Chapter 54

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She pushed me in a go between our kiss..

"Divi", I whispered

"How many times should I tell you Arjun", she pulled me in the washroom

"What are you doing?", I asked looking at her

"Din't I tell you not to touch me if you don't shave neatly?", She asked taking the shaving cream

"What?", I shouted

"Then what? You know it was poking my lips?", She glared at ne

"You know you totally spoiled it?", I gave an annoyed look

"Then let's start it fresh again.. but first you gotta shave it neat", she said applying the shaving cream

I rolled my eyes and let her do what she wanted to, she softly shaved my beard which seems to be really old now. She cleaned it herself and then looked at me while a satisfied smiled formed her lips.

"Now see, how good it looks", she said turning me towards the mirror

I like me in both beard and clean shave, honestly Divya also loves me in beard but she never allows me too close stating that it pokes her.

So instead of being away from her I make sure to trim it neat now and then for her.

I suddenly felt a soft touch on my cheek and saw Divya just kissed my left cheek and now kissed my right cheek as well.

"Come", she took me out

"Will you kiss me now atleast", I glared at her

"Why do you sound so desperate?", She laughed

"Coz I'm", I made a face

"Despo", she walked away smiling

"I'm sleepy Arjun", she yawned

"Sleep with me", I said shamelessly

"Ofcourse, in a straight meaning yes I'll.
In a double meaning then no", she said it straight

"I know, I meant just sleeping only", I said and she looked at me

She said it so casually and now I see her cheeks turning red blushing hard.. she looked away not meeting my eyes and I smiled thinking of our sweet and intimate moments.

"Don't blush", I said

"I.. I'm not", she said

"Yes yes I know", I smirked

And then came a flying pillow hitting my face!!

And why will I stop there.. once a pillow comes, it will always be followed by a pillow fight and there I started throwing on her and then she did the same again.

I pulled her by her waist to which we both fell straight on the bed while she was upon me staring me with her black deep orbs.

I slowly caressed her cheek pushing her baby hair behind her ear. I tightened my hold on her waist and I feel even she did the same holding my shirt collar tight in her fist.

"I need you Arjun", she said looking into my eyes and I smiled at her words

I see a lone tear fell down on my chest when she instantly wiped it off not letting any more flow from her eyes. And that's when I understood what she actually met.

"Divi", I whispered

"I need you Arjun, I want to feel you", she said while this time tears flowed through her eyes

"Shh Divi", I said pulling her into me cooing her in my arms

She broke down in tears which probably she was holding for so long.. just coz we spoke and cleared things between us doesn't make either of us forgot and move over the pain we faced for so long.

I slowly lifted her face and placed soft kisses all over her face wiping away her tears.

I kissed her jaw going through her neck to biting her earlobe getting a soft moan from her. I kept kissing and sucking her neck line and she tilted her neck giving me an easy access.

I missed her soft skin against my lips and gave wet kisses leaving a soft love bite right below her collarbone.

She slowly looked up into my eyes and I caressing her cheek placed my lips on her devouring her lips, sucking her soft ones while she responded back with equal passion and I know she was craving for the same.

I sneeked my arm inside her top caressing her bare waist and slowly pulled her top over her head leaving only in her bra. I looked up to see Divya looking down not meeting my eyes clutching my shirt in her small fist.

"I love you Divi", I said cupping her cheeks

She looked at me with her deep orbs and a small smile formed her lips.

"I love you too", she blushed

I removed my shirt throwing it aside and she hugged my bare body and placed a small kiss on my chest. I flipped our positions pushing her underneath me and unhooked her bra and got hold of her breasts kneading them one after the other.

I slowly undressed ourselves completely not leaving her lips and filled her upper body with multiple love bites.

I hoped over slowly entering inside her moving to and fro and kissed her hard to ease the pain while I could feel hot tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Should I stop baby?", I asked backing off

She looked at me and instantly nodded in no and I got my answer.

We made love for hours together after years and I collapsed beside her and pulled her close to me by her waist covering ourselves with the quilt.

"You feeling ok?", I asked her

She nodded her head and I pulled her more hugging her.

"It was blissful", I whispered and I felt her nod

"Won't you speak anything?", I asked

This time she looked up to meet my eyes and kept opening and closing her mouth as if her words were stuck in her throat.

I know she's feeling shy, she acts all bold before and after all this she becomes shy unable to even utter a word.

"I know", I smiled kissing on top of her head


His every touch made me go weak on nerves, not just his love and care.. I equally craved for his touch on me which never fails to send goosebumps all over.

I still remember the first time we made love, although I enjoyed I felt so shy post that and I avoided him for a week straight. I honestly din't know what to speak to him nor how to look into his eyes.

