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Unit 1:

What is the law?

è Law is that rules estabished by authority or custom for regulating the behaviour of members a community or country

èPurposes of law is: social control, the implementation of justice, sometime the implementation of common sense.

Why is the scale considered the sympol of law?

èbecause: - a system of courts backed the power of the police to enfore these laws.

- inretaining power

- the symbol of scale is: equality, fairness and justice.

What are the differences between public law and private law?

èPrivate law concerns disputes among citizens within a country and public law concerns disputes between one state and another.

Which branches of law are private, which are public?

èPublic law consist of criminal law, internationlal law, consitutional law, adminitrative law.

èPrivate law consist of civil law, family law, labor law, law of contract,

What are the differences between common law system and continental law system?

èThe difference between them is that:

- Common law system has devoloped gradually throught history.

- Common law has not as the result of government attemps to define or codify every legal relation.

- Continental law system is sometimes known as codified system

- Continental law system has resulted from government attemps to produce a set of codes to govern every aspect of a citizen's life.

Unit 2:

1. What can the constitution of a political community contain?

è The constitution of a political community can contain:

- The definition of the authorities granted with powers to command.

- It can consist of principles that restrict those powers so as to secure against them fundamental rights of persons or groups.

2. How important are constitutional rules? Explain in details.

è- It is very important for constitution rules to protect certain fundamental rights of the individual

- The rules are set out in the constitution considered as basic, in the sense that all other rules must conform to them.

3. What are the four principles of the US government? Explain them in details.

è The four principles of the US government:

- The first principle is representative democracy

- The second principle of the U.S democracy is representative government

- The third principle of American democracy is the system of checks and balances.

- The fourth principle of democracy in the U.S is federalism.

Unit 3:

What is a crime? What are the constituents of a crime?

è A crime can be seen as any act or comission in violation of a public law.

è The constituents of a crime are an act (actus reus) and a mental state (mens rea)

How many types of crimes are there under U.S law and under Vnese law? What are they?

èThere are 2 types of crimess under U.S law. They are felonies (more serious offences-like murder or rape) and misdemeanors (less serious offences - like petty theft or shoplifting)

è There are 4 types of crimess under VNese law. They are less serious crime, serious crime, very serious crime, particularly serious crime.

How does a criminal case differ from a civil case?

è In a criminal case, throught a prosecutor initiates the suit, while in a civil case the victim brings the suit.

What are the purposes of punishments? Name some crimes. What should be the punishment for each of them.

è Purposes of punishments:

- In order to deter, educate, convert and reform offenders into honest people. (ran de, giao duc, cam hoa, cai tao ng pham toi tro thanh ng luong thien).

è Name some crimes:

- death penalty

- life imprisonment

- probation

- community service

- flogging

- fine

è The punishment for each of them should be:

- Most serious punishment

- Least serious punishment

Unit 4:

What is a contract? What are the essentials of a contract?

èA contract is an agreement that creates a binding obligation upon the paries.

è The essentials of a contract are as follows:

- mutual consideration

- a legal agreement

- parties who have legal capacity to make a contract

- absence of fraud or duress

- a subject matter that is not illegal or against public policy.

How can contracts be classified? What are the benefits of written contracts over oral ones?

è Contracts can be classified: oral and written.

è the benefits of written contracts:

- to create a more complete and throught agreement

- to have price of great contracts

- fewer disputes

Who can enter into a contract?

èMinors and the mentally incompetent lack the legal capacity to enter into contracts. In genarlly others seen as full power to bind them by entering into contracts. In most states, the legal age for entering into contracts is 18. The test for mental capacity is whether the party understood the nature and consequences of the transaction in question.

What are the remedies for a breach of contract?

è Financial compensation or for rescission (huy HD), for infunction (xin lenh), or for specific performance if financial compensation would not compensate for the breach.

Unit 5:

What are the social roles of the family?

èThe preservation of morals and civilization.

What are the roles of family members?

èHusband's obligation:

- to provide a safe house

- to pay for necessities, such as food and clothing

- to live in the house

è wife's obligation or duties:

- to maintain a house

- to live in the home

- to have sexual relation with her husband

- to rear the couple's children

When does a marriage end? What are the conditions for a marriage to be valid?

èOnce an individual is married, the person must be legally released from the relationship by either death, divorce or annulment

èThe supreme Court has held that states are allowed to reasonably regulate the institution by prescribing who is allowed to marry, and how the marriage can be dissolved.

What is your attitude towards homosexual marriage?

è I protest against homosexual marriage because:

- it goes against naturaly

- it is abnormal phenomenon (htg khac thg)

- it also badly impacts to the young

- it does not maintain the furture generation.

- the protest does not mean as discrimination.


- Government should allow the couple's homosexual marriage to live in concrete areas.

- We should behave well them

What are the good and bad points of adopting a child?

è Good points of adopting a child:

- To help a child having better life such as: good education, good health...

- Can avoid social vice (thoi hu tat xau)

- That is good behaviour to child

è Bad points of adopting a child:

- It depends on economy and finances

- A child is short of sentiments: thieu tinh cam

- A child is not of the same system of blood (k cung huyet thong)

- If the adoptive parents have their children, they will not be have well adopting child.

Unit 6:

What is intellectual property? How is it different from other forms of property?

è Intellectual property is an idea or innovation that is created or discovered. This includes things that you write, design, invent,sing, draw, learn,...

è The most noticeable difference between intellectual property and other form of property is that intellectual property is intangible, that is, is can not be defined by its own physical parameters. It must be expressed in some discernible way to be protecable.

What are the 4 types of intellectual property?

- Patents

- Trademarks

- Copyrights

- Trade secrets

Facts of protect of intellectual property in VN.

Misical and liteature works have been protected for several years. Other types of IP are also included and protected by the law.

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