Chapter 1 -Kitty got claws

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I wake up to my governess pulling on my arm. She rolls her eyes and wrenches on my arm.
"Get up you lazy, lazy lady." She sends me a loving smile before wrenching on my arm again. I stand up and pull my emerald night gown down.
"I'm up you crazy woman." She glares at me but I know she doesn't mean any harm. She has been with me all of my seventeen years.
"The king would like to see you in the grand hall, you better hurry princess he sounded urgent." She opens my wardrobe and pulls out a deep emerald dress with elegant embroidery in gold. Being the only princess in the castle with red hair like fire the king chose my personal color to be emerald. My sister Elizabella has thick blonde hair so her color was chosen to be a deep sea blue. My other sister Gemma-ann has dark black hair so my father chose red as her color. We each have personalized tiaras with our colored stones. Mine of course are real Emeralds in all different sizes. Elli has the finest Benitoite my father could find. Gem has pyrope a glorious red that makes her look stunning. I happen to be the youngest Tinsla princess, Elli is eighteen, and Gem is twenty-two. Elli is married to Prince Jacovi and Gem is married to Prince Denvell. Our father wanted them to live in the castle so that is where they stayed.
I undress quickly and allow my governess to help pull the dress over my head. The fabric is silky and elegant I absolutely adore it. I make my way down the grand stairs and into the grand hall. Father is standing by the study door waiting impatiently for my arrival. I quickly curtsy.
"My king." He nods ever so slightly before taking a seat in an old leather arm chair.
"My dearest Princess Lila please take a seat." He gestures to a thin chair used only by Princesses. I take a seat and smooth out the skirt of my dress.
"I called you here to discuss your up coming wedding. Prince Darlig has asked for your hand as you know and I have accepted. You will wed Prince Darlig before the next full moon." He pulls a cigar out of its case and claps his hands sending one of the many servants into motion.
"My king that is only in a few days. How will I get a dress on such short notice?" I already know he has a dress for me but I desperately need to stop the marriage. Prince Darlig is good looking and smart but he doesn't have a good sense of humor nor does he respect women the way he should.
"Lila your dress has already arrived. You will marry him and if you refuse you will be sent to the coven." The coven is horrible beyond anyone's comprehension. The kings built it for any of the princesses that disobey orders. They are forced to be slaves for the Fae. The Fae are not little winged creatures that spread magic, they happen to be vicous warriors that protect England.
"Yes my king." He waves his hand dismissing me. I curtsy and turn towards the stairs. I get to my bedroom and close the door. I flop on my bed like I use to when I was a girl. A knock sounds on my door, tears are already streaming down my face. The knock sounds again and my agitation raises. I get up and fling the door open.
"WHAT!!!???" Behind the door is Prince Darligs twin brother Malick Finsly. They look similar except Malick has hair the color of night and eyes the same shade of emerald as my dress. Darligs hair was the color of sun and his eyes are the color of dirt.
"Kitty got claws." Malick flashed his famous smirk that makes girls go wild.
"What do you want?" I tap my foot impatiently.
"Well, if you are not to busy my brother would like you to go on a picnic with him." His eyes flash dark but he quickly shakes it off.
"I am too busy at the moment but please thank him kindly if you would." I curtsy before closing the door. A foot stops the door from closing but it isn't Malicks. I open the door to see my father's scowl.
"Prince Malick, please tell Prince Darlig that Princess Lila would love to join him." He shoots me a look of satisfaction.
"Yes, my King." Malick bows with an exaggerated arm fold. He hurries dwn the stairs. I was left with my father.
"Lila didn't I tell you to accept any offers Prince Darlig asked of you?" His scowl had returned. I am his daughter so he expects me to obey Bo matter how I feel.
"Yes, my King. I apologize for disobeying." I curtsy and wait for him to send me away.
"You may go. Change into a summer dress and wait for a knock." I walk into my room, close the door, and open my wardrobe. I pull out an emerald summer dress. I wish I could wear something different like black. I pull the heavy dress over my head and pull the flimsy dress on. It is very sheer almost see through. I sit in my bed and wait.

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