•12• Rewind: Back To Hell

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'Some days the memories still knock the wind out of me.'
                                                        - Y/n


he didn't know what they wanted from her but it was clear that their intentions were nowhere close to good. She was sitting in a private jet but there was not even a single person around her.

Those people , she didn't know what they'd do to her. She rubbed her hands on her body wrapping her arms around herself.

She just wanted to escape from these people. She had realised how dangerous they were and staying back would only be suicide.

Her body started to tremble only at the thought of what these people were capable of doing.

"Hey, move!", a rough voice interrupted her thoughts as her head shot up in his direction and her eyes immediately widened seeing him pointing his finger signalling her to move.

He was the same man who had tried to harass her on the ship.

She frantically started unbuckling her seatbelt but her trembling hands were not helping at all when a pair of hands touched hers and unbuckled her seatbelt.

She looked up again only to come face to face with him. Her forehead started sweating as he still didn't remove his hands after doing the job.

She urgently took her hands out of his grip and pushed him slightly away from her as she stood up to make a run to which she heard a light chuckle.

But just then, a tug on her dress made her turn around and she saw his foot was now on her dress.

She tried to pull her dress with full force but a tearing sound made her halt in her actions as she found the fabric had started to tear.

As she tried to struggle more, the more it got torn. Her eyes were red with unshed tears as she bit her lower lip.

She couldn't think of any escape as her hands remained desperately clutched on her dress.

Her hands slowly left the dress showing the sign of defeat but then she noticed that a slit was formed on the dress as her dress got torn during the process.

Her right thigh was completely in view. She quickly clutched on her dress tightly protecting her dignity as she saw him staring at her while licking his lips.

He slowly reached her and his hand slowly moved upwards and suddenly she felt a tight tug on her hair as she saw he was fisting her hair in a painful grip making pain seep in her head.

"L-leave!", she cried out in pain but his grip only tightened.

"See,this is what you are. A pathetic girl, completely helpless. So know your place and don't you dare disobey me next time or else you'll see what I can do.", he said with his manly voice looking directly into her eyes making her feel even smaller.

She closed her eyes tightly taking a deep breath not able to listen him throwing profanities at her. Her hand turned and she landed a harsh slap on his cheek.


His hold on her hair loosened making her body free causing her to stumble a bit.

His nose flared in anger at her act and the next moment a hard blow on her jaw made her face turn to the other side. Blood trickled down from the side of her lips as the punch was hard. But she took out a sigh of relief as she moved her jaw a bit and realised that it wasn't broken.

Her lips unconsciously turned upwards at her own act. For once, she stood for herself no matter if she got counter-attacked. The thing that mattered was her bravery, and she was proud of it.

His hand roughly held her wrist harshly dragging her all the way to the car waiting outside.

He pushed her inside the car and closed the door with a loud thud and went to the driver seat and started driving.

She sat at the back as a sick feeling started to overtake her body but she shook her head violently. She could not let her trauma get to her, she had to fight it if she wants to get out of this situation.

She tried to take a look around but the black mirror of the car were of no help.

After two hours, the car stopped at a large hotel and as he got out of the car, everyone starting bowing to him and she realised he was a powerful man. Not a man if you ask her, he was barely a man. One who shows his might on a woman is not a man.

He went inside the hotel without even taking a single glance at her and she was left there puzzled. She again recollected her thoughts and tried her luck trying to open the door of the car but to her misfortune, it was locked.

After few minutes, two girls approached the car and grabbed her hand taking her inside.

She started struggling in reflex but they showed no expressions.

"No! Leave me!", her words didn't affect her as it felt like they turned a deaf ear to her.

"We're sorry. We can't do anything. We are mere workers here.", one of them timidly replied.

Her heart dropped at those words.

It was the same. It had always been. No one had ever helped her earlier also and now also it was the same.

But she wasn't the young girl anymore, she was a woman and she knew she herself had to do something.

It had been almost ten hours since she had been brought in that luxurious room and locked up.

Earlier, she wasn't sure about their intentions but now her heartbeats were racing at a fast pace as she remembered what she heard when she entered.

"So, which slot she should be in?What do you think?", a young man said to the man whom he called Baekhyun.

