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Chapter 013: Escape From Morrow House



5:35 AM, MAY 28TH, 1987

The trio open the door and run out of the master bedroom. There's no sign of the shadowy, broken-necked things that must be ghosts, or the monstrous creature that can only be the demon. A look at Emmy shows she can't feel any sign of both as they creep down the hallway—despite their desperation to escape at the first light of dawn that will end the horrors at last, they can't chance accidentally running headlong into the monsters. Not when escape is finally so close.

It feels more real as, through the cracks in the boarded-up windows, the barest hint of sunlight is slipping through, and it gives the teens visible hope that maybe the demon, the ghosts, they are gone now and they can just run out of the house and try to forget this horrifying night.

But they run down the stairs, and see the monster that has been hunting them all night—the demon.

It stares at the frozen teens with its void-black eyes, growling as black ooze drips down its fangs. It stays still for one second before it lunges up, grabbing Quinn. She lets out a scream as it drags her down the stairs before she lets loose a pain-filled scream as its fangs clamp around her right arm and it drags her away.



They run after her, right to the basement. The door is flung open, with red light pouring out as growls, screeches and shrieks come from the depths of it, as the camcorder glitches the most wildly it has been since the haunting had started. The demon is dragging a screaming Quinn right to it, not letting go of her arm despite how much she kicks and punches it, and it seems as if she might be dragged into the hell-world Harold Morrow talked about in his journal.

But neither Ben or Emmy will let that happen, as the camcorder and flashlight are dropped by Ben as he runs to Quinn, grabbing her free arm as Emmy lunges at the demon, flashlight raised like a club over her head as she lets out a yell full of rage and vengeance and brings it down on the demon's head with all her strength. Black ooze spurts out in a fountain, spraying Emmy and her flashlight with it as the demon lets out a muffled howl of pain, but Emmy doesn't stop as she brings it down again and again, bludgeoning the demon as Ben tries to pull Quinn free, as the monster growls in pain and rage. But as Emmy moves to bring down the flashlight again, the demon pulls its head away—and ripping off Quinn's arm with the movement.

Quinn screams in agonised pain as Ben pulls her to safety, blood drenching him as it pours out from the ragged stump of Quinn's arm, a shard of bone sticking out from it. Emmy stands in front of them, as stained in Quinn's blood as Ben is, now pulling out her switchblade and flicking the blade free.


Get to the door! Get out of here and get Quinn help! I'm right behind you!


No! We're not leaving with—


Ben, go! Quinn needs help! I'll deal with this asshole! Just get to that fucking door! 

When Ben still hesitates, she looks over her shoulder and lets out one, screamed word.



This time, Ben listens, as he gets Quinn up and grabs the camcorder. When he's sure he's supporting her, Ben and Quinn make one last run to the door while Emmy fends off the demon as it gives a howl of pain and rage after the sound of something sharp hitting something wet and semi-solid crackles over the camcorder, buying the pair time to get out of Morrow House. The screen shows the front door as Ben and Quinn run up to it where, with her remaining strength and her only hand now, Quinn manages to open it. The door gives way, exposing the familiar street as Ben and Quinn down the steps and onto the sidewalk as, out of the screen, dawn breaks out over Renvale—sunrise coming at last and ending the horrors at last.

Ben puts down both Quinn and the camcorder before he takes off his belt and ties it around the stump of Quinn's arm, a makeshift tourniquet to stem the blood flow.


I'm gonna call for help, okay? Just stay here, o-okay?

Quinn can only nod.

Ben rushes off-camera, obviously to call for help. From the way it's been set down, the camcorder's tilted screen shows Quinn's pale, pain-filled face, and just behind her. the darkened space of the open front door of Morrow House. No sign of the demon or ghosts, or the other monsters lurking outside until this moment.

And no sign of Emmy.

Ben runs back in, and now notices that Emmy's not out.


Wh-where's Emmy?

Quinn doesn't give a response, but she doesn't need to as horror fills Ben's face and he turns to Morrow House, cupping his hands over his mouth.


Emmy! Emmy!

She doesn't come out, and Ben looks like he's torn between staying and going back in there to get her out.

But just as he's about to make a choice, Emmy runs out. She's dishevelled, covered in blood and ooze, the flashlight and her switchblade similarly stained in blood and ooze, but she's alive and unharmed. Behind her, the door swings close by itself—Morrow House shutting itself and the horrors it contains for another twenty years.


Oh God. Emmy!

He runs toward her, hugging her tightly. She returns the embrace, holding Ben as much as she can with her flashlight and switchblade, the two sharing a tight embrace before breaking apart and returning to Quinn, who has passed out from pain and blood loss, the belt showing bloodstains but the blood flow seems to have stopped. Still, Ben and Emmy share a worried look, not even able to celebrate they survived because of Quinn's injury that might still prove fatal before the sound of sirens breaks through the still morning. Ben and Emmy look up to the direction of the sirens as an ambulance and police cars arrive on the scene, before paramedics and police officers pour out, seeing the bloodied and dishevelled Ben and Emmy, the bloodied knife and flashlight, and Quinn and her missing arm, and move toward them.

The camcorder blacks out.



But yeah, Quinn lost her arm! But other than that, they're all alive and okay! And Emmy truly lived up to being the final girl and got rid of the demon or at least hurt it enough! 

But we have one last chapter left! I'm kinda sad this is gonna be over, but this was so fun to write still!

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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