Sườn essay

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( Thuận lợi & Bất lợi )
Mở bài: In the morden life,…AAA… becomes more and more popular. Especially with…A… Besides good points, there are some bad points of this matter disscued in this essay.

Thân bài ( thuận lợi ): The main benefits of this include the followings. The most important one is that …ý chính 1… It means that… gt ý 9 1 ra… Another key benefits to consider is that… ý chính 2… That is to say,… gt ý 9 2 ra …( last but not least, ý 9  3, giải thích ra ) These are great influences of…AAA…

Thân bài 2 ( bất lợi ): One the other hand, there are also many bad points of this matter. One of the most serious drawbacks of this is that…ý chính 1… That is because, …gt ý 9 1 ra… Another negative effect is that… ý 9 2 … In other word,… gt ý 9 2 ra…These negative aspects should be solved soon. These are disadvantages of this trend.

Kết bài: All in all,…AAA… not only brings significant ( quan trọng, đáng kể ) advantages but also causes serious drawbacks. Therefore, we should…… = From my point of view, ( from my own experience ) we should……

This trend = this matter = this problem = Đề
( Nguyên nhân & Giải pháp )
Mở bài:
In the modern life, one of the common concers in the general public is that …AAA… There are several causes as well as specific solutions to deal with this mentioned in this essay.
Thân bài nguyên nhân:
This trend is caused by several key reasons. Perhaps, the major cause of this is that …ý 9 1… That is because… gt ý 9 1 ra… Another main excuse to consider is that …ý 9 2… That is to say… gt ý 9 2 ra…( last but not least, ý 9  3, giải thích ra ). These are principal causes of this matter.
Thân bài giải pháp:
The effective solutions of this include the followings…1 chủ ngữ phù hợp ( thường thì là the government và parents )…Should focus attention on…V-ing…In other word … giải thích ra…Another chief method is that …ý 9 2…It means that…gt ý 9 2 ra …These effective ways should be taken soon.
Kết bài:
All in all, due to negative effects of this trend. Various measures should be taken as soon as possible. From my point of view, we should… Nêu ý kiến cá nhân của mình.

( Nguyên nhân & ảnh hưởng )
Mở bài:
In the morden life, one of the common concers in the general public is that …AAA… There are several causes as well as negative effects of this mentioned in this essay.
Thân bài nguyên nhân:
This trend is caused by several key reasons. Perhaps, the major cause of this is that …ý 9 1… That is because… gt ý 9 1 ra… Another main excuse to consider is that …ý 9 2… That is to say… gt ý 9 2 ra…( last but not least, ý 9  3, giải thích ra ). These are principal causes of this matter.
Thân bài ảnh hưởng:
This matter leads to many serious effects (serious problems). The central problem is that…ý 9 1… It means that…gt ý 9 1 ra … A futher serious one is that…ý 9 2 … In other words …ý 9 2 ra…(Finally…ý 9 3 , gt ý 9 3,…) There are bad problems of this trend.
Kết bài:
All in all, due to negative effects of this trend. Various measures should be taken as soon as possible. From my point of view, we should… Nêu ý kiến cá nhân của mình.

( Ảnh hưởng & Giải pháp )
Mở bài : In the morden life, one of the common concers in the general is that…AAA…There are several serious problems=effects as well as specific solutions to deal with this mentioned in this essay.
Thân bài ảnh hưởng :
This matter leads to many serious effects (= problem). The central problem is that…ý 9 1 … It means that…gt ý 9 1 ra …A futher serious one is that…ý 9 2 …In other word… gt ý 9 2 ra … ( Finally: Nếu cần) There are problems of this trend.

Thân bài giải pháp:
The effective solutions of this include the followings …1 chủ ngữ phù hợp ( thường là the government và parents )… should focus attention on…V-ing…In other word…giải thích ra…Another chief method is that…ý 9 2 … It means that …gt ý 9 2 ra… There effective ways should be taken soon.

Kết bài: All in all, due to negative effects of this trend, various measures should be taken as soon as possible. From my point of view, we should… Nêu ý kiến cá nhân của mình.


Mở bài:
In the modern life, it is thought by some people that…AAA( chọn 1 luồng ý kiến nếu có 2 luồng ý kiến ) . There are many key reasons why I agree/disagree strongly with this option and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones.
Thân bài:
The major reason (no s) why I am (not) agreement with this is that…ý 91…It means that…gt ý 9 1 ra…Another main excuse to consider is that… ý 9 2… That is to say…gt ý 9 2 ra… Last but not least,…ý 9 3…That is because…gt ý 9 3 ra…These are principal explanations for my choice.
Kết bài:
All in All. From what has been discussed above. I agree/disagree completely with that idea. From my point of view, we should…

Đề có 2 sự lựa chọn A&B

Mở bài:
In the modern life, some people prefer…AAA (Sự lựa chọn 1 với A là động từ thêm ing)…Other people like…BBB (Sự lựa chọn 2 với B là động từ thêm ing)…From my points of view, I would rather…AAA ( A là động từ chia với V0 )A là cái mình chọn …than…BBB (B là động từ chia V0 ) B là cái mình không chọn…due to some following reasons.

Thân bài mình chọn :
There are several main reasons for my choice. The key reason is that…ý 9 1…That is to say…gt ý 9 1 ra cho ví dụ…Another key cause to consider is that… ý 9 2…That is because…gt ý 9 2 ra cho vd…Last but not least…ý 9 3 …In other words…gt ý 9 3 ra cho vd… These are pricipal explantions for my choice.

Thân bài mình không chọn :
It cannot be denied that there are some chief advantages of… BBB-ing ( cái không chọn ,BBB là động từ thêm ing )… First of all, ý 9 1 (không cần gt )… Secondly, ý 9 2 ( không cần gt )…These are some good points of BBB-ing ( cái không chọn BBB là động từ thêm ing )

Kết bài:
All in all, AAA is…khen 1 cái điền tính từ vào…while BBB is…khen  1 cái điền tính từ vào…In my opinion, (Personally speaking), the most important things is whether they feel comfortable or not as well as it depends on the lifestyl that people have.

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