tieng anh

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Tieng anh canon

I)                   Choose the word or phrase that the best completes each sentences.

1)      No matter how angry  he was, he would never … resolve…. To violence.(resolve       recourse      exert         resort)

2)      After leaving school, Nigel decided to … enrol..  in the army.(enlist      enrol(or enroll : ket nap)         register       sign)

3)      as a result of …. A fire, hotel guests are asked to remain calm.(  as a result of                       in the event of         exert       in the time of)

4)      When I went into the dinning room next morning, the … remains… of the dinner were still on the table.(remains       results        resentments          relics)

5)      I will keep your application … on …  file for the time being.(in       with     on      at)

6)      She … strongly... Wanted a house overlooking the sea.(particularly        strongly       essentially          extremely)

7)      For centuries Rome was the … supreme …. Power in the Mediterranean.( utmost       superlative         overruling                 supreme)

8)      I couldn’t tell what time it was because workmen had removed the …… of the clock.(hands        pointers        arms           fingers)

9)      Supposing I … were.. to agree to your request, how do you think the other students would feel?(would        were         am          could)

10)  I hope you won’t take … annoyance….If  I tell you truth.(annoyance       offence           resentment        irritation)

II)     Read the following passage carefully then choose the best answer to each question.

Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various of communication. Generally this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished  through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words and ideas. Tourist, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally, spelling , however cannot. Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of  flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.

Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips). Signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals, Road maps and picture signs also guide, warm and instruct people while verbalization in the most common of language, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings.

1)      Which of the following best summaries this passage?

a)      When language is a barrier, people will find other form of communication

b)      Everybody uses only one form of communication

c)      Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners

d)     Although other forms of communication exist, verbalization in the fastest

2)      Which of the following statements is not true?

a)      There are many forms of communication in existence

b)      Verbalization is the most common form of communication

c)      The deaf and mute use an oral form of communication

d)     Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language.

3)      Which form other than oral speech would be the most commonly used among blind people?

a)      Picture signs

b)      Braille

c)      Body

d)     Signal flags

4)      Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used among blind people.

a)                        Spelling

b)                        Ideas

c)                        Whole words

d)                       expression

5)      In the last passage the words VERBALIZATION, most nearly means……

a)            The expression of human thoughts and feelings in the form of written words.

b)            The transmission of ideas and thoughts by certain actions

c)            Putting ideas and feelings into words

d)           Communication accomplished through sign language.

III)         Find out the best answer for the following information.

1)           Passage 1

Product proposal

We are once again looking for a new and exciting try to produce for the holiday market. This year, at last we are holding a company contest to try to find the best idea If you have a great idea, and you think …….. will be the boy that all the kids want this young

1)      (A) Their

(B) You

(C) They

(D) Yours

Submits your idea Prizes will be awarded to two employees………ideas are chosen. The winners

2)      (A) That

(B) Whose

(C) Us

(D) What  

Will also have the chance to supervise production of ……tags.

3)      (A) Us

(B) Them

(C) Your

(D) They




2)  Passage 2




Is that portable generator in the Garage good enough?



It isn’t make no mistake about it : The power NEVER goes out in a nice Sunday. If you lose power it will probably be on a cold, wet, or snowy day. With the Electrogen automatic standby(du phong) electric generator(may phat dien) you won’t have to left a finger to get the electricity running. Put it in your garage(ga ra), and…… well, that’s all. When the electricity goes off, you do Nothing! Simply wait fifteen seconds and Presto ! …….

Electrogen takes over. That’s right. Electrogen begins providing power for the vital circuits in your home within mere seconds of a power outage(ngung chay) automatically. That old portable(mang theo, xach tay) just doesn’t compare. It has to be brought out of Storage and moved to where you need it. It must be fueled( chat dot) frequently. To use it, you have to run extension(su duoi thang ra, dai ra) cords( day thung) to all your appliances. So if you want to avoid the walk to and from the garage in the freezing rain to get your generator up and running, call your electrogen dealer today. Let Electrogen do the dirty work when the lights go out.