But I was also scared if he would take me wrong.. the thought of what if he thinks I wasn't comfortable, or he thinks if I din't like what happened, or the worse what if he think I only did out of desire.. yet I couldn't face him then and I'm glad this husband of mine is way more understanding that got me so right and was scared to come close to me stating he was even fine not touching me but can't stay without talking to me.

That's when I once again realised how lucky I was to have him in my life.

"Will you avoid me again?", He asked and I looked at him

"I'm sorry", I instantly replied

"Hey no, I understand what and how you feel.. I was just asking so that I can plan to get you back", he said smirking and I smacked his arm

"Ouch Divi", he winched

"That wasn't so hard also", he glared

"It was, don't you know my baby girl is so strong?", He said caressing my waist

"Ajju no", I blushed looking away

"What did you say", he whispered

"Huh? I.. don't do that", I said not meeting his eyes

"What did you call me as?", He asked and that's when it stricked me


Not always, but everytime I have to convince him for something or he shows me his fake anger at times.. I simply call him Ajju cutely and my work is done!

He loves it when I call such!!

"Ajju", I called softly

I see a small yet a bright smile crept on his lips which eventually bought a smile on my face as well.

"I missed this", he said

"I missed many", I said sadly

"Sorry sorry, I don't wanna discuss all those.. atleast when being in eachother's arms naked", he said and my eyes popped out

"Shameless you are", I frowned

"Oh that I'm!", He smirked and it was silence for a couple of minutes

"Sleep Divi, you are tired", he said caressing my hair

"So are you", I said and he looked at me

"Well, I don't think I can sleep today", he said blushing

He looks damn adorable when he blushes.

"Then how about another round?", I asked

And the moment he looked at me I averted my gaze as if nothing happened.

"Repeat", he asked

"What?", I asked still looking down

"Don't tease Divi", he said and I smiled

"Even after hours of love making, I would still not get enough of you Ajju", I confessed

"I love the way you are being more vocal about such things", he said and I smiled

"Well, then come let's continue", he said sitting on my stomach

Nervousness hit me again but soon was followed by pain and then immense pleasure.. I was controlling my moans to not let anyone outside assume anything and kept kissing him now and then and once we both where drained out, we settled in eachother's arms drifting to a peaceful sleep calling off to a beautiful night we shared.

The next morning, I snuggled into what I was hunging on and opened my eyes to see my man's eyes already fixed on me.

I pulled the quilt close to my chest and looked down not knowing what to do.

He pulled me onto him through my waist such that my naked body came in direct constant with his naked front and my eyes widen feeling it.

"This feels great", he said huskily

"Let me go Arjun", I whispered

"Never", he said

"I gotta bath", I said holding him by his shoulders

"Let's do it together then", he said and I looked at him

"No thanks, I can do it myself", I said

"But I can't na Divi, I'm sure you can help me", he smirked

"Arjun, don't behave like a kid.. see Bhai will be waiting downstairs, you know right me and Bhai are going to meet one of my cousin?", I asked him

"I remember, that's why I'm saying I'll help you in getting ready", he said

"Ok, you leave me now and again I'll spend the night with you as you wish.. ok?", I asked thinking him to say yes

"Can't both be done Divi?", He pouted

"Arjun, leave na.. I should get ready please", I pouted showing my puppy face

"Fine fine, Arjun too will get a day", he said and released his hand from my waist

"You look cute", I said kissing his nose and ran towards the washroom

"Divi", he shouted and I stood against the door holding the quilt close to me

I shook my head thinking of him and taking a fresh bath came out in a bathrobe and found him looking at his phone.

"You also get ready", I said and he looked at me as if he's gonna eat me up again

"Don't stare, go", I said

"Tell me you want the room to dress up.. me bathing is just an excuse", he said and I bit my tongue

"See, I don't wanna get late", I said

He smiled coming close and slowly his hands reached my robe and pulled it in a go such that it slid down my shoulder being it already huge for me.

I can see my cleavage visible and I clutched it while he smiled and left to the washroom.

I smiled and quickly got dressed in a saree as we are going to one of my aunt's house and mom asked me to look presentable, so I guess a simple saree would do.

I heard the door sound and Arjun came but stopped looking at me.

I know, this always happens when I wear a saree. Don't know what obsession he has, he likes me in sarees and my night wear.

He says I look hot in saree and cute in my pyjamas. Although it sounded funny I still love it.

"Help me", I said forwarding the safety pin

He gave a knowing smile and came forward pinning it near my shoulder. I never pin it properly so he's the one who always helps me with it.

"How do I look?", I asked turning towards him

"Can I tell in actions?", He smirked

"No, I'm going bye", I said and rushed out smiling


Hey guys!

I hope I did justice to it in this chapter, I tried but this is max I can write.
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