Chapter 33

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Days pass so fast that it's already a month after I confessed.. everything feels so new post that and I feel my heat rising within when I feel him close.

More than a month it is that he's officially my boyfriend and still I wonder is it a dream or its actually happening for real..

I at times feel guilty when he keeps looking at my lips zoning out, I know even I feel the same when he's with me as to feel his lips against mine.. but something doesn't make me take a step forward and I know he wouldn't do anything without my consent..

Back then when we kissed also, I clearly din't protest and wouldn't now also.. but I just can't take the lead, atleast now and I'm sure he much be hesitant..

Anyways, this month went in a routine.. we couldn't get much time to meet and stayed connected through calls and chats..

And whenever we meet, he always comes running and pulls me into his arms as if indulging his soul into me giving me peace within..

He's such a sweetheart that I keep falling for him day by day.. he's my home!

All of a sudden even our casual talks seems to be speacial unlike before and I find myself always blushing around him even when there's nothing..

He's making so crazy with his love..

And yeah, I'm turning 21 tomorrow and I'm excited for my birthday.. it feels more exciting that I have a boyfriend this year unlike the previous ones..

I looked at the time in my phone and it was 11:30 PM already.. 30 minutes to go!

Everytime it was always Bhai who would wish me first and then my Anu.. she calls me five minutes before only coz she doesn't want anyone to wish me first but she somehow doesn't mind Bhai.

"What's running in your mind?", I heard Bhai at the door

"Nothing, come", I laughed sitting properly

"You seem excited than any other year", he smirked

"Really?", I asked

He raised his eyebrow and I laughed at him..

"Ok ok, and yes I'm excited", I smiled

"Arjun?", He asked smiling

"Yeah, I don't know if he knows about my birthday.. we never actually spoke about this", I said

"What if he doesn't wish you?", He asked

"Not an issue, I'll tell him tomorrow morning and he will wish me then.. his wish is important Bhai, I don't need anything else", I smiled genuinely

"You are so in love Divi", he kissed my forehead

"That I'm", I smiled

"When are you gonna talk to mom dad?", He asked

"Bhai no, you only dint say them about Nidhi Di.. I'm still young than you, what would I say now?", I asked shocked

"Chill Divi, I was just asking.. and about me, we decided to tell soon when the right time comes", Bhai said

"Really? You are gonna marry her?", I asked excited

"Um, no.. we just wanted to tell our parents, about marriage we both wanna wait Divi.. as I said it comes with many responsibilities and I wanna be financially and emotionally stable to take care of her", he said

"You think so much, I never thought of any of these", I said

"I'm sure Arjun knows what to do.. you don't worry about all this.. you marry now, or you marry later I'm sure you will be happy with him.. so I'll always support whatever you decide.. but now chill Divi", he said

I smiled to his words and lied on his lap randomly talking and he was caressing my hair.

I suddenly heard some sound nearby..

"What was that?", I asked

"I don't know.. may b..", Bhai stopped in between

What happened? I looked at him and saw him looking to his left, following his vision I looked aside turning on the bed and my jaw hit the floor seeing the view infront of me.


A month passed and I'm enjoying this new feelings arising in me. I'm missing her so much between our irregular classes and approaching exams that we ar'nt getting much chance to meet eachother and even we do it's not much time also..

I hope we both complete our exams early as possible and have enough time for eachother..

And tomorrow it's her birthday, ofcourse she never told me nor Anu did.. but I still remember the information I captured after our very first meet from the office room.

Ofcourse date of birth also would be mentioned and I remember it pretty well.. May 29th it is!!

I din't know what to do for her but I should do something special, it's her first birthday with me and I should make it memorable..

I bought a chocolate cake for her.. oops sorry, it's ferrero rocher cake and I remember her telling once how much she loves this chocolate.. so I'm sure she would love this as well.

But now the real problem is how would I get in? I can't ring the bell, I can't call her to open the door as she probably wouldn't be much surprised with it..

And yet again my eyes fell on her balcony and seems like I should do this again.. but what about the cake? I can't afford to spoil this beautiful cake now.

Well, anyways I have my backpack which I brought to carry the cake and all I can do is pray God that the cake should be fine after I reach her room..

Sighing, I held the pipe aside and climbed up making sure there's no one around the surroundings..

I reached up and looked up and found Divya lying on Siddardh Bhai's lap, shit Bhai is here..

I suddenly felt Bhai looking at me and he seems to be shocked seeing me here.. ofcourse he would be.. I saw Divya also who just turned around and widen her eyes I'm shock.

I partially messed up again..!

"Arjun?", Divya and Bhai whispered

I smiled sheepishly and jumped from the window and took a step towards them.

Divya got up suddenly and stood opposite to me.

"What are you doing here at this hour Arjun?", I heard Bhai's stern voice

Shit, he's probably angry now.. Am I gone now? Save me and the cake god!

