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PRONUNCIATION: (BIẾT) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group by circling A, B, C or D

1. A. hear B. wear C. ear D. near

2. A. clear B. square C. where D. dare

3. A. limited B. helped C. depended D. suited

4. A. played B. cleaned C. snowed D. brushed

5. A. cousin B. sensible C. scissors D. exam

6. A. cough B. half C. have D. soft

7. A. good B. gin C. large D. age

8. A. village B. forget C. bridge D. edge

9. A. another B. mother C. feather D. birthday

10. A. tradition B. television C. washing D. information

VOCABULARY: Circle A, B, C or D as the best choice to complete each sentence:

1. Three-quarters of the Earth is covered by ............................

A. sand B. seas and oceans C. mountains D. soil

What would happen if the sea .................... were not maintained?

B. biodiversity B. living C. marine D. ocean

There are various ............... and animals in tropical forests.

C. plantations B. planter C. plants D. plant

A forest fire ........... valuable wood, wildlife and good soil in Camau some years ago.

D. destroyed B. destruction C. destroys D. destroying

National Park helps to ....................... endangered animals.

E. protective B. protect C. protection D. protectively

Cuc Phuong National Park ................. over 200 square km of rainforest.

F. consists B. includes C. contains D. packs

Music ........ the baby to sleep every night.

G. lulling B. has lulled C. lullaby D. lulls

If you know English, you can ........................... with English people.

H. communicate B. communicating C. communicative D. communication

Don't let children see ..................... films.

I. horrible B. horrified C. horror D. horrifying

Children often prefer ................. films to documentary ones.

J. cartoon B. carton C. carnival D. catalogue

Pele was a famous .............. player in the world.

K. tennis B. volleyball C. basketball D. football

How many World Cup did Pele ............. in?

L. participate B. set C. take D. get

Hong Son used to be the ............. Of Vietnamese National Team.

M. chief B. chef C. captain D. referee.

The Statue of Liberty is in ..............

N. the centre of New York City. C. New York Harbour

O. the surburbs of New York City D. the center of W.C

London is the ............ of the United Kingdom.

P. capital B. captain C. capitalize D. capitalism

There are many .............. streets in Hanoi.

Q. old B. ancient C. antique D. out-dated

One .......... Pagoda is famous for its architecture.

R. Pillar B. leg C. foot D. step

Quoc Tu Giam is considered to be the first .................. of Vietnam.

S. school B. university C. pogoda D. college

Hoi An is well-known for its old houses which are .............

T. small and thatch-roofed B. narrow and carved C. small and tile-roofed

Vietnam is an ideal ................. for many tourists from all over the world.

U. tour B. visit C. destination D. attraction


2. I really think you .................... go and see the doctor, you look very tired.

would B. should C. will D. need

3. Tom really ..................... go out at night. He has too much homework to do.

can't B. should C. shouldn't D. would

4. What would you do if you .................. a million dollars?

win B. won C. had won D. will win

5. If Hoa had a rain coat, she ........................ a cold.

A. didn't catch B. would have caught C. wouldn't catch D. wouldn't have caught

6. Active: They have provided the victims with food and clothing.

Passive: The victims ..................... with food and clothing.

A. has been provided B. have been provided C. has been provide D. have been providing

7. Active: The boys broke the windows.

Passive: The windows ........................ by the boys.

A. was broken B. was breaken C. were break D. were broken

8. Active: They told the new pupils where to sit.

Passive: The new pupils ............................. where to sit.

were told B. was told C. are told D. is told

9. If Hung .................. smoking, he would have improved his health.

gives up B. has given up C. gave up D. had given up

10. I would have enjoyed my holidays if the weather ............... nice.

is B. was C. had been D. has been

11. Would you like something ...........?

eating B. to eat C. eat D. ate

12. She is lonely. She has nobody ........... to.

talks B. talked C. to talk D. talk

13. I spent the evening .............. with my friends

to chat B. chat C. for chatting D. chatting

14. We didn't start the party ............ she arrived.

before B. when C. during D. until

15. For breakfast we usually have ......... coffee and toast.

a B. an C. D. the

16. It's true that .......... rich lead a different life from the poor.

an B. a C. D. the

17. We go to ........... cinema twice a month.

the B. a C. some D.

18. It's very hot here. .............. you open the window, please?

Shall B. Do C. Did D. Will

19. ........... you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.

Should B. Could C. Will D. Would

20. Look at those dark clouds! It ...........

is raining B. is going to rain C. rains D. will rain

21. I arrived on time ............ the traffic was bad.

despite B. in spite of C. but D. although

22. I would like to live in a country ............... there is plenty of sunshine.

where B. in which C. at where D. in where

23. I never forget the time ........... we spent the holidays together.

that B. when C. where D. why

24. Hoa doesn't cook ................ her mother.

as bad as B. as good as C. as quick as D. as well as

25. Living in the countryside is ............. than in cities.

more peaceful B. most peaceful C. less peaceful D. least peaceful

26. What's the .............. river in the world?

short B. long C. wide D. longest


Passage 1:Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by circling the corresponding letter (A, B, C or D)

Elvis Presley - Story of a Superstar

When Elvis Presley died on 16th August 1977, radio and television programmes all over the world were interrupted to give the news of his death. President Carter was asked to declare a day of nation mourning. Carter said: "Elvis Presley changed the face of American popular culture...... He was unique and irreplaceable". Eighty thousand people attended his funeral. The streets were jammed with cars, and Elvis Presley films were shown on television and his records were played on the radio all day. In the year after his death, 100 million Presley LPs were sold.