1)  For whom is this advertisement intended ?

a)   Electricians

b)   Appliance dealers

c)   Construction companies

2)   What is an advantage of an electrogen over a portable generator, according to the advertisements?

a)  It is cheaper to buy

b)  It is cheaper to use

c)  It operates more electrical devices

d)  It can be used while still in the garage

3)  When a power outage occurs, what must an Electrogen user do?

a)  Wait a short time

b)  connect an extension cord

c)  Turn off the well pump

d)  Flip the power switch on

4)   When are people most likely to need a generator?

a)   on a sunny day

b)   on a Sunday

c)   Never

d)   On a day with bad weather

IV)     Rearrange the sentences in the right order

1)                  Made/with/i/going/whom/friends/in/hostel/the/am/to/going/girl/visit/have/            the.

2)                  Morning/office/the/had/to/it/rain/began/when/manager/got/to

3)                  Boy/disease/of/was/twelve/the/his/died/a/when/father/dangerous

4)                  Tomorrow/if/her/I/tell/will/see/the/about/meeting/ her/I

5)                  Should/ smoking/it/that/is/brother/important/your/stop

6)                  As/I/your/you/soon/answer/as/give/over/offer/and/possible/my/think/will

7)                  Without/ saying/ going/ after/ he/ dinner/ out/where/ was/ he

8)                  Of/ united/ party/ birthday/ on/ we/ to/ were/ occasion/ her/ the

9)                  Waiting/ for/ last/ tem/ me/ she/ in/ the/ minutes/ night/left/ rain

10)               She /mother/ housework/ has/to/ willing/ with/ the/ when/ my/ is/ sister/ help/ holiday/ out



Tell me a little about yourself ?

You should take this opportunity to show your communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely in an organized manner. Because there is no right or wrong answer for this question, it is important to appear friendly.

Short Answers:

"I attended MIT where I majored in Electrical Engineering. My hobbies include basketball, reading novels, and hiking."

tham gia MIT, nơi tôi học chuyên ngành Kỹ thuật điện tử. Sở thích của tôi bao gồm bóng rổ, đọc tiểu thuyết, và đi bộ đường dài.
"I grew up in Korea and studied accounting. I worked at an accounting firm for two years and I enjoy bicycling and jogging."
"I’m an easy going person that works well with everyone. I enjoy being around different types of people and I like to always challenge myself to improve at everything I do."
"I’m a hard worker and I like to take on a variety(su da dang) of challenges. I like pets, and in my spare time, I like to relax and read the newspaper."
"I’ve always liked being balanced(cân nhắc). When I work, I want to work hard. And outside of work, I like to engage in my personal activities such as golfing and fishing."

I often help everyone about everything i can do it, i am a person easy with people

In my life i like very much things but my hobbies is the most earn money, when i was practicing in lab nanotechnology in my school , my teach have two comment , it is : comfident and work hard , and i work for VNPT my manager comment so that, i think so

Long Answer:

"I went to the University of Washington and majored in English Literature. I went to graduate school because I really enjoyed learning. Afterwards(sau này), I started my career at Boeing as a web content editor. I’ve been there for 3 years now. Although my emphasis(nhấn mạnh, tầm quan trọng) is in writing, I like numbers. I think solving logic problems and riddles(điều bí ẩn) are quite fun. I also enjoy jogging, reading, and watching movies."
There is no right or wrong answer for this question. Most important thing you should remember is how you deliver the message. The example above shows a short answer telling a little bit about the person. The answer went from education to career, and then to personal interests all in a smooth flow.

2. What are your strengths?

This is a popular interview question. They want to know what you think of yourself. Although this is a general question, there is a wrong and right answer. The wrong answer is a generic answer saying you are organized and friendly. Although it will not hurt you during the interview, it will certainly not help you either. Answer this question based on the type of job you are applying for.

Short Answers:

"I believe my strongest trait is my attention to detail. This trait has helped me tremendously in this field of work."
"I’ve always been a great team player. I’m good at keeping a team together and producing quality work in a team environment."
"After having worked for a couple of years, I realized my strength is accomplishing a large amount of work within a short period of time. I get things done on time and my manager always appreciated it."
"My strongest trait is in customer service. I listen and pay close attention to my customer’s needs and I make sure they are more than satisfied."

