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Frankie Xiao

I have always been persuasive and that has served me well in this dictated life.. I can't be sure how the ability came about or when I began using it.. The first time I distinctly remember doing so was when I was younger and I convinced father Xiao to buy me a pony.. One that I would never learn to ride.. I didn't even want to..

I just didn't want to be so different to all the other girls at my school..

With their blonde hair, big blue eyes and sun tanned skin.. They had so many things that I didn't.. I felt like an alien who didn't really belong, even then..

I used that same power of persuasion as frequently as possible on Master Li.. After he first brought me to his house of hell, I was never allowed to leave the basement, he would visit me down there once or twice a day and that was all.. After months of cold, lonely darkness, I would finally convince him to allow me out for a few hours and after a few years, I was able to roam certain rooms and even stand in the sunlight by the back window.. Sometimes I could see a bird, or a butterfly.. Those were my favourite days..

Sure I paid for those privileges, I had to become all the things the Master wanted me to be.. He changed my hair, my clothes and the way I spoke.. But for those few precious seconds of free will, standing in the sunlight, I would've done anything..

I earned Master Li's trust through compliance, and survived through determination, all so I could take that knife.. That butter knife, the silver key that had set me free..

But in all those ten years.. I've missed so much.. I know I have.. I want to make up for it, to be something different and forget about where I had been..

The only thing is, outside these walls.. By myself-- I am terrified and useless.. The city overwhelms me and everything becomes flat and fuzzy.. I find it almost impossible to breathe, or think.. Or move..
But not when River is with me.. With him, I feel strong.. I feel safe.. I feel like maybe I can recover some of that lost time or those pieces of myself that were torn from me along the way to this very moment..

My second chance..

A rebirth.. A new life.. One that I actually get to choose..

"Lilly, we should really talk about this some m--mmuhh.." I steal the speech from his tongue with mine, licking the velvety warmth of his mouth, just like he had done to me.. He tastes a little like spiced whiskey and creamy caramel..

He's so yummy..

"I don't want to talk.." I press my heart to his hoping that he can feel the fire in my chest.. "I want to feel like you say.. Good.. Powerful.."

"O'kay-- but if you don't like it-- if you want to stop, you just gotta say so, alrite'?" He holds me close and speaks in a low husky huff, his breathing heavy.. "I don't want ye' to be quiet.."

I nod.. "Yes."

"Promise me--" He pleads, sucking at my bottom lip.. "I only want to make you happy, Baby.."

A small whimper escapes me when I feel a pulsing pull between my legs.. "I promise.. Please.. Make me happy, River.."

"Mmmh goddamn, you're more than lovely.. The way ye' say my name, Mmmh baby.. It feeds a fire in me.." He lifts me up, turning me over to sit me in the place where he had just been, sinking to his knees in front of the sofa.. Lifting my left foot in his warm, enveloping hands, he begins to squeeze and press the tender muscles of my arch.. "I'm gonna worship you, Lilly, like a goddess.. You deserve that.."

"A goddess.." I sigh, losing myself to dreaming thoughts of heaven above..

His returning promise to me is the most liberating breath of air I've ever breathed..

I am once again set free from my fears.. Unlimited in my access, able to have anything I want.. To be anything I want..

Just like River had said I could..

"I'm your slave, Mistress Lilly.. Whatever you want from me.. Whatever you need.. I'd give it to you.. You only gotta ask.." I believe every word he says.. I trust in everything he does.. And I have never felt this way.. Not about Li Jun.. Not About Father Xiao.. Nobody has made me feel like River does..

With him, I am in perfect harmony with myself..
Darkness and light..
Good and bad..

I feel my body surge with a new life force.. Connected to myself and to him, the man who would sacrifice his safety for me..

"Give me everything." I mumble, mesmerised by his offer.. I want all of it, everything he has, whatever it is..

Bringing my toes to his mouth he kisses them, one by one, stopping to suck on the littlest of my piggies.. I squeak in tickled pleasure.. "Ooh!"