So, his name is Baekhyun. The one who had brought me here.

"Ofcourse in slot 1.", he replied with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Are you sure?" , that man who seemed a bit unsure with his answer tried to extract the answer once again from him but his answer remained the same.

She couldn't understand what it meant. But that man asking about it so many times and showing a shocked expression was making her distressed.

She looked around in the room for something she could use for her safety. Her hands started rummaging around the surroundings and as she opened a drawer, a few items came in view which made the pit in her stomach to deepen.

The drawer contained chains, handcuffs, whips , small knives with popping coloured handles as if it wasn't close to a murder weapon.

She gulped hard as her hand clutched on one of the knives trying block away the view of other disgusting items. She had to take it to protect herself. But those things reminded her of the dreadful past which she wanted to forget, the past which made her feel weak.

She shook her head as if disgareeing to her own thoughts as the same words swirled around in her head making her shut her eyes tightly.






The knife fell from her hands as she clasped her hands over her ears blocking those sounds which kept on playing in her mind like a broken radio.

Suddenly, she felt like she was back in that hell. The place where she was tainted brutally. Her whole body was getting drained of energy. She closed the drawer in a haste and picked up the knife with shivering hands. Her quivering weren't of much help but she managed to rip off the edge of her dress from where it was torn earlier not making it that prominent.

She wrapped the cloth around the knife tying it around her her waist. She breathed out a shaky breath as tied the knot and let her hands fall to the sides. The dread of that ominous feeling never left her mind. She didn't realise when she fell asleep like that with her back resting against the edge of the bed and her body curled up.

Flashback in Nightmare

It was the second day of her in the orphanage when she was just doing the cleaning work in the front room she was assigned to clean,that day she didn't knew would be the last of her happiness.

"Ay! Seugmo come here. Your part is not done.", she laughed and called for the little boy who ran away from her before cleaning his part of the window.

She was a warm hearted girl since she was born. Her parents never had to scold her well except for few times when she sneaked out of her room at night time for her little ice-cream sessions.

But those times were gone now. For the world that sixteen year old child was a complete grown up and had to tend to all the work to sustain and survive. Her parents were gone forever to a place from where nobody returns but the poor angel they left behind to fight the world and survive alone.

A man in black coat was standing there gazing over her body like a hungry predator looks at its prey. His shameless eyes followed her faintly defined curves.

She didn't know that someone was feasting on her body in his mind. She didn't know what corrupt thoughts were running in his mind seeing her.

She didn't know that her life was going to turn into hell from that very day.

A few days after he saw her, she was called in the room of the orphanage's head caretaker, Mr.Clark as they called him.

"May I come in , sir?", she asked standing at the door to which he simply nodded.

He was an old man with little stubble decorating his face. His brown eyes didn't look dull despite his age and his thin and tall stature made him almost resemble 'slenderman' as the orphanage kids often called him behind his back.

She hesitantly sat down on the chair as she was told. She herself found the man a bit scary. Another man was sitting on the couch kept in the middle of the room whose eyes to her oblivion were glued on her only.

He was a fairly heavily built man and his expensive suit screamed that he was a rich man. His hand was resting on his thigh tapping his fingers while assessing her presence.

"Is it her?", she heard the old man saying.

"Yes.", the man's voice felt a bit husky and he seemed to be a man in his forties.

"I'm okay with the deal", Mr.Clark said as he extended his hand and shook that man's hand. She sat their confused at their actions shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

Then, he turned around on his heel and moved towards her.

"You'll have to obey him from today onwards. Do as he says.", his strict voice made it seem like a command until she felt the words actually seeping in.

"Wh-what?", her voice came out like a mere stutter not understanding his order.

Mr.Clark came a bit closer to her making her feel really uncomfortable and suddenly held her shoulders tightly causing pain to erupt on the places his hands were.

She gasped and tried to remove his hands but his grip tightened more as she struggled.

"Sir ,please leave! It's hurting!", she said as her voice started to crack due to the fear and pain.

"It's hurting ,right. It can hurt a lot more if you disobey him or me.", he said digging his nails in her soft skin making her yelp in pain.

