Chapter 13

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I'm hell annoyed and scared at the moment, our third internals are just a week ahead and we are pilled up with tons of assignments and stuff to complete..

This wasn't any new though, this always happens before the finals.. couldn't they give initially and give us some pretty good time to complete all this?

Above all this something I like about is Arjun!! The way he looks at me makes me feel loved each time I look into his eyes which I avoid to most of the times.

I still remember the day when he caught me falling down, it instantly reminded me of our first meet and sent me goosebumps all over. 

It's already been more than three months I met him for the first time, and a lot have changed now..

I'm still not open with him, but atleast I can talk freely around him.. although half the time Aarav would be near Anu that I din't get much time to talk with Aarav, he's good too and got along easily with me.

And now meeting during lunch was common to us four and I liked it too.

"Hey beautiful", I heard Arjun

Where did he come suddenly? And what, beautiful?

"Hey, you here?", I asked

"Oh yes Aarav left home as he was a little unwell and the class being utter bore so I came here to see you", he said

"What happened to Aarav?", I heard Anu

"Nothing much, it's just a light fever but since he have sinus problem I suggested him to leave and take rest for today.. don't worry he'll be fine by tomorrow", Arjun said

"Oh he's home now?", Anu asked

"Yeah", Arjun replied

"Oh can I go to see him?", Anu asked hesitatingly

"Um sure, his dad will be at work and his elder sister also at work.. so I guess only his mom might be home with him", Arjun said

"Will she mind if I go?", Anu asked

"No she's a cool one, you can go not an issue Anu", Arjun said

"Ok then I'll go and check him, and Arjun drop Divi home today and also send me his address", Anu asked quickly

I can clearly see she's worried, she surely feels for him and I know she will soon realise it.. I'm already shipping them!

I assured Anu that I'll be fine and hugging me once she left to Aarav's house..

"Don't you think something is cooking?", Arjun asked looking at Anu running quick

"Nope, it's already cooked and soon to be burnt", I said

He laughed hard at my statement and I too joined him laughing on the floor..

"Well that's actually true.. he likes her", Arjun said

"What really?", I asked excited

"Shit, did I just say it out?", He asked making a face

"C'mom don't hide it now, tell me", I requested

"I probably shouldn't coz he asked me not to, but how can I resist your cute pout", he gazed at me

I blushed at his statement.. did I actually?

"Don't tell Anu about it, but Aarav confessed that he likes her.. although he haven't said any love and all such big words, but I'm pretty sure if not today then tomorrow it shall happy.. Anu just doesn't seem to be any teen crush for him", he said it out

"Oh my god, that's so great.. and this Anu haven't realised that also", I said

"They will, they still have a lot of time to figure out things between them", he smiled knowing

"Yeah, so what now?", I asked

"You tell, what where you doing till now?", He asked

"Was having lot of assignments to complete, so doing it one by one", I said

"Need help madam?", He asked smiling

" Thank you, but no sir.. I'm sure you have enough to do already", I laughed

"Hm that's there, but you can still ask me if any ok?", He asked

He's such a sweet one!


I couldn't help but chuckle seeing the excitement Divya had when I told that Aarav likes Anu.. she's such a kid by heart!

"By the way, what's your opinion about love Divya?", I asked

"I don't know, never actually thought", she said

"But you must be feeling something right?", I asked

"For me it's life, something which gives us life.. but love is alone not enough, it should be followed by trust and support for any relation two individuals hold", he smiled

"Even been in love?", I asked

"You can't survive without love Arjun, ofcourse I'm", she said

"What?", I shouted

"What happened?", She asked confused

"You are in love? It means you love someone? You have a boyfriend Divya?", I asked horrified

"Hey calm down, I din't mean that", she said

"Then?", I asked

"I dint mean the love which only couples share.. I mean love which any two individuals share, I mean be it your parents, siblings, friends..", she explained

"Oh dammit, you just scared the shit out of me", I said relaxing

"Why, did I say something wrong?", She asked

"No no you where completely right, but I just assumed you have some boyfriend", I said

"But how does that matter, I mean why should you be scared if I have one?", She asked curiously

I din't know what to answer.. it's my mistake to over react now, was it needed Arjun?

"Anyways, I don't want a boyfriend and neither I wanna marry anyone", she said

"Yeah right, you are still young.. you can still wait for your marriage", I said nodding

"Yeah, but that's not what I meant though.. I don't want marriage only, not now and not later also", she said

"Huh what do you mean?", I asked confused

"Sorry, nothing.. anyways forget it", she said and I could see the change of expressions in her

"You fine, is something bothering you?", I asked concerned

"No, I'm completely fine Arjun.. it's just that I remembered something, anyways you tell what are we doing now?", She asked

She clearly tried to change the topic, I know there's something bothering her but if she isn't comfortable to speak about it now then I shall not force her either..

