Chapter 10

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Days passed and our second internals where also done a couple of days back.. and all these days I couldn't get a chance to speak properly with Divya..

I would just go and the max we would just smile at eachother and leave.. I din't know what to talk and how to start a conversation..

But today I'll go to her.. I'm missing staying close to her now.. I went near there class and found Anu standing with a few girls.. probably her friends..

"Hey", I said

"Oh hi Arjun", Anu smiled

"Um.. where's Divya?", I asked

"She just went to the washroom.. she must be coming in a minute or two", she smiled

"Ok I'll go see", I said

"That's girls washroom Arjun", Anu smirked

"Yeah I obviously wouldn't go inside.. I'll just wait for her out, that isn't of any harm right?", I smiled sheepishly

"Yeah lover boy.. go", Anu teased

"Yes yes, meanwhile you enjoy with him", I said indicating Aarav who's just coming

"Arjun", Anu glared

"Ok kiddo, don't kill me with your glares", I laughed

"Who kiddo, what kiddo? I'm not any kiddo", Anu frowned

"Sure thing.. kiddo", I laughed and ran from there

It's fun talking to her.. she's a fun filled girl, and I see something in Aarav whenever we speak about Anu.. umm, something to find out..

Well, now time to concentrate on my darling Divya.. by the way where the hell is girls washroom now?

I kind off went around the whole floor and couldn't find the washroom anywhere.. is it in this floor atleast?

"Heyy wait, can I know where's the girls washroom is?", I asked some girl walking in the way

She din't answer and glared at me.. and that's when I realised my words.. damn, why do I have to embarrass myself like this?

"No, don't think otherwise.. it's just that my friend..", damn what do I tell now

"That's ok I understood, it's right left", she said showing me

"Ok thank you", I smiled shyly and she left

Phew!! Anyways, right and left.. and here I found it, how come I din't come this side till now..

Anyways now how will I know if Divya is inside or she already left? Why am I so messy now?

I called Anu and she said that Divya still haven't come.. but just asking her to call me when she comes I cut the call..

She probably is here only.. I waited for a while and see no one came out..

I'm scared now.. what would she do so much time in the washroom? 

I called Divya also.. it was ringing but none picked the call, she probably left it in her class?

I saw someone going inside the washroom and I called her..

"Could you please check if there's anyone inside.. ahh, I mean my friend still hasn't come so..", I said

"Yeah", she said going in

Damn, why don't I feel good now? I feel.. I don't know, just not feeling good..

"There's no one inside.. I checked it", she said

"Oh okay thank you", I said thinking of Divya

Where did she go? I moved forward checking all the rooms in the floor.. I reached some room and found it closed, I opened and found it all dark..

Shurgging it I was closing the door again when I heard some sound.. what the hell was that? Is someone inside?

I went inside and wait this seems to be some lab.. I moved ahead when I hear some sniffing sound.. this is scaring me now..

I couldn't see much clearly being it a little dark.. the power was off probably..

I was looking and moving ahead while I bumped with something.. no, it's someone..

Just then the lights where on and I saw Divya infront of me with her eyes closed.. Divya here? And she look frightened..

"Divi", I softly called her out


Damn, this subject was boring and our professor was like a cherry on top.. only he knows if he's teaching or just reading from his notes..

Anyways, the class is now done and we moved out for the break and we all.. means me, Anu and few of our friends where talking casually..

A while later I excused myself and went to the washroom.. Anu insisted to accompany me but I denied and went alone as it was near by..

I came back and my professor called me stopping in my tracks..

"Yes mam", I asked

"Divya, can you please take these books and keep it the lab?", She asked

"Yes sure mam", I said

"You know my place right, where I keep all my books?", She asked

"Yes mam, I know", I smiled

She smiled and went away and I went towards the lab and kept the books in its place..

I turned around and suddenly I felt scared.. scared of being alone, calm down Divya.. it's nothing, just go out fast..

I was moving ahead when the door closed suddenly.. shit, no Divi calm down.. I probably din't put the door stopper..

I tried to go away from the room when the lights went off and suddenly I felt rooted in my place and everything suddenly felt infront of my eyes..

Goddam, I started to sweat and panick arises through my chest feeling heavy all of a sudden.. I started moving forward while I bumped into someone..

I looked up finding a hope.. and I was already feeling dizzy with all those running in my head.. while I felt someone holding me through my waist preventing me from loosing balance..

But I was in no mind to think of that.. my thoughts where still occupied with what happened before, I fell down on my knees while I heard someone calling my name..

"Arjun", I whispered knowing his voice

"Divi are you fine, what happened?", He asked worried

I could no longer resist myself that I broke down the moment and caught hold of him in my little fist hugging him to my life..