"Aah!...leave!", she again cried out but this time her voice was expressing the pain she was feeling at the moment.

"Hm, So tell me! Would you now obey him?", his hands didn't leave her shoulders from that deadly grip but she shook her head in no.

"No!", she cried out and again tried to pry his hands off her but his eyes held amusement at her answer.

He thought it would be eaay to get this girl follow his orders. But soon, a scream echoed as he twisted her hand behind her back. She yelped in pain but it had no effect on him.

"Now tell me girl, will...", with his every word the pain increased ten folds as he twisted it further,




"No, no!", she cried out hiccuping in pain.

He withdrew his hands from her body and rubbed them together in sophisticated manner as if just few seconds ago they weren't involved in the cruel act.

Her eyes were focused on the ground as now she was too afraid to face the man in front of her. She never thought that Mr.Clark would be such a cruel person.

Now the man who was till now sitting on the couch stood up and approached her.

He extended and kept his hand on her hand. She badly flinched and backed away but he suddenly grabbed her wrist bringing her body close to his slowly.

He suddenly touched her cheek with the back of his hand making her uncomfortable and whispered,
"You're mine from now on."

Her innocent mind couldn't process the depth of his words. He was a rich man who got anything he desired and now his desire was her. She blinked her doe eyes several times not understanding his words but pulled herself away from his hold.

He surely felt creepy to her and his intense stare only made her thoughts clear.

"I'm not an object you could buy. I don't want to come with you.", she said keeping her point with her one hand was grabbing the region where she was assaulted a few minutes ago.

"Hah! I like this innocence of yours. And god! This mouth, we got to do something about it.", he said and gripped her wrist only this time he didn't leave her despite her struggles as his expression hardened.

He dragged her in her orphanage room locking the door behind her as she wriggled in his hold.


A sudden slap on her cheek made her stop in her actions as his rough hands grabbed her jaw and he screamed on her face,
"You are my toy from today. Keep it inside that little head of yours."

After that, he freed her from his grip with tears forming at the corner of her eyes. Her lips shivered as tears rolled down her face.

That man surely felt scary. She quickly turned around and ran outside the room but the man didn't follow her. Rather, he sat down on the chair with his legs crossed and his chin resting on his arm as if waiting for her.

She bumped into someone while running wildly and she looked up to find her to be sister of the orphanage, Ms.Rosie.

She had never been harsh on any of the children but she was not sweet either. Y/n quickly hugged her with tears staining her face but no word left her mouth.

"Go back.", she never thought words could be so hurtful until she heard these. Y/n looked back up in her eyes but sister averted her gaze somewhere else.

She could feel nothing but emptiness as the two workers of the orphanage carried her back to that room from where she had escaped.

Her screams echoed in the corridors as sister stood there with hands behind her back clutched together clawing on her own skin.

Once again, she was thrown back into that room where that vile person was seated waiting for her. As she came, he clapped his hands in front of her face mocking her state but what she felt now was pure terror.

She quickly backed away seeing him taking predatory steps towards her but her body stiffened as she felt the wall on her back.

She got up with her shivering legs and tried to make a run towards the bathroom but as her hand was about to touch the handle of the door ,she felt a harsh pull on her hand as she was pulled back by him.

She received a harsh slap on her cheek which made her head turn to the other side. More tears escaped her eyes as she trembled under his presence. She was still not able to overcome the burning sensation on her cheek due to his slap when she suddenly felt herself being dragged.

She tried to protest as her fists kept on hitting his body but it had no effect on him. He took her to the bed making her body fall on the soft mattress as her throat became dry. A sudden clink unbuckling sound of his belt made her scoot back from him.

He just smiled widely at her making her hide her terrified face behind her cuddled up knees. She was afraid of many monsters and demons since childhood but this monster in front of her was scaring her the most.

Her head was still hidden from him when a harsh whip of his belt hit her back. She screamed in pain trying to protect her body with her hands but to no avail and her screams pleased him as he kept on hitting her body until she was on the verge of passing out.

She didn't know why this man was hurting her. She hadn't done anything bad to him so why was he hurting her like that. As his hits stopped , she thought that the pain was over but it was just the start of her misery.