Elvis Presley was born on January 8th, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. His twin brother, Jesse Garon, died at birth. His parents were very poor and Elvis never had music lessons, but he was surrounded by music from an early age. His parents were very religious, and Elvis regularly sand at church services. In 1949, when he was thirteen, his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. He left school in 1953 and got a job as a truck driver.


1. When was he born?

He was born on January 9th, 1977 B. He was born on August 9th, 1977

C.He was born on January 16th, 1935 D. He was born on January 8th, 1935

2. How old was Elvis Presley when he died?

He died when he was forty years old. C. He died when he was forty -one years old.

He died when he was forty - two years old. D. He died when he was forty - three years old.

3. Why was President Carter asked to declare a day of national mourning?

Because Elvis changed the face of American popular culture.

Because Elvis changes the face of American popular culture.

Because Elvis changed the face of American popularly culture.

Because Elvis changes the face of America popular culture.

4. What did Elvis do when he left school?

He got a job as a driver. C. He got a job as a bus driver.

He got a job as a train driver. D. He got a job as a truck driver.

Passage 2: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by circling the corresponding letter (A, B, C or D)

London has a population of about 6,770,000. It lies on the River Thames where the Romans landed nearly 2,000 years ago. From about 1800 until World War Two, London was the biggest city in the world, but now there many cities which are much bigger. The best thing about London is the parks. There are five in the city centre. But my children's favourite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world. It is 200 years old.


1. How many people are there in London?

About 4,770,000 C. About 6,770,000

About 5,770,000 D. About 7,770,000

2. Where is London?

It lies on the River Danube. C. It lies on the River Seine.

It lies on the River Amazone. D. It lies on the River Thames.

3. When was London the biggest city in the world?

From about 1801 until World War Two. C. From about 1800 until World War One.

From about 1800 until World War Two. D. From about 1800 until World War Two.

4. How many parks are there in London?

About six parks. C. About four parks.

About five parks. D. About seven parks

WRITING: Choose the best answer for the following sentences:

27. Today is Monday, so we have to go to school.

If today isn't Monday, we would have to go to school.

If today were Monday, we didn't have to go to school.

If today weren't Monday, we wouldn't have to go to school.

If today weren't Monday, we would have to go to school.

28. photos / the / take / a / in / London / last week / studio / .

The photos were taken in a London studio last week.

The photos was taken in a London studio last week.

The photos have been taken in a London studio last week.

The photos had been taken in a London studio last week.

29. World Cup / the / play / Asia / first / in / in / 2002 /.

The World Cup had been first played in Asia in 2002.

The World Cup first played in Asia in 2002.

The World Cup has been first played in Asia in 2002.

The World Cup was first played in Asia in 2002.

30. I / if / ill / not / absent / school / from / be / yesterday / .

If I hadn't been ill, I wouldn't be absent from school yesterday.

If I wasn't ill, I wouldn't have been absent from school yesteray.

If I haven't been ill, I wouldn't have been absent from school yesterday.

If I hadn't been ill, I wouldn't have been absent from school yesterday.

31. watch / my / be / interested / brother / horror / films / .

My brother is interested at watching horror films.

My brother is interested on watching horror films.

My brother is interested in watching horror films.

My brother is interested for watching horror films.

see / film / week / last / interesting / that / very / a / .

Last week I saw a film that was very interesting.

I saw a very interesting film that last week.

I saw a very interesting film last that week.

I saw a last week film that was very interesting.

Vinh / I / come / back / last year / I / to / spend / childhood / my / .

Last year I came back to Vinh where I spend my childhood.

Last year I came back to Vinh in where I spent my childhood.

Last year I came back to Vinh, where I spent my childhood.

Last year I came back to Vinh at which I spent my childhood.

I studied hard but I didn't pass the entrance exam.

Although I studied hard, I passed the entrance exam.

Although I didn't study hard, I didn't fail the entrance exam.

Although I didn't study hard, I pass the entrance exam.

Although I studied hard, I didn't pass the entrance exam.

can / not / you / cheaper / a / restaurant / this / than / one / .

You can't find a cheaper restaurant than this one.

You can't find a restaurant cheaper than this one.

You can't find a this cheaper restaurant than one.

You can't find a restaurant than this cheaper one.

be / it / city / largest / country / our / the / in / I / .

The largest city it is in our country.

It is the largest city in our country.

It is the largest country in our city

It is the city largest in our country.


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