Paris 🌹🔥😏 part 2

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Audrey's pov  Currently we was all on the plane to go to Paris I'm so excited. I just put my earphones in and started listening to my playlist.

Shape of you came on and I started singing forgetting I'm on a plane.

I'm in love with the shape of you I sing, I then hear clapping I took off my earphones and every one was looking at me and smiling and clapping I blushed, you sound like an angel Alex said thanks I said he smiled and kissed me.

I pulled away from the kiss and laid my head down on Alex's shoulder, and slowly go to sleep.

Taylor's pov   I started to cough, and my nose was running I got a tissue and Wiped my nose ugh!!. What's wrong baby girl Elijah said oh nothing i think I'm just getting a cold I said" oh baby I'm sorry why didn't you tell me he said

Because we had this plan for like 2 weeks now and I didn't want to stop everyone just because I'm getting sick I said." I'm sorry baby come here he said," I got up and sat down on his lap and he just started playing with my hair and saying cute things to me before I knew it I was in a deep sleep.

Lexi's pov Me and corl was playing our Nintendo switch and playing Mario kart 8 I was playing as Princess peach and corl was Mario. I was in first place and on my Final lap and then all of a sudden Corl hits me with a green turtle shell, "Hey you bit-" Corl cut me off "Umm you do not want to finish that." he said taking his hand off my mouth. I rolled my eyes and just killed off the game.

I love you he said I giggled and looked into his bright blue eyes, oh I can't stay mad at you I love you more I said and kissed him.

Tabitha's pov    But Denis I thought you loved me I said as tears fall down my face," ha like you never in a million years will I like you he said laughing. Girls I thought you was my friends i cried ha like we would ever be friends with a person like you Audrey said they all started laughing." I just cried as they kept laughing and saying hurtful things.

I was going to get up and leave but then I felt a pain in my stomach I looked down and see a knife in my stomach and blood everywhere I then fell down and then everything want black.

TABITHA!!!!! Wake up I heard denis yelling I then jumped out of my seat I felt sweat going down from my forehead I touched my head with my fingers still a bit confused if I'm wake or still in my dreams." I could feel my heart beat going so fast I then felt two strong arms pulling me into their lap I looked up and see denis with a worried looked on his face.

Wha- what happened I stuttered shh it was just a nightmare shh I'm here ok he said and I nod and rest my head on his collarbone and slowly fell back to sleep knowing that denis would never do that to me.

( time skip to Paris because I'm lazy 😂)

Jenny's pov   When we finally arrived in Paris I was so!!!!! Excited I've always had a thing about Paris and I always wanted to go but I obviously never had the money but now I do and I'm so freaking excited to be here not just with sub but with my friends I know this is going to be a honeymoon I'll always remember." I thought as we were in the uber drinking to our Hotel

I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned my head around towards the back of the car and see sub writing something down on his note book, he handed me the notebook and I read it

" you ok??" He wrote
I then took out my black sharpie from my bag and wrote down

" never better I was just daydreaming how amazing and lucky we're all here"

I wrote down and handed the notebook back to him I looked in his Direction and he smiled and looked at me I smiled back and we moved a little closer until our lips touched and we kissed passionately in the car. Wow save it for tonight you guys Corl and Lexi say which made me laugh and pull away from the kiss and sit back in my seat. Lexi giggled and I rolled my eyes at her and looked out the window again Daydreaming all over again.

Corl's pov.  When we got to the Hotel all of us got our bags and stuff off the car and walked inside the hotel. When we walked in the hotel all of our mouth dropped it was so beautiful we didn't expect it to look so amazing I thought." Umm I guess us boys will check in while you guys I guess explore the place Alex said interrupting all our thoughts on this place.

We all walked to the counter and started to Check in as I watched the girls talking I smiled because Lexi smiled she looks so beautiful I love her so much it hurts, hey corl!!! What what I said coming back to reality he's you're key denis said handing me mine and Lexi's room key.

Audrey's pov So what are we going to do first I said as the girls and I sat down in the small café that is closed now." I think *sneezes* I think.... *sneezes* god the boys are taking us out to dinner tonight Taylor said grabbing a tissue to wipe her nose," tay are you ok Tabitha said oh god momma tabs is coming out Jenny said and giggled because Tabitha didn't understand what we wore talking about.

She rolled her eyes and walked towards Taylor and put her hand on her forehead to see if she has a temperature, Taylor your Burning up she said tay what's wrong I said guys I'm fine I just have a little cold that's all she said.

Taylor why didn't you tell us Lexi said because we've been planning this for weeks now and I didn't want to ruin it just because I have a small Cold she said." I was going to say something but I got interrupted by the boys walking towards us and giving us our room keys. 

