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I. Multiple choice questions

Choose on correct answer by circling A , B,C, D or E to complete the sentence below:

1. Outlook Express helps you send mail to...around the world

2. ...... In order to many users............. at once to transmit data quickly t be broken into small, manageable chunks.

3. The fundamental rule of data base design theory is that each table .......... should have..... a unique row identifier.

4. CD-ROM drive is an electromechancial device.............. that be able to..... reads data on CD-ROMs.

5. Windows NT and UNIX are .......... two leading operating systems............... for servers.

6.An Internetwork is ........ a collection of.......... individual networks, connected by single large network.

7. Data integrity prevents incorrect or invalid data.......... from being stored.............

8. SQL Server 7.0 .......... provides a set of tools for.............. create date ware houses.

9.The Internet backbones are made up of connection points....... called.......... nodes.

10.Most operating systems provide.......... functions ............ to read and write data to files.

11.The kernel of Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional operating systems are... identical.............. .

12. Device driver is a software component......... that permits............ a computer system to communicate with a device,

13. Data is transferred from the internal memory to the arithmetic -logical unit along......channels.......... known as buses.

14.Most people ........ connect to........ the Internet by using a network connection or an Internet service provider.

15.Laser printers can be quite expensive and ...... are therefore ...... often shared through networks.

16. File Transfer Protocol (FPT) is an Internet standard protocol for transferring files......between computers..........

17. A bank would use a relational database to store information about ........ its clients....... 18. A local user account must first be created on a local computer ......... before...... a user can log on .

19.We will have to ................ consider............using another company if they can't provide the software we need

20. The new book uses business ............. applicable......... to teach computer studies.

21. If you are new to this system, almost everything will have to be .............. explained..............

22. Today, many companies ............ depend................. more on FAXes than on mail.

23. ......... connection.............. is an important concept in global communications.

24. The................... creation...................... of this database will give us a huge advantage over our competitors in the long run.

25. Our company is working on a new............... generation.................... of software products

II. Multiple choice questions

Choose on correct answer by circling A , B,C, D or E to complete the sentence below:

26. All user requests to............ access............. a database are handled by the database management system.

27. This................... analyst............... shows that most PC users are not aware of the full potential of the software products they buy.

28. Computers are capable of storing a lot of information by.............. record............... it on tapes or disks.

29. To .......... access............. information recorded on a disk, a disk drive must be used.

30.One of the.......... requirements...... of a good computer programmer is to have a logical mind.

31. The number of bytes per second a tape must be considered in .............. measure.......... the transfer speed.

32. A computer is limited in its ability by the .................... imagination................. of man.

33.................. addition.............., subtraction are two basic mathematical operations

34. There can be many.............. complications.................. involved in setting up a computer in an old building.

35. There isn't a very big................. difference............ in flowcharting for a program in COBOL or FORTRAN.

36. Computers can do mathematical operations quickly and .............. reliability..............

37. Some computer manufacturers have................ integrated ................. input and output devices into one terminal.

38. The control unit of a processor............... coordinates............. the flow of information and the memory.

39. A few ideas have been.......... diagrammatically............. for you in this book

40. The words "arithmetic-logic" and "arithmetic-logical" can be used............... interchangeably (?).................

41. It is often difficult for computer science students to .... divide...proportionally between studying and programming.

42. A computer can do.............. repeat........... operations without getting tired or bored.

43. Computers can............ compare............ numbers.

44. Electronic equipment often takes a long time to................. repaired (?) ..............

45. Computers can produce results quickly and............... accurately.............

46. Building............. permission.......... is usually required before starting an building for a computer department.

47. Computers can do repetitive operations.............. continuously........ without getting bored.

48. Computers are........... associated......... with speed and accuracy

49. The components of a computer system operate only in ......... response........ to commands from the control unit.

50.A programmer......... decides........... what the computer is to do, process the necessary information.