Her small and battered figure was still on the bed , crawled up and tired after all the beatings but then she felt her hands forcefully pinned on the bed as a pair of lips touched her neck.

She started thrashing while crying as he kept on sucking her neck.

"No! Get away! Help!", she kept on crying out but it felt like as if no one was able to hear her but the truth was that no one was there to help her.

The kids on that floor were shifted to the other wing making that area completely vacant consisting of only the people who were ready to crush that poor soul over money.

"No one can help you. Go on and cry all you want angel.", he shouted in her ear before giving her earlobe a harsh bite.

A strangled sob escaped her lungs as his hands travelled down and started touching her thighs which were exposed as her skirt rode up.

His hand then suddenly stopped touching her but she found it was now undoing the tie he was wearing. Fear clouded her mind as her palms fisted on his arms trying to push him away.

With a swift movement he tied her hands together above her head and held her waist. Further he attached his lips to hers and started kissing her forcefully.

His tongue started exploring her mouth against her will as his one hand was still on her waist and the other started unbuttoning her shirt.

Her tears never stopped and her body started shivering even more.

As he was done unbuttoning her shirt ,he harshly removed it from her body leaving only her bra covering her upper body.

He started placing kisses from her navel towards her chest but as his lips came in contact with the cloth covering her breasts ,his hands harshly tore it down making its straps hit her body.

As he removed the cloth, her upper body was now exposed in front of his sinful eyes.

He attacked her breasts biting on it causing her body to shudder in pain and disgust.

His one hand kept on massaging her one breast and his mouth never left her other breast.

It didn't feel right. Nothing he was doing felt right. She couldn't realise what was happening to her as her head started throbbing in deep pain.

She felt like her body getting crushed under his hold. She started choking on her tears as the pain and disgust became unbearable.

She felt his body leaving hers as he sat up and removed his shirt in one go. She felt like dying when his naked chest came in contact with hers.

Just then he moved down pulling on her skirt. Her eyes widened in fear as she started thrashing her body and legs but his hands quickly held her skirt pulling it down completely and then throwing it on the floor.

It became difficult for her to breathe as she felt his fingers hooked on the only clothing left on her body.

With a swift movement ,he pulled down the only clothing left on her body and threw it on the floor.

"Noo! Help! Please, help!", her pleads and screams increased.

Then ,he suddenly moved a bit away from her just to pull down his pants along with his boxers.

"Please!Please don't. Please I beg you!!", her pleads seemed to have no effect on him as he once again hovered above her shivering body.

With that ,he again started kissing her forcefully only but this time his one hand went down and started touching her sex.

She felt pain washing over herself when he pushed his two fingers inside her.

She tried to close her legs but his hands never let her do so. His fingers kept on assaulting her as she started feeling darkness taking over her.

Her eyes started to close when she suddenly felt a harsh slap on her face.

"No bitch. You can't black out before I take you. I want to hear your screams!", he shouted on her as he removed his fingers from her.

But she suddenly felt his hands spreading her legs apart and she tried to close them with all the strength left in her body only to receive a harsh punch on her stomach making her lose the fight with his hands.

He harshly pushed himself inside her as she let out a blood curling scream.

He groaned in pleasure feeling her virgin walls tighten around him. He started thrusting inside her as her body jerked with his every thrust.

He digged his nails inside her soft milky skin holding her body tightly under him.

She felt her body drowning in pain as he kept on ravishing her. Her mouth let out small whimpers with his every thrust as she felt her eyelids slowly closing.

Her eyes finally closed down as she felt herself falling in pitch darkness. But it didn't affect that monster who kept on crushing that poor soul under him.

That day, she lost herself and the worst thing was that no one was there to witness her sorrow or to comfort her.

And her destiny was too cruel on her to stop it after once. It kept on happening for almost an year until one day she ran away from that hell hole.

She escaped from that place but those nightmares and voices never left her.


So guys, I cried while writing this chapter. She suffered really so much!
But you know the worst thing is that it's not over!

The chapter was quite long also and it is one of the most important chapters so it took time.

I hope you guys like my story!

Thanks guys for reading and supporting!
Please vote and comment!
Love you guys!

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