He wrapped his hands around me caressing my hair with one hand and constantly rubbing my back with the other trying to comfort me..

I din't wanna leave him that moment.. I felt so weak all of a sudden and hugged him clinging to him tightly.. I don't know how long we stayed in the same position..

"Divi calm down.. it's just me, nothing to worry ok?", He asked softly

But I kept weeping, I'm glad the lights where on by now and I raised to look at his face.. I could see tears pricking from the corner of his eyes..

He looked up and our eyes met for a brief second.. he backed off and was getting up when I held his hand in mine..

"No, please.. don't leave me", I cried

"Never Divi, I'm just going to get some water ok? Come sit here", he said and made me stand

He made me sit on one of the chair and got a water bottle aside.. I quickly drank down treating my dry throat and looked at him who was already worried for me..

"You fine?", He asked caressing my hair

I nodded slightly and he took his hanky wiping my face..

"I'm sorry.. and thank you", I whispered

"Shh it's ok.. come let's go, don't worry I'm with you", he said holding my hand

I nodded and we went out and he din't leave my hand even for a second..

"You wash your face and come.. I'll be right here", he said walking near the washroom

I went inside and found it empty.. there's none inside and I felt tears flowing again through my eyes.. I quickly moved out panting hard..

"Divya what happened, are you fine?", He asked

"Please come with me inside", I asked

"Me? How can I Divi?", He asked

"Please, there's no one inside.. I feel..", I couldn't complete and almost on the verge of my second break down

"Ok shh calm down.. I'm here with you ok? Come", he said moving along with me


She was scared to death.. I don't how long she kept weeping under the crook of my neck and how long I held her close to by heart worried for her tears..

I don't know what happened that she seems so scared and frightening, but that look on her face and her flowing tears pricked my heart..

I gave her some water and she drank in a go.. she was even scared to let me go and I held her tight in my fist assuring her..

I made her wash her face still standing next to her.. although it was uncomfortable to be in the girls washroom I know I can do anything if it's for her..

Just then the door opened wide and a girl came inside looking shocked at me.. I din't know what to say, but I felt Divya held my hand and muttering a sorry we left the place..

"Sorry, you much have felt embarrassed", she said

"That's ok.. anything for you", I said genuinely

"Thank you Arjun.. you although unintentionally, came at the right time.. I don't know what would I do if you weren't there at the time", she said

"That's ok.. you fine now?", I asked

"Yeah I'm feeling better", she smiled slightly

We moved forward going towards the class and I heard her voice..

"Won't you ask what happened to me?", She asked looking at me

"No.. if you feel comfortable you shall say it yourself, otherwise I don't want to", I smiled

"Ar'nt your curious?", She asked

"I'm, but I know you ar'nt comfortable to share it now.. your safety is more important Divya", I said looking deep into her eyes

She looked at me for a brief second and and we went towards there class only to find Anu standing there looking all tensed..

"Anu", Divya called her

"Oh my god divi", Anu hugged her immediately

"I'm fine Anu", Divya said softly

"Where are you till now? I thought you where with Arjun as he came looking for you but he wasn't lifting my calls and I got worried", Anu said backing off

"Ahh I.. I just got a little scared being alone in the lab, but that's ok I'm fine now", she said looking at me

Divya softly explained Anu the whole situation and Anu looked at me..

"Thanks Arjun, I don't know what Divi would end up in today if you din't go in the right time", Anu said and I could see her eyes going moist

"Calm down Anu I'm alright now", Divya said

"Yeah, you sure or will have your tablet?", Anu asked

"No I'm good now, if I feel any suffacation then I'll see", Divya said

She has medicines also for this? I wonder what could be the reason that Anu was so worried for Divya just for a few minutes being away..

Ok I understand Divya was actually in need of someone that time but Anu's reaction still surprised me.. there's surely something.!

If not I don't think Anu nor Divya would be this scared, although I feel it's a small incident Divya was scared off.. I can sence that for her it's too much to take in..

But please god, whatever it is always keep her happy.. I can't see her again like this, never again!!

"You probably need to rest Divya.. we'll leave now", I said looking at Aarav

He also probably must be thinking like me.. anyways she needs her space now, so it's better we leave and she take a little rest to calm down for now..

"Yeah thanks again", Anu said

I smiled at her and looked at Divya who's already looking at me.. passing her a small smile I moved ahead to leave but stopped when I felt someone holding my hand..

I looked and found Divya holding and wrist and looking at me..

"Ahh, Arjun..", she was saying

I wonder what..?


Heyya guys!!

What do you guys think Divya stopped Arjun for? Lemmi know through the comments and also tell me if you are liking the story.. it's important for me to know to continue further so please guys..

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