Ok ladies let's get to are rooms and relax and unpack and then around 7:30pm we got reservations to this fancy restaurant sketch said hey guys I don't think we should go out tonight Lexi said what why!!!! Alex said because Taylor is not feeling good Tabitha says putting her hands on her shoulders. Ohh they said Taylor if you don't feel good then we can just go another time Denis said no no guys I'm fine I got my medicine and I'm just going to rest and by the time we need to go out I'll be better Taylor said in a sick voice. They nod their heads and we all just got our stuff and started walking to the elevator to go up to are Rooms.

Taylor's pov    Once the elevator open to the fifth floor we all got out and made our way too are rooms Elijah carried all the suitcases and I opened are room which was "1556" < just a random number -tabs> and we walked in our Mounts dropped I quickly closed mine tho because my throat was killing me. The hotel room had one big bed for us and a living room with a tv and a coffee table and the walls had little flowers on it, it was White with pink flowers it was just drop dead gorgeous room I loved it.

I turned around and saw Elijah still staring at the beautiful room I giggled and took my bag from him I place the bag on the bed and unzipped it and took out my medicine bottle I quickly took what I needed and then put it back in the bag I then zipped it up and put on the floor. I quickly got in the big and very comfortable bed and slowly fell asleep.

Jenny's pov. When me and sub got to our room I quickly got my bags from him and put them on the bed, so what do you want to do first sub asked while sitting on the bed looking at me putting my clothes away. Ummm well there's a Beach not to far from the hotel you want to go there? I asked yeah sure you get ready out here I'm going in the bathroom he said and kissed the top of my head as I smiled.

After I put my clothes away I quickly got my bathing suit out and quickly change into I looked at myself in the big mirror you could see my cuts yes I've cut but I don't do it anymore since I met sub there was reason too because I found someone that loves me for me. I then was brought back to reality by someone putting my baiting suit cover on me I turned around and and saw sub I smiled and he pulled me into a kiss. I smiled and pulled away and grabbed his hand and we started walking to the beach.

( lol ummm so I wanted to try something different and yeah if you're not older then 18 I would probably skip this part and yeah it's not a lot of  smut but just a little just warning you 😂 oh god Lexi your going to kill me sorry)

Corl's pov    I smiled through the kiss that me and Lexi was having I pushed her onto the bed and started kissing her neck,  she stretched her head back making her neck more expose for me to kiss I slowly staring kissing her jawline and she moaned I smirked and started sucking on her neck again. I knew she was thinking "how the hell is she going to over up these hickeys that I'm giving her". I then started unhooking her bra I could tell she was nervous because we never did "it" before I quickly whispered In her ear, " don't worry I'll be gentle" I said and she nodded her head. We continued making love.

( LOL DON'T KILL ME LEXI also we all know what happens nexts so you really don't need me to finish the rest lol 😂)

Tabitha's pov    I was putting away mine and Denis's clothes when I suddenly got a text I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and looked at Who it was it was my little sister Ginger she texted me saying that my grandfather just passed away I drop my phone and sat still I was frozen I couldn't believe what I just saw my grandfather is died and I'll never see him again I thought. I started shaking by now tears were falling down my face, baby?? Denis said walking towards me I couldn't do anything but just be frozen and cry he put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me with worried all over his face the next thing I know I'm screaming and crying in denis arms.

Denis tried to calm me down but it didn't work I just kept thinking how he never got to see his Great grandkids and the last time I saw him he was mad at me for running away with denis and marrying him. My family never liked denis because well I'm supposed to get arranged marriage but I didn't want too so one night I ran away with denis and we had a beautiful wedding together. My family still hates me and won't talk to me but my sister calls here and there. by now my vision is messed up I can't see anything anymore and just like that I passed out on Denis's shoulder.

( this actually happened just without the denis 😔)

Audrey's pov It was now 5:45pm and Alex and I decided we should get ready since our dinner renovation is at 7:30pm. I quickly took out my dress I picked out specially for tonight I then put on the my bed neatly and then got my other stuff and walked to towards the bathroom. I then locked the door and got undressed and got in my hot shower.

After I was done with my hit shower I wrapped a towel around me and started doing my makeup and hair, I just put on a little concealer mascara, eyeliner, and a pinkish lipgloss, i then just curled a few pieces of my hair since it was already naturally curly. After that I walked out of the bathroom and walked to where my dress was and quickly up it on. Just as I pulled the dress on Alex walked in the looked at me with his eyes wide open I giggled what you never seen I girl wearing a dress before?? I asked with a smile on my face he just stood there and I laughed and grabbed my shoes and then my room key and phone and walked out leaving Alex all to himself.