Long Answers:

Let’s say I am interviewing for a management position. You should mention traits that are important for managers.
"A couple strengths I have are planning and execution, and working with people. I’ve always been very good at planning and detailing all the steps. Even in college, I would spend time organizing my week and planning a strategy to tackle each class or assignment. Executing a plan has always come easy for me as well. I believe it’s due to proper planning. I also work with people very well in a way where I use the strengths of each individual in a team to produce the best results. Because of my easy going personality, I’ve been told by my directs that it’s easy to approach me."
If you are applying for an accounting position, you should mention strong traits an accountant should have and claim them to be yours.
"I’m very detail oriented, good at managing time, and very honest. I always incorporate managing time and being detailed together. By nature I’ve been detail oriented, and that resulted in taking too much time on a particular task. After incorporating time management into the mix, I found that my work and efficiency increased dramatically. I plan better and produce higher quality work in a time constraint environment. Finally, I’m a very honest person. When I was working as a valet attendant during college, a lady gave me a twenty dollar bill to pay for the three dollar fee. She almost drove off the lot, but I stopped her and said here is your change. My co-workers said I should have considered the change as tip, but I know what I did was honest and right. You can fool other people, but you can’t fool yourself. That’s what I believe."
The second example can seem a little wordy. But the power of an example is greater than any great words you can string together. Everyone can claim they are honest, but with an example, it is much more believable.

3. What are your weaknesses?

For this answer, you should display a weakness that can be seen as a strength. There are many types of answers that will work. Some answers will be good answers for certain jobs, while the same answer will be a bad answer for a different job. Select an answer that will work for the position you are applying for. Here are a few examples.

Short Answers:

"This might be bad, but in college I found that I procrastinated a lot. I realized this problem, and I’m working on it by finishing my work ahead of schedule."
"I feel my weakness is not being detail oriented enough. I’m a person that wants to accomplish as much as possible. I realized this hurts the quality and I’m currently working on finding a balance between quantity and quality."
"I feel my English ability is my weakest trait. I know this is only a temporary problem. I’m definitely studying hard to communicate more effectively."
"The weakest trait I struggled with was not asking for help. I always try to solve my own problems instead of asking a co-worker who might know the answer. This would save me more time and I would be more efficient. I’m working on knowing when it would be beneficial to ask for help."

Long Answers:

"I think my weakest trait is my impatience. Whenever I work in a team and a member is not performing up to my expectations, I can get impatient and annoyed. I understand if they are working hard and their portion is difficult, but sometimes a person can’t do the assignment due to incompetence or laziness. A while back I would get frustrated and start complaining, but I realized that I can help out by explaining things to some people and encouraging lazy people by reminding them of deadlines. I know it’s bad to be impatient, but I’m definitely working on it."
"I’m too detail oriented. I never want to leave anything out and I want everything to be perfect. This is bad because it slows down my work. Initially, I tried to work faster to compensate, but that only made me sloppy. So I decided to put more emphasis on priority and planning. By doing so, I’m hoping that I can make the proper decisions on what to work on and what to intentionally leave out."
Both of these examples show an answer that is acceptable. Although being impatient is not good, it shows that you are a quick learner and that you like efficiency. The second displays a person that is detail oriented, which can be seen as a good trait. Finally, both answers identify the weakness and show the actions of correcting it.

4. What are your short term goals?

This question primarily depends on where you are in your career. A person with 5 years of experience will have different short term goals than a person with no work experience. I’ll give an example for both scenarios. But first, here are some short answers.

Short Answers:

"My short term goal is to find a position where I can use the knowledge and strengths that I have. I want to partake in the growth and success of the company I work for."
"I’ve learned the basics of marketing during my first two years. I want to take the next step by taking on challenging projects. My short term goal is to grow as a marketing analyst."
"As a program manager, it’s important to understand all areas of the project. Although I have the technical abilities to be successful in my job, I want to learn different software applications that might help in work efficiency."
"My goal is to always perform at an exceptional level. But a short term goal I have set for myself is to implement a process that increases work efficiency."

