Chapter 43

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The fact that I actually saw Divya after more than a year is making me smile genuinely after so long yet I'm getting emotional thinking of everything that happened.

The moment I saw her I couldn't just hold back that I pulled her in my arms..

Enough of staying away from eachother now, I want her back in my life and I'll get her back also.

Although I still feel it hard to believe that Divya just left me like that just coz I couldn't support her that time and probably she assumed that I doubted her.

She wasn't someone who takes decisions hastily, that I still wonder how could she take such big decision in a night..

Anyways we are heading down together now and I don't wanna waste even a minute to convince and sort out everything between us.

For that I gotta have a clear talk with her, but I know she will try her best to avoid me.. so first I should try getting close to her again..!

"Arjun, you are caught with work now", Anu smirked

Why is she smirking?

"You gotta get Anu's bridal wear Arjun, she wanted to try it once so that she can give for alterations if required", Aarav said

"Okay but how will I know?", I asked

"Ofcourse, that's why Divi is gonna accompany you", Anu chirped

"Why me?", Divya asked

"Coz Arjun can't handle it all", Anu said

"I don't know the dress either, what will I do?", Divya asked

"Just give him company, you know he doesn't like sitting quite.. so accompany him", Anu shrugged

I know why she's doing it, I smiled at her and she blinked her eyes assuring me.

I looked at Divya who just looked at me for once and looked away.. I can take it as an yes then!

"Shall we?", I asked forwarding my hand towards her

She looked at my hand and then at me, and I know she's hesitant.. but I can't back off, I have to get close to her again and make a conversation as well.

She slowly kept her hand in mine not meeting my eyes and see everyone around smiling at us.

I held her hand taking her out to our car and opened the door for her..

"You don't have to do all this Arjun", she said looking at me

"And what if I wanna do?", I asked back

She looked at me for a brief second and got inside. I sighed and sat next to her starting the engine.

"How are you?", I asked

"I'm good, you?", she asked

"I don't know", I answered and she looked at me

We stayed silent for the rest of the journey and once we reached he was looking about the dress and came back getting the outfit.

"It's done, shall we go?", She asked

"Yes", I said going along

We reached home and Anu was satisfied with her outfit.. we joined the rest sitting in the living room.

I expected a lot would happen going out alone, and all we did is go, pick and come back in silence.

"Divi, wait I got some chocolate ice-cream for you", Anu said going to the kitchen

"No Anu, I don't want it", Divya said

"You love it Divi, it's..", Anu was saying but Divya interrupted

"No Anu, I don't eat much nowadays.. will eat later", Divya said plainly

She said no for chocolate ice-cream? Like as in her most favourite chocolate? She loved them more than she loves me and I wonder why she denied them..

I remembered our chocolate moment a few months to our marriage..

"Arjun have some more ice-cream", Divya said

"No Divi, please.. you made me eat a chocolate pastry and then chocolate milkshake and now ice-cream.. I don't have too much chocolate tooth Divi unlike you", I winched

"Arjun, it's chocolate truffle cake, Oreo milkshake, and double chocolate ice-cream", she said

"Ok whatever, but no I can't eat more.. I need something spicy", I said

"Arjun, please na.. I'm full and I don't wanna waste this", she said getting on top of me

I was sitting on our room couch and she was sitting on me with her legs either sides of me.

"Arjun you are eating this and getting lots and lots of kisses from me", she said drawing patterns on my chest

"Divi", I whispered

"Yes Arjun, complete the bowl and I'll reward you", she smirked

"You better don't forget your words", I said

"Ofcourse not, now please eat.. I don't wanna waste it and I have no thought to save it for tomorrow as well", she said

She never likes to keep it for the next day.. all she says if she does that then all her mind and thoughts will be on that food instead of anything else so she prefers to complete it then and there itself.

"Ok give", I said making a face

I took the bowl of ice cream and slowly completed eating.. I can feel only chocolate chocolate and chocolate now..

"I need something spicy Divi", I said drinking some water

"Ok sure.. I'll get you something", she said going down

Divya came and handed me some biscuits and I ate I it quick while she was laughing looking at me.

"Is it that funny?', I glared

"No, but oh my god look at your face", she laughed

"Shutup", I said

"Ok fine, come let's sleep", she yawned

"No", I shouted

"What?", She asked as if she doesn't know any

"Don't act smart Divi, you know it", I said

"I don't act smart Arjun, I'm smart", she raised her imaginary collar

"Really, then I'll show you how smart I'm", I said getting up from the couch

"Arjun no", she said running around

She probably understood what I was upto and went down running around the house and I was running behind her to get hold of her..

