and radio advertising. the investment and profit basic on 60% for ur company and 40% for me. And my company is the project management.Is this an accurate summary of your position so far?

A: that is very clear. We would very much to take on DirectSun as a partner, and to promote our project.

E:Weare very pleasedto be working withyourcompanyandhopethatitwill worksuccessfully


1.Let's talk about/ let's move on/ the next point is....

We want to / We'd like to/ our priority is to....

2. I dont think so/ I'm afraid I dont agree with you/ maybe not all right( tiep theo phai giai thich tai sao )

3. How about/ what about/ what if we..., will u.../ why dont we....?

4. that's no problem/ we could arrange that/ that's good idea/ that sound reasonable/ great/ not bad

We can offer you $600/ we'd prefer to pay u ...( de nghi tra bao nhieu)

pay me half when I start and half at the end

reduce the number(giam so trang)

Just do best you can

display a large number of book covers on every pages, they'd really attract the people's attention.

a lot of pictures take too long to download.

I want to see how well the company does the job and if they are reliable before giving u a long contract

Topic 4:Exchanging information about companies

Small talk xong gioi thieu ve cty

oh good morning. I'm A from L.f company

good to meet you. I'm B from f.l firm in canada

oh f.l firm.I hear canada is a great country.

oh yes. it's very beautiful. u should come

of course. where is ur company base in?

when is it start? the year when the copany was set up is...

what do you do? we product...

what is the annual turnover? $86.000

how many is employee? 2.500

have you got any subsidiary? 4 in 3 countries( china. vn. france)

how is bussiness? it's going well

Would u like to have diner with us tonight?

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