( skip to dinner because I'm lazy)

Jenny's pov    We was all at the restaurant now we walked in the very fancy building and a nice middle age Woman came our way and Denis explained to her that we had reservations. The kind lady gave all of us a smile and told us to follow her. She lead us too a tale that would fit all of us and placed the menus on the table she then gave us a small smile and said enjoyed your meal. Me being my awkward self I said " you too" "whyyyyy am I sooooo awkward I wanna die" I thought I just smiled and sat down. ( lol please tell me you guys sometimes do that too because I've done that like so many times and I'm just so done with myself 😂 ~Tabs)

We all looked over the menu seeing what to eat I just told sub we'll share since I'm not that hungry at the moment. sub and I ate before coming here which I wish we didn't do because the food here smells amazing and looks good too. I looked at everyone and Tabitha, Taylor, and Lexi, are acting weird mean I know why Taylor is acting weird it's because she's sick and probably just wants to take off those tight Jeans and boots she decided to wear tonight and probably just put on some sweats and take a nice nap I thought. But Lexi keeps checking her phone and she actually put makeup on tonight I never seen Lexi with makeup on unless you count her wedding. She was like making sure her makeup was staying on "weird" I thought. And then Tabitha just look like she's ready to pass out she looked beautiful tonight really all of us did and I feel bad for Taylor because she's sick but she looks fabulous even when she's sick. I thought But you could tell Tabitha is holding something in it looks like she's been crying all night even though she put makeup on you could still see the pain in her eyes denis put his arm around Tabitha and she put her head on his shoulder. Just weird I thought.

I decided to let it go it's probably nothing I thought, i looked over at Alex and Audrey they was just laughing and teasing each other as they always do. Out of nowhere sub kissed my cheek I blush I always blush when sub does these things to me I smiled and turned my head towards him and kissed him on the forehead he smiled and mouthed "you missed" I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the lips.

( skip a little because this is just boring lol )

After we all order we just chitchat while we wait for our food Taylor couldn't really talk and Tabitha just kept quite which is weird because we can't ever shut that girl up I thought. Why am so interest in what's going on with my friends I thought but then I realized it's probably because I just care about them a want to make sure there ok. Soon I came back to reality and realized subs and i's food was here I smiled and we both started eating as everyone else did as well except for Tabitha she would just pick at her food.

Soon we all finished our food I'll tall you want this was a very weird dinner tonight I thought. we all chipped in and payed the bill and then we started walking out the door and soon we walked towards our car. Elijah carried Taylor since she couldn't walk she was too weak. We all got in the car Tabitha, Denis, Corl, and Lexi, all sat in the back me, sub, and Taylor, and Elijah was In the Front and that meant Alex, and Audrey, was in the Driver seat and passenger seat. I looked in the back and Lexi was whispering something to Corl and Tabitha had her head in Denis's chest as Denis brushed her back like trying to calm her down or something.

I just let go of all of what I thought about tonight it's probably nothing plus it's none of my business I thought and just looked out the window seeing the beautiful scenery.

Audrey's pov. When we got back to the room all us girls didn't want to walk so the boys carried us. I jumped on Alex's back and we all started walking into the Hotel, when we walked into the hotel there was a few people looking at us weird but we didn't care we walked towards the elevator and Alex quickly pressed the button and we all just waited for the elevator to open. Soon it did and we all walked in Alex yawned meaning he's tired I smiled and kissed his cheek and then the elevator doors open and we all got off the elevator and walked towards are rooms.

I got off Alex's back as he opened the door the second I walked in Alex closed the door and picked me up I screamed because I didn't expect it, he then threw me on the bed and started kissing I smiled knowing what he wants. Alex I'm so tired I Wined to him be then whispered "well baby your not going to be so tired in a few minutes" he said in my ear turning me on just a little. He started kissing my neck I rolled my eyes knowing I'll never get him to stop I just gave in and pulled off his shirt as he started to undo my dress.

Let's just say We both had a great first night in Paris the we'll never forget. ;)

Ok I'm done I'm soooooo tired my head hurts my eyes hurt I'm so tired I'm going to pass out. I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did writing it for you guys as you guys can see I'm going to start updating this book more often and also I'm going to start kinda a new start with the book so yeah anyways I hope you are excited and happy that I finally updated this book for you I love you all so so so so much and I'll see you guys next time bye.

Mrs. Kopotun 🌷💕😘

Btw here's all the outfit everyone was wearing in this chapter.

Jenny's dress for the dinner

Tabitha's outfit for the dinner

Taylor's outfit for the dinner

Audrey's outfit for the dinner

And Lexi's outfit for the dinner

Oh and Jenny's baiting suit that was in the chapter as well

Ok that's it lol ok now bye ❤️

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