Tiếng Anh trình độ B

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Trong phần thi của bài thi tiếng anh trình độ B trong thi tuyển công chức viện chức thường có cấu trúc như sau:
1. Trắc nghiệm [ Khoảng 10-20 câu] hy vọng cái này càng nhiều để các bạn có thể hên xui...( Phần này khi nào còn thời gian mình sẽ ôn)

2. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi [ có thế có đáp án dạng A,B,C,D or tự tìm ra đáp án đựa vào đoạn văn].....phần này khi có thời gian mình sẽ ôn sau.

3. Điền khuyết vào đoạn văn: cái này thuộc dạng khó, nên khi nào cò thời gian mình sẽ ôn luôn.

4. Hoàn thành câu:[ thường khoảng 10 câu]... mình sẽ tập trung ôn phần này.

5. Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa với từ gợi ý cho sẵn; [ khoảng 10 câu]...mình sẽ ôn phần này.

6. Dịch tiếng anh sang tiếng việt: [ khoảng 3-5 câu]...còn thời gian mình sẽ ôn.

7. Dịch tiếng Việt sang tiếng Anh;[ Khoảng 3- 5 câu]...còn thời gian mình sẽ ôn.

Trên đây là cấu trúc đề thi, nhưng theo khào sát của mình thì chỉ có đề thi tiếng Anh của công chức thuế là khó, và lằng nhằng nhất thôi nó đến 90 phút, Và hiện tại kì thi BHXH lần này cũng là lần đầu tiên thi môn này, với thời gian chỉ vỏn vẹn chỉ 60 phút, nên mình nghĩ bài thi sẽ ngắn gọn, và sẽ dễ hơn, chỉ cần tập trung làm tốt 2 phần [4+ 5] còn 1 chút may mắn [1+2] và trợ giúp từ 2 bên, mình nghĩ khả năng lấy 50 điểm sẽ nằm trong tầm tay.
Level: B (Intermediate)
I. Choose the word or pharase which best complete each sen tence. Circle A, B, C or D
1. ...................... the third on the right, just after the bank.
A.Get B. Go C. Take D. turn 
2. Turn right....... the traffic lights and you’ll see the cinema.
A.At B. Off C. on D. over
3. I saw a very good.........advertised in the paper this week.
A. job B. Career C. Work D. occupation
4. It was difficult to see the road through the........fog.
A.strong B. Narrow C. Deep D. thick
5. The train now........at plantform 11 is the 14,52 to London
A.Lying B. Resting C. Standing D. boarding
6. In a week’s time you........on Paris for a year.
A.Are living B. Have lived C. Had lived D.Will have been living
7. Woud you like ....... my dictionary?
A.Borrowing B. Borrow C. To borrow D. borrowed
8. Sarah .... eat a lot of sweets when she was young.
A.Was used to B. Usally C. Did use D. Used to 
9. They work in offices......are air-conditioned.
A.Who B. Which C. Where D. they
10. I wish I ..... my letter of appication earlier.
A.Would write B. Had writen C. have writen D. wrote 
II. Reach the following passage carefully then choose the one answer A, B, C or D with you think is correct.
People commonly complain that they never have enough time to accomplish tasks. The hours and minutes seem to slip away before many planned chores get done. According to time management experts, the main reason for this is that most people fail to set priorities abuou what to do first. They get tied down by trivial, time consuming mattets ang never complete the important ones. One simple solution often used by those at the top is to keep lists of tasks to be accomplised daily. These lists order jobs from most essential to least essential and are checked regularly through the day to assess progress. Not only is this an effective way to manage time, but also it serves to give individuals a much deserved sense of satisfaction over their achievements. People who do not keep lists often face the end of the word day with uncertainly over the significance of their accomplishments, which over time can contribute to serious problem in mental and physical health.
1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Common Complaints about work B. Accomplishing trivial matters
C. Achieving job satisfaction D. Learning to manage time

2. According to the passage, why do many people never seem to have enough time to accomplish things?
A. They do not priotize tasks B. They get tied down by one difficult problem.
C.They file to deal with trivial matters. D. They do not seek the advice of time management experts

3. In line 5, the word “those” refer to 
A.Daily lists B. Trivial matters
C. Priorities D. people
4. In line 8, the word “achivements” could best be replaced by which of the following?
(Dòng 9 trong bài)
A. Assessments B.priorities C. Decisions D. acoomplishment
5. The passage states that one solution to time management problem is to
A. Consult a time management B. Accomplish time – cosuming matters first
C.Keep daily lists of priorities and
check them regularly. D. Spend only a short time on catch task
D. Spend only a short time on catch task

I. Use the follewing sets of words and phrase to wire complete sentences.
1. / The manager/ get/ along well with/ all his employees/
2. / Jane/ promise / to keep in touch with / us / while / she / be / in Australia/
3. / They / love / and / understand / each other /
4. / Be / this / the / best hotel / you / could / find / ? /
5. / The house / be / too expensive / for / me / to buy /
II. Rewite each of the following sentences in such a qay that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. My protests were ignored by everybody.
Nobody .................................................................................
2. It’s a great pity you wote that letter.
I wish ....................................................................................
3. Ralph’s passport was nowhere to be found.
4. The last time we were here was in 1990.
5. In spite of all our efforts, we failed.

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