Long Answers:

"My short term goal is to learn everything I can about marketing. I want to find a position where I can contribute what I’ve learned through education and to gain real life experience. I believe the next couple of years will be very important to me and my immediate goal is to learn and become skilled in all aspects of marketing."
"My short term goal is to get into a management position. The last five years of my career, I’ve concentrated on learning and acquiring all the skills needed to perform excellent work. Recently, I’ve taken more responsibilities in management because I eventually want to become a sales manager. I’m excited about the last few assignments I completed because it involved working with vendors and partners while managing a small group of workers. So I hope to be in a management position within a year or two and I feel I’m doing a diligent job by volunteering for extra work to gain more experience."
The first example is a person straight out of school. Learning is a good short term goal to have because it shows that you will be trying hard in your job. The second example is more detailed because that person has several years of experience. Anybody can say they want a management position, but this candidate is taking it a step further by showing the steps he is taking to achieve the short term goal. Thus, it becomes a stronger answer.

5. What are your long term goals?

This question is asked to see how serious a candidate is about his or her career. Some people might not know their long term goals, and some people might have long term goals of becoming rich and retiring early. Those are incorrect answers for this question. The type of answer you want to give is an ambitious answer that shows you really love your career. A good interviewer will read between the lines and find out if a person is going to be a hard worker or just a mediocre one. Being descriptive and shooting for a big goal is something interviewers want to hear.

Short Answer:

"I would like to become a director or higher. This might be a little ambitious, but I know I’m smart, and I’m willing to work hard."
"After a successful career, I would love to write a book on office efficiency. I think working smart is important and I have many ideas. So after gaining more experience, I’m going to try to write a book."
"I’ve always loved to teach. I like to grow newer employees and help co-workers where ever I can. So in the future, I would love to be an instructor."
"I want to become a valued employee of a company. I want to make a difference and I’m willing to work hard to achieve this goal. I don’t want a regular career, I want a special career that I can be proud of."

Long Answer:

"My long term goal is to become a partner for a consulting firm. I know the hard work involved in achieving this goal, and I know that many people fail to become a partner. That’s not going to stop me from working hard, learning everything I can, and contributing to a company where I’ll become a valuable asset. I know it’s not a guarantee, but becoming a partner is a long term goal of mine, and I going to work towards this goal throughout my career."
This example shows a candidate with a big goal. This person identifies the difficulty of the goal and shows the steps required to achieve this goal. Despite the difficulty, this candidate shows he or she will not get discouraged with difficult situations and will never give up. It is a short answer that goes a long way.

6. What do you want to be doing five years from now?

This is a similar question to the short term question, but you should answer it a little differently. Here are some examples.

Short Answers:

"In five years, I see myself as a valued employee of a company. I want to be an expert at my position and start training to be a manager."
"In five years, I want to be a senior analyst. I want my expertise to directly impact the company in a positive way."
"My goal is to become a lead in five years. Although not everyone gets promoted to this level, I believe I can achieve this goal through hard work."
"Although I really enjoy working hands on as a mechanical engineer, I want to eventually become a manager. I want to continue gaining experience, and after learning many different aspects, I see myself in management."

Long Answers:

"Five years from now, I would like to see myself in a management position. I’m going to be learning and gaining practical experience until then, but eventually, I want to become a marketing manager. I know there are a lot of things to learn, but I’m going to be working hard for the next five years. I believe opportunities come to great workers and I’m going to try to be one of them."
"Five years from now, I want to be a senior sales manager. I’m currently training to become a manager, and if I continue to work hard, I feel I’ll have a management position soon. After gaining several years of experience as a sales manager, I want to be in a position where I can train and provide my expertise to newer sales managers."
Both answers display characteristics of working hard. The second example also mentions that he or she wants to train newer managers. This is a good answer because it targets one good trait about upper management… the ability to train managers.

gioi thieu bthan

thix lam viec o nha may nao?>

diem manh nhat

co ban lam o canon k?

ung vien vao vi tri nao>

sau 5 nam muon tro thanh j?

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