III,dien tu

Give 7-Networking 8-Online people 4-Attach

5-Download 9-Users 2-Sender method 6-Transfer

Giving 3-Until 10-Pick 1-Application offline

Transform uploaded networked during connect

II. Fill in each blank with one suitable word or phrase from the table below :

(voi cac tu co san hay dien vao doan van duoi day)

3-Tube 1-Cheaper 5-Scanning 7-Change 9-Software

2-Wrong 8-Motherboards 6-Laser 10-Keyboard Power-14

5-Having 8-Infrared 6-Purpose 3-To 9-Shared

Send Connecting Use sharing security

With X-ray 1-Connected electrical 2-Switched

7-Radio 4-Transmitting transforming 10-In on

1-Programming Functions-36 2-B 10-Structured 7-Independent

C++ Unit As dependent with

8-libraries 9-Of 3-Than 4-Operating 5-The

Program procedure software most by

III) Find the appropriate terms that meet the given definition (terms from the table below)-(Tung cau duoi day chi tu nao)

7-Pixel 4-Wireless Array 1-PDA Shortcut

Bit LAN 8-Protocol I-POD 5-Icon

10-Mouse Menu bar Instructions 6-Partition Keyboard

Resolution 3-MAN 9-Taskbar Track 2-Programme

6-Keyboard CMOS 9-ALU 4-CRT 3-Semiconductor

Multimedia 10-RAM Memory 8-Mainframe Metal


5-Web browser 7-Port Workstation Mouse ROM

Compiler RAM 4-HTTP 7-Record 1-CPU

5-Web browser 2-Scanner 10-BIOS 6-Debug Control Unit

Printer Website 8-Cache 3-Firewall Array

HTML 9-Operating system CMOS Virus ALU

6-Pascal Printer 3-SQL 5-Array 2-Device Driver

Address bus Access Download 9-HTML 5-Binary Search

C 1-Scanner 4-Upload 7-System bus HTTP

String CPU 10-Artificial

Intelligent Operating System Applet


"READ 1"

Cho doan van:1-dien tu;2-tra loi cau hoi

1.Read the following passage and choose the correct word given in the table to fill in each bank.

15-Scan 5-In 4-On 1-Changing 2-Process 12-Commoly 3-Code 11-For

13-Allows 8-Attached 9-Reflection 6-To 14-Sit 7-Types 10-Contain

2.read the passage again and choose the best ansews a,b or c for each of the following statements.



2.if you want computer to do different tasks,you need


3.A world processor program is an example of........software


4.A browser program (or Web Browser) is


5.The Abbreviation PC is user for computers


6.Multimedia computers


7.All of the following are input devices except




9.Barcode readers are being userd in commercial environments as noncommercial environment,wich include all all the following except


10.All the following statements are correct for barcode except


"READ 2"

Read the following passage and choose the correct word givent in the table to fill in each blank


Converted-6 Associate-2 9-Ability 3-Considered 8-Designed

4-All 10-Addition 1-Attribute 5-Easy 7-Chunks

read the passage again and choose the best ansews a,b or c for each of the following statements.

1.In your opinion which of the following statements give an accurate summary of the passage?


2.The Word Exhibit in paragraph 1 means


3.Both conventional computer programs and knowsledge systems(or knowledge based systems) contain:


4.In Conventional program,the data,manipulation,and control capabilities are


5.Knowledge systems include


6inlnowledge systems the knowledge base,inference mechanism and control mechanism are


7.Advantage of the separation of the three mechanisms in knowledge system is


8.The interference and control mechanisms are


9.One Of the disadvantages of databases is


10Besides Storing Straightforward definite facts,knowledge bases store


"READ 3"

Read the following passage and choose the correct word givent in the table to fill in each blank

Include Purposes Apparent From Needer

Displays That Accommodate Relatively Manages

read the passage again and choose the best ansews a,b or c for each of the following statements.

1.Which of the following is not true about the modern computer?

2.An Operating system is:

3.Without an operation system ,a computer

4.All the following describe correctly a GUI except

5.A command interpreter is

6.X-Windowns is

7.Wich of the following is not true regarding the use of operating system?

8.All the following are correct statement except

9.All the following are true about the operating system except

10.Which of the following is not true regarding the function of f the computer system

10-thuat ngu trong bai 1:13,14,18,19,21

10-thuat ngu trong :

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