"Bhai, I.. I mean..", what should I say now

"Bhai", Divya whispered looking at his angry face

"Chill Divi, I'm not angry on Arjun.. he should know it's not safe to climb up like this", he said looking at me

"You are angry that I came climbing and not coz I'm at home now?", I asked confused

"I said I trust you which means I do.. I know what's between you both now so I really wouldn't mind you coming for her and I ofcourse know why you came now.. but you should have opted other way than climbing like this", he said

"Ahh, sorry Bhai.. I mean, I couldn't ring the bell disturbing your parents nor I could call her..", I said

"And how about calling me?", He raised his eyebrow

"Yeah, but I din't have your number", I said

"You should have simply asked Anu for it", he glared

Oh yes, he's right actually.. I should have done that..

"Sorry Bhai, that din't strike my mind.. but don't worry, I'm good and this isn't the first time also", I said

"Means?", He asked

Shit, my mouth.. he doesn't need to know I came like this before also.. fuck you Arjun!

"He meant, he's the flying cockroach that day", Divya said softly

Oh yes.. I remember how she referred about that unknown flying cockroach to which she shouted where it was me who came to return her book.

"Oh so he is it.. anyways I expect you to leave through the door atleast.. and", he was saying

"And?", I asked

"And you ar'nt staying here the entire night.. you are leaving once you are done with all these", he said sternly

Okay, I see his protective brother side coming out now..

"Don't take me wrong Arjun, I know it's nothing to worry but you see..", he was explaining

"I know Bhai, you don't have to explain at all.. and yeah, I'll leave in max one hour", I assured

He nodded smiling at me and I looked at Divya who's happily speaking on call forgetting us both here..


He's here for me? That means he knows my birthday.. but how? I was silently listening to both of them talking while I heard my phone ring.

I looked at the time and I know it's Anu.. I picked it and she screamed wishing me 'Advanced Happy Birthday' five minutes before the time..

I somehow took a step back speaking to Anu that I forgot Arjun and Bhai next to me..

"Is it Anu?", Bhai asked

"Yeah", I replied smiling

I was now standing between both of them and suddenly I felt someone pull me into a hug.. Arjun!

"Happy Birthday Love", he whispered in my ear hugging me tight

I smiled hugging him back and mouthed a "Thank you" to him.

He slowly backed off and I looked at Bhai, he hugged me too and kissed my forehead.

"Happy Birthday chutki", he smiled

"Thank you Bhai", I smiled back

"Happy Birthday bestie", I head Anu shout from the phone

"Thank You Anu", I smiled

"I hate Arjun, I'm third to wish you now..", Anu frowned

"Chill Anu, it's just 12:01 now.. you wished me on time, so isn't that important?", I asked

"Ok ok, I agree.. anyways happy birthday babes, I love you so much", she said excited

"I love you too Anu", I smiled wide

"Ok ok then, will meet you tomorrow and now enjoy with Arjun", she said teasingly

"Shutup", I whispered

"I'll do, bye then", she laughed and cut the call

"Ok then even I'll leave.. you both enjoy now", Bhai winked at Arjun

And I see Arjun blush? He just Blushed? I realised he looks so adorable when he does that..

Bhai hugged me for once and left the room and now it's just me and Arjun left alone..

"Happy Birthday", Arjun said again

"Thanks", I smiled

"Oh wait, I bought a cake", he smiled

He slowly took it out from his bag and I was surprised looking at the size. He slowly opened and my eyes beemed with happiness..

"Ferrero?", I asked excited

"Yeah, you like it right?", He asked

"I love it Arjun", I clapped my hand in happiness

"I knew it", he smiled

"Come let's cut", he said taking the knife

I nodded and sat on the bed next to him.. he held my hand softly and I cut the cake and taking a small bite I fed him while he licked my fingers..

I looked elsewhere not meeting his eyes and I heard him chuckle..

He took a small bite of cake and I frowned..

"Take a large bite Arjun", I said and he laughed loud

He cut a bigger piece and fed me while unlike him, I bite his finger to which he screamed.

"God, look at your face", I laughed

"Wow, how romantic", he glared at me

"Arjun, I'm 21 and even you are 21 now", I said

"I'm turning 22 Divi", he said

"Yeah, but you still dint right", I grinned

"By the way how did you know my birthday?", I asked

"I have my ways", he smirked

"That's unfair, tell me", I asked

"Nope", he said

"Fine, by the way when's your birthday?", I asked

"Find", he said

"How will I find?", I asked

"I don't know, find my birthday and you ar'nt allowed to ask Aarav or my parents" he said

I thought for a while I smiled at him..

"Ok done, I'll find it for sure", I said determined

"Good, and wait I have a small gift for you", he grinned

He took out a small box from his pocket. He took a silver chain and my eyes twinkled seeing it.

This is so beautiful.. oh my god!!


Hey guys

It's Divya's birthday, tell me what do you want your boyfriend to do if it was your birthday? 😉

Do vote, comment and share ❤️

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