He chuckles, a low rumbling groan, tucking my foot against his shoulder.. "Hmm.. Now you have tickles, Mistress Lilly.."

I giggle as he moves to nibble at my ankle.. "Ooh, I have them all over!"

"I'd like to lick ye' all over.." He groans, fingers creeping up the backs of my calves, seeking and squeezing as he slides me forward to the edge of the sofa.. "I wanna feel ye' on my tongue, taste ye'.. Mhh.. I bet ye' taste so fuckin' sweet.."

My head falls back to the cushions wondering if I really am sweet and what it would feel like, to be licked all over.. Wondering and wanting to find out.. "Like candy?"

"Mmhmm, just like candy, baby.." His tongue flicks a wet trail up the inside of my knee and I shiver as he draws back, puckering his full lips to blow a stream of cool air over the lingering wetness.. The result is an instantly cool, almost icy tingle.. And it feels better than any kind of contact I've ever known..

"Wǒde tiān na.." I moan in astonished pleasure, peering down at him to see him smile..

"Does it please you, Mistress?"

I smile uncontrollably.. "Oh yes.. So good.."

His fingers tease at the hem of my flowery dress to tickle my inner thigh.. "Can I kiss you here, Mistress? Please?"

"Y-Yes.. Do it.." I sigh and he does as I insist.. Lowering his mouth to suckle at the softest part of my skin.. "Ohhh.."

"What about here?" He grazes the flesh of my opposite thigh, a little higher up..

"O-Okay.." When he kisses me again, I gasp in surprise as the muscles deep down beneath my belly throb, longing to be touched..

What is happening?!

I have never yearned to be touched there..

Now, I feel as if I might actually go insane if he doesn't relieve the swollen pressure building up inside of me..

River flicks at the fabric of my dress, exposing the pale blue underwear beneath.. "Can I tell you a secret, Lovely Lilly?"

I push up to my elbows to peek at him.. "Always."

"I-- I haven't done this-- in a while.. I'm-- afraid it won't be what you deserve.. That I won't be good enough for you.."

"It means so much to you?" I ask, the strings of my heart playing some kind of song that sounds like joy and feels even better..

"It means everythin'.. I want to be all the things you need me to be, so I can show you how it is you make me feel.. I want to make you cum.."

"How do I?" I ask on a desperate shaken inhale..

He purrs a low, hungry him, licking his lips.. "You let go.. Think lovely thoughts.. Relax.. Breathe.."

"I want to.. Do it to me." I seem to persuade him with those words, because he leans forward and kisses at the apex of my thighs, breathing warmth directly into me and filling me up inside with something that feels a lot like devotion, except less patient.. More needy..

What is this wonderful, aching feeling?

Is it love?

The heat lingers in the fabric until he tentatively dips his fingers beneath the elastic.. "Can I lick you, rite' here?"

"Oh.. Yes.." I lift my hips to allow him to slide the material down my legs which have begun to shake.. I feel scared, but in a good way.. A little embarrassed, but mostly excited..


For a second I hear that bad word in my head..
I hear it and it hurts like a salted wound..

But then I look into his eyes and remember what River said..

Instead I should think kinder..


I smile, feeling as though he deserves to think kinder of himself too.. "You are lovely to me."

He blinks, something soft, sea-foam green and vulnerable behind his gaze.. "T-thank you, Mistress Lilly.."

"Don't stop." I blush, urging him to make good on his promises to lick me all over like candy and give me everything..

"Yes, Mistress." He takes my hand and brings it to his hair as his head dips down between my legs.. My nervous fingers clench at the strawberry silk of his strands and my heart swells so full that it really might pop..

Oh, so hot.. I feel on fire.. Burning from the inside out..

His tongue, wet and warm, seeks to explore my secret garden and nothing could have prepared me for the vibrations that quake so violently through my body that my knees snap shut and River's head is squashed between my thighs..

"Mmmmph.." His muffled groan only heightens the goodness, buzzing through the bundle of my flesh that he holds hostage with his mouth..

"Oh wow!"

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