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Môn thi: Đọc & Viết - Trình độ B

Thời gian: 90 phút

Ngày kiểm tra:........tháng 08 năm 2008

Họ tên thí sinh:.........................................................................................................

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Nơi sinh::...............................................................................................................

PAPER 1: Reading comprehension (30 minutes)

SECTION A: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. Circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the correct answer.

1. He coundn't make the radio.............................

(a). to work b. work

c. working d. worked

2. The secretary has been busy....................all afternoon .

(a). to type b. type

c. typing d. typed

3. She..............drive to the station every day but then she decided to walk instead.

a. was used to b. was using to

c. had used to (d). used to

4. I'm sorry I haven't got any money. I've......................my wallet at home.

a. left b. forgotten

c. missed (d). both a and b

5. I disapprove..........people smoking in public places.

(a). with b. at

b. on d. of

6. While studying he was financially dependent................his wife.

a. to b. on

c. of (d). from

7. Her father won't...............drive his car.

a. allow her (b). permit her

c. leave her d. let her

8. Our flight from Amsterdam to London was delayed..........the heavy fog.

a. as result b. because

c. on account for (d). due to

9. Last year, Matt earned................his brother.

a. twice as much as b. twice as many as

(b). twice more than d. twice as more as

10. He.................a bad cold; he sneezes so often.

a. has been having (b). is having

c. has d. will have

11. She said she met you once at a meeting last year. .............since?

(a). Have you met her b. Had you met her

c. Did you meet her d. Were you met her

12. We are..........him to arrive at any moment.

(a). waiting b. hoping

c. expecting d. wishing

13. I don't like to ask people for help but I wonder if you could..........me a favour.

a. make b. find

c. do (d). give

14. Mr and Mrs Hudson are always..............with each other about money.

a. annoying b. arguing

(c). discussing d. shouting

15. I should like to thank you, .............my colleagues, for the welcome you have given us.

a. on behalf of (b). because of

c. on account for d. instead of

16. You ought to leave for the airport now..........there's a lot of traffic on the way.

a. in fact (b). in time

c. on order d. in case

17. The children ...........better leave now, it's getting late.

(a). should b. had

c. would d. ought

18. He has just bought.....................expensive new furniture.

(a). an b. these

c. those d. some

19. The company................employees on strike is closing down for two weeks.

(a). which b. whose

c. that d. both a and c

20. It's no use .............a language if you don't try to speak it.

(a). to learn b. learn

c. learing d. learned

Section B: Read the passage and choose the best answer for the questions that follow them.

Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821 and emigrated to New York City where she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor that was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters seeking admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. So determined was she that she taught school and gave music lessons earn money for her tuition.

In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to abandon the idea.

Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides being the frist female physician in the United States and founding her own hospital, she also established the first medical school for women.

21. Why was it nearly impossible for Elizabeth Blackwell to get into medical school?

a. Her family didn't want her to become a doctor

b. She wrote too many letters

c. She couldn't afford the tuition

(d.) She wanted to be part of a profession that no woman had ever entered before.

22. Why did Elizabeth have to abandon her dream of becoming a surgeon?

a. She couldn't get adimtted to medical school

b. She determined to further her education in Paris

(c ). A serious eye infection forced her to do so

d. It was difficult for her to start practice in the United States

23. How old was Elizabeth Blackwell when she graduated from medical school.

a. 21 (b). 28

c. 36 d. 42

24. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

a. She became the first female physician in the United States.

(b). She was the first woman surgeon in the United States

c. She established the first medical school for women.

d. She and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children.

25. Which is the main idea of this passage?

(a). Elizabeth Blackwell overcame serious obstacles to become the first woman doctor in the United States.

b. Elizabeth Blackwell had to abandon her plans to become a doctor because of an eye infection

c. Elizabeth Blackwell even taught music to pay for her medical studies.

d. Elizabeth Blackwell founded the first medical school for women.

PaPer 2: Writing (60 minutes)

Section A: Use of English

A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.

At sixteen Henrry Wincent was separated(26)..from..his family as a result of the war. He wandered aimlessly from one country to another finally settling(27)..live.. in Australia, where he trained(28)..as..an electronics engineer. He established his own business but it called for so much work that marriage was out of the(29)..life..

His retirement suddenly(30)..made..him realize(31)..how..lonely he was and he decided to take up a hobby. With his interest in electronics, amateur radio seemed a natural choice. He installed his own equipment and obtained a license and his call sign.

Soon Henry had(32)..been..great many contacts in far-off place. One(33) ............particular was a man in Calirornia with(34)..what..he had much in common. One night the man in California(35)................to mention the village in Europe he(36).................come from. Suddenly, Henry realized that this man was in (37)...............his younger brother, Peter. At first the two brothers were at a loss for words but then little(38)..by..little they filled in the details(39)..................their past lives and not long afterwards Henry Vincent flew to California to(40)..get..reunited with his brother.

B. Guided sentence bulding. Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentence.

41. The woman/ we/ give/ check/ yesterday/ leave.

The woman who we gone a check yesterday had left

42. When/ war /break/ 1914/ he join/ army.

When the war broke in 1914 he joined the army

43. I / wish/ I/ not/ rude/her/ party/ yesterday.

I wish i hadn't been rude to her at the party yesterday

44. Jim/ rather/ go / class/ tomorrow/ today.

Jim would rather go to the clarse tomorrow than to day

45. The film/ show/ television/ many times.

The film is showed on television many times

46. Thank/take/ time/ talk/us.

Thank for talking you time to talk with us

47. The roof/ be/ need/ repair.

The roof is needed to repair

48. We/ like/ you/ have/ this bag/ gift.

We would like you to have this bag filted

49. I/ run/ her/ this morning/ while/ I/ way/ work.

I run often her this morning while i am on the way to work

50. He/ looked/ as if/ he/ run/ ten miles.

He looked as if he had run ten miles

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.

51. Who does this bag belong to ?

Whose.....is this bag ?.....................

52. Turn off all switches before leaving the workshop.

All the swiches.....musta be turned off before leaving the workshop.......

53. Roses can't possibly grow in such poor ground.

It is impossible...for roses to grow in such poor ground.....................

54. The accident happened because the train driver ignored a warning light.

If the train driver hadn't ignored a warning light the accident wouldn't have happened

55. "Why didn't I get a computer before" thought the office manager.

The office manager wondered. Why he hadn't get a computer before....

SECTION B: Composition

Choose ONE of the following topics and write about 100 to 120 words on it.

1. The benefit of sport and physical exercises.

2. Computers play a very important role in our lives. Prove this.

3. Discuss some advantages or disadvantages of studying abroad.

Topic number............


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