•10• Real Danger

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"Amazing!", Jackson said coming out of the car as they reached the port.

"Never thought they would be this dumb.", he said making his way towards the man in front.

"Well, we knew Jackson. That's why we were able to beat those bastards this time.", that man said with a grin on his face and fire evident in his eyes.

"Poor Bangtan!", he said as both of them cracked in a sinister laughter.

"Yeah Baekhyun , you're right!", Jackson also said as they both high-fived.

"Ok, so where is she? That bitch who got the whole Bangtan wrapped around her finger.", Baekhyun said in a sneering tone.

Jackson just pointed towards the car she was in and Baekhyun was already half way towards the car.

"Hey!", Jackson said gaining the latter's attention.

His head turned around and his raised eyebrow showed his want to get the reason of his sudden interruption.

"Umm... You know right, that we can't do anything to her.", Jackson said in a real quandary.

Baekhyun turned himself towards Jackson only to shot him a glare which immediately shut him up.

His expression showed authority that he won't be listening to anyone.

As he reached the car, he opened the door and got in. He sat right next to her. His eyes ,in which lust was evident ,roamed all over her petite body lying there in utter stillness.

He opened the ropes which were restricting her body. While doing so as his body touched hers, a strong desire of touching her more invaved his body.

He leaned in more and grazed her soft lips with his thumb. The desire deepened as he came really close to her as there was almost no distance between their bodies.

Her unconscious self was not knowing what he was doing but if she would have been conscious,she would've definitely tried to pry him off her but god was too cruel to her this time also.

That man was taking advantage of her unconsciousness and she wasn't able to do anything.

His one hand snaked around her waist as he brought her body dangerously close to his. His lips touched her earlobe then he travelled down to her jaw and finally when his lips were about to sinfully claim her lips, there was a knock on the car's window.

Baekhyun let out a huff of dissatisfaction as he left her body and came out of the car.

"What?!", he shouted to which Jackson flinched a bit but then said,
"You need to leave right now with her. I'll join you after two days after making sure that those Bangtan aren't looking for her anymore."

He just rolled his eyes and was again about to hold the handle of the car but Jackson held his other hand and stopped him.

"What happened now?", Baekhyun just asked nonchalantly.

"I'll take her to the ship.You can go first.", he said.

Baekhyun just closed the door of the car harshly making a loud sound and started making his way towards the ship.

Baekhyun's POV

It's not like anyone can stop me from doing what I want to. Handling Jungkook also would not be a tough task for me but I'll just have to make sure that he doesn't find out about it.

We'll be taking her to Australia and there, she'll be used really nicely. I'm sure she'll make me a lot of money. And about Bangtan and that Jungkook, he won't be seeing her again.

Jeon Jungkook, that bastard really loves her huh. So it has to be done.

After all, how can I let my biggest enemy have what he wants.

"When will he wake up?!" ,Suga shouted on the doctor when he told that Jungkook's condition was not good.

"Sir, please calm down. We're doing our best and he will gain his consciousness in sometime. It's just...", The doctor's voice suddenly became timid at the end as if he was at a loss of words.

"Just what?", another voice came from behind Suga which was Namjoon's.

"Sir, it's just that the injury on his head had caused a concussion so this might result in traumatic amnesia. So basically, there are chances that he might not remember some of the things and I would advise you to not put pressure on him on remembering anything as this might be serious for him.", the doctor finally explained them everything.

After saying that, the doctor again went inside the room leaving everyone bewildered.

"What? Then what will we do? How will we deal with those fuckers? And most importanlty, how will we save Y/n if Jungkook only won't remember anything!?", Taehyung gained everyone's attention with his continuous questions.

"We'll see that when he'll wake up. But firstly, everyone's health is more important!" Jin said abruplty clearly worried for their injured state.

"But what about Y/n? We need to save her from them.", Hoseok said in a concerned tone.

"We will. But firstly, we'll need to get healed properly or else we might lose the next time also.", Jin said with clarity.

Just then, the door opened and doctor came out.

"He is awake now. I would suggest not to bring up any stressful talk as his condition is still not at its best and he will get some frequent headaches so you'll need to take good care of him. And among you all, I don't know what exactly happened but I know what kind of work you are involved in. Many of you are also very much injured so I would suggest you all complete rest. I am only a doctor so I can only tell you all what to do but it has to be implemented by you all only."

The doctor's words held concern for all of them as he was the same doctor who has dealt with their cases earlier also. But they have never been this much injured so indeed he was a bit worried.

He knew that although these men are mafias but they have a good heart who had once helped him also when his child got kidnapped by a small gang.

That time he had no one so he requested them only and within one hour, his child was with him safe and sound.

He put a hand on Jin's shoulder who was sitting on a chair due to his leg gunshot injury.

"Please sir, take care of yourselves.", he said with a concern laced voice.

With that, they went inside the room and Jungkook was there sitting on the bed completely perlexed. He looked completely lost.

"Jungkook!", Hoseok called out to which his head turned towards him.

"What happened? Why are you all injured?", he asked abruptly seeing all of his mates bandaged.

"Our mission. It went well ,right? Why are we injured? And why don't I remember anything?!", he said in a hurry gripping on his hair due to the intense frustration.

"Hey!hey! Yes, everything went well. We just got a bit injured due to the fight that broke out at the site.", Namjoon quickly covered up.

"We...we had a deal with the Scorpions and it should have gone well. We are in an alliance right!", Jungkook said in disbelief at Namjoon's words.

Everyone's eyes widened at his words. He was remembering the deal they made at the day he saw Y/n. It was as if his mind had erased the memories of the days after.

"Jungkook! Do you remember something that happened on that day?", Taehyung said gulping really hard.

"We went to make a deal of drugs with them but why don't I remember anything that happened there?", Jungkook shouted and held his head as a soaring pain emerged in his head.

"It's fine, it's fine. The thing is that everyone is safe. That's the thing that matters. Right!", Jimin quickly said diverting Jungkook's attention.

They finally made him believe that everything was fine and no other damage was done.

But the thing was that he was not remembering someone who once meant the world to him. They decided not to tell him anything now but later on when he'll be completely healthy and ready to take in everything.

They didn't know that she was the one in real danger at the instant. She needed to be saved right now or she might get broken beyond any repair.

She was just an innocent girl but a lot had happened to her and something worse than that was awaiting her.


So, entry of another new character
Baekhyun who definitely has no good intentions!

So,what would happen next? Will Jungkook be able to get his memory back before she loses herself?

So, do you guys have any idea who was that he Baekhyun mentioned?
It'll be revealed later on!

Thanks guys for supporting my story!
Hope you all have enjoyed my story this far!
Now the real story will begin!
Stay connected!
Love you all!

A hearteu for you all!

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