As far as she's safe and happy I really don't care of all those..

"Shall we go out?", I asked

"Out where, I should reach home on time also", she said

"Don't worry about that, I'll drop you on time.. we still have around two hours so unless you have anything important to do, we can hang out for a while", I said

"Ok but where?", She asked

"Let's see, I observed you enjoy during bike rides.. so I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed either way", I smiled

"You observe so much?", She asked surprised

"If it's about you then I observe even a minute detail", I smirked

"That's kind off creepy", she said

"Noo that's called lo..", what was I even gonna say

Accept it Arjun, I'm actually behaving like a creep..

"Ok let's go", she said ignoring my words

She probably understood what I was gonna say.. glad that atleast she dint ask further.

We moved towards my bike and drove to our unknown destination and as expected Divya was enjoying the ride throughout..

"By the way, where are we going?", I asked

"I thought you already thought about it", she said

"So you won't ask? What if I kidnap you?", I asked

"Oh what would you demand in return?", She asked going along

"Umm, may be I'll threaten for some money?", I said smirking

"Really, the super rich guy is gonna kidnap a middle class girl for money?", And she started laughing hard

"Well that's my dad's money, if I kidnap you then I'll get that money to myself", I said

"Oh cool then, then please take me to some good place.. I don't like if it's untidy and dusty ok?", She said

And that's it, we both ended up laughing hard that she held my shoulder for support and I froze the moment..

This surely isn't the first time she sat on my bike, but the first she held my shoulder and I'm getting all dramatic filmy vibes now..


I smirked internally seeing his fallen face when he assumed me to have a boyfriend, but he probably shouldn't..

I can somewhere assume what's going in his mind, but I wish it isn't what I think to be.

I don't know how I just spitted about my whole idea of no marriage ever, he seems confused but neither I could tell him the reason..

He's super fun to talk with, and that's the main think I like in him.. he suddenly stopped the bike and I saw a small shop aside.

"You hungry?", I asked him

"No, just like that.. you don't actually need to be hungry to eat you know?", He laughed

"That's true though", I smiled

"Hm so what will you eat? Not panipuri right?", He asked

"You remember?", I asked

"Ofcourse", he smiled

"Ok I'll take one samosa chat?", I asked

He smiled and placed the order..

"You won't eat?", I asked

"Won't you share?", He asked

"Sure", I smiled

We sat to aside next to eachother while soon he gave us our plate..

"You eat first", I said

"No you take first", he smiled

"No you Arjun", I said

"You eat Divya", he said

"Arjun eat", I said stuffing a spoonful in his mouth

Fuck! Why did I even do that? Messy me..

He opened his mouth wide looking at me and I closed his mouth by his chin and chuckled at his expression..

"Sorry, I just..", I was saying while he interrupted

"No no, I liked what you did", he smirked

"Your turn", he said forwarding a spoonful towards me

I hesitatingly held the spoon trying to take from him, but he moved my hand back still forwarding near my lips.

"Eat", he smiled

Seems like I'm left with no option, he probably would be hurt if I deny..

I opened by mouth and he fed me with his ever charming face and my lips curved into a smiling seeing his smile.

He smiled in satisfaction and we resumed eating peacefully with a little chitchat alongside..

"Ok come, I remember there's some park near by.. you wanna go?", He asked

I saw the time and I guess we can hold on for a while more..

"Okay", I replied

"Come", he stood forwarding his hand

I smiled at his gesture and held his hand standing up but even after, he haven't left my hand while walking..

I wanted to ask him to leave my hand, but then fine!

"Umm just a minute, it's my dad calling.. I'll just come", Arjun said

I nodded and he went aside to talk, while I was slowly walking forward.. I looked around and it was an empty road, I quickly looked back and couldn't find Arjun either..

I started to sweat suddenly finding me all alone in a new place, I ran back trying to find him while I realized my eyes going moist!

I saw Arjun speaking on the call at a small distance from me, he's there and that got me a little confidence.. but still my fear popped in and I briskly walked to him and stood right behind him unable to stay alone again.

He suddenly turned back and widen his eyes looking at me, he probably din't expect me here..

I softly muttered a small 'Sorry' as he was still on call and I saw him saying something and hanged the call..

"Divya what happened are you fine?", He asked holding my shoulder

"Umm, yes I'm", I said not looking at him

"What happened? Is something troubling you?", He asked softly

"No, actually.. I can't stay alone, I mean I'm scared to be alone or in the dark.. that's the reason I was too frightened the other day in the lab as well.. I couldn't find you so I got scared and ran to you, I'm sorry I probably disturbed your call", I said slowly

"No no, I'm sorry.. I wasn't able to hear so I walked up to here.. I'm so sorry I didn't know about it and left you alone, I promise I wouldn't next time ok?", He asked softly

I simply nodded unable to form any further words..


Heyya guys!

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