"Divi stop there, you anyhow are gonna end up in my arms.. so why to waste your energy?", I asked

"Arjun no, let's sleep ok?", She asked

"You promised Divi", I said

"Arjun but I'm sleepy na", she yawned again

"Fine, go sleep", I sat on the couch

She looked at me for a brief second and came near me sitting on my lap. She locked her arms around my neck and came dangerously close to me.

She kissed my cheek and that mere cheek kiss only made me smile like a mad person.

She tilted and placed a soft kiss on my neck and I held her tight by her waist, she kept brushing her lips over my face and down my neck and kissed my nose while a mischievous smile formed her lips.

I raised my eyebrows asking her but she smirked and ran from there.. damn! She just turned me and leaving me all alone?

"Divi, I'm not gonna leave you now", I shouted running behind her

"Well, don't leave then", she smiled climbing on the sofa

I went near and she quickly got down running but I held her from behind circling my arms around her waist back hugging her such that she raised her legs up and I caught her tight in my arms.

"Leave me Arjun", she shouted

"Never baby", I smirked

I picked her in my arms going to our room and she smiled holding me by my neck.

I placed her slowly on the bed and climbed upon her placing my lips on hers and she pulled me more close such that I fell beside her with my lips still in contact with her's.

I see Divya becoming bold over the time post our marriage, and I realised she craves for me equally how I crave for her.. it's just that she gets shy expressing and I say it out often.

She cares for me, she loves me, once she said she doubt if she can become a good wife to me.. but honestly she's the best wife I could ever get!!

I know, we complete eachother.. she needs me, I need her!!

I backed off and looked at her smirking, I pulled her top down near her shoulder and sucked her soft skin leaving a love bite there to which she blushed hard.

"Blushing huh?", I teased

"You make me do so", she said looking aside

"I have a question Divi", I asked

"Yeah", she said

"What do you love the most, me or chocolates?", I asked

She looked at me and ended up laughing hard holding her stomach.. is this that funny? I really wanted to know..

"I'm serious Divi", I said

"Really Arjun? You are comparing yourself with chocolate?", She laughed again

"Divi, answer na", I pouted

"Ok now don't pout, my lips are already swollen", she said

"Okay fine, now say", I said

"Well I also don't know, but I can say I love you a little more than my love for chocolates.. but you see it's not like I love them less, I love them also but you are kind off more important to me.. and now don't take my chocolates for granted ok? They are love", she said dreamily

"You are crazy", I said

"I know", she pulled her tongue out

"Anyways, I'm happy that you choose me over chocolates", I said and she laughed

"Ok then, sleep.. good night", I smiled tucking her hair behind her ear

"What?", She frowned

"What happened?", I asked

"Now don't tease with me.. you know it", she glared

"What do I know?", I asked

"You know that I wasn't sleepy and was just teasing you", she said

"So?", I asked

"So, do what you wanted to do", she looked away

"What I wanted to do?", I asked smirking

"I'll kill you Arjun", she glared at me

"I love you Divi", I kissed her forehead to which she closed her eyes

I removed my shirt and threw it aside, I slowly helped her get out of her top and she blushed when she was left with only her bra.

"Don't shy baby, there's nothing I haven't seen before", I smirked

This isn't the first time, but everytime I touch her it's blissful.. it was never lust or the desire I had within, it was always love and pure love which makes me do this.

She blushed and soon getting rid of our clothes we made love the entire night being gentle on her and slowly reached the climax settling next to her and we drifted to sleep in eachother's arms close to our heart.

"Arjun", I heard Aarav call me

"Ah.. yeah", I answered

I was dozed off and found Divya's eyes on me.. how happy we where, and now we ar'nt even talking to eachother.

I stood up and noticed all eyes on me..

"Divya, I have to talk to you", I said

She looked at me shocked, she probably dint expect me to ask this.. she kept looking at me and looked aside not answering to me.

"Divi", I said and she looked at me

This time I saw her eyes soften.. is it coz I called Divya before and now Divi?

I din't know if she will like me calling her Divi now.. she doesn't like if someone calls her such who aren't close to her and now I don't know what I hold in her heart.

She slowly got up and looked at me, I smiled and moved ahead and she was following me like a post puppy.

We entered the room and I closed the door slightly to which she looked at me confused.

"I wanted to talk to you", I said and she nodded

Why isn't she speaking to me?

"Will you speak?", I asked and again she nodded not looking at me

"Talk to me Divi", I whispered holding her shoulders

She looked at me for a few seconds and wanted to know what's going in her mind.

"Say", she said which I merely heard

"I wanna clarify few things", I said and she looked at me confused

Is this the right time to discuss all this, or should I wait for a little more time?


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