•18• Trauma

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She was sitting on the bed waiting for him to come and take her away from here as he had promised.


There were a series of knocks on her door but they weren't very aggressive.She got scared at first but collected herself and reached the door and looked through the peephole only to see that lady standing there.She had something in her hand but Y/n couldn't see it properly.She was asking by her gestures for her to open the door.

Y/n wanted to open the door but she remembered his words.He had asked her not to open the door no matter who comes if it's not him or his comrades.She saw how the lady kept on knocking as if she wanted to tell her something urgent.That lady was the only one who had showed a bit of humanity towards her at his hell like place.Y/n felt the urge to know why she was there so she quickly opened the door and let her in closing the door hastily.

"What happened?" She asked with her honey like voice in a timid tone.

The lady didn't look at her for sometime but then suddenly hugged her.

"Thank you.Thank you for saving my daughter." She cried as she hugged her tightly.

Y/n also smiled a little and hugged her back."It's fine." she just said.

But suddenly she felt a sting on her neck from the back and her body jolted.She retreated her face and looked at that lady with so much fear and pain.The lady just looked at her with tears in her eyes.She did that to save her daughter whom they had caught in Y/n's room.

"Forgive me please for this."She said as Y/n started falling limp in her hold when suddenly the door opened with a loud sound.Y/n's vision was hazed when she saw someone entering the room.Her body was also not in control as she was now on the floor beside the bed.

The sounds were also not clear for her as the man said something to the lady and she bowed down and left.The man then closed the door and started moving towards her.Her vision was blurred now unable to comprehend much.Just then she heard his phone ringing and she heard few of his words.

Yes, I'm here...



He talked on the phone for a moment but she couldn't make out clearly what he was saying due to the drug's effect and she finally gave in to the darkness.

A few moments later, she started gaining her consiousness back but as she opened her eyes,she still couldn't see anything which was due to the black cloth wrapped around her eyes barring her vision.She began panicking as her PTSD started kicking in.She suddenly felt someone's breath fanning her left cheek to which she gasped and moved back.She was too traumatized to understand what was happening but suddenly she felt someone touching her shoulder.Her eyes which didn't even matter were closed or opened started tearing up as she suddenly felt that as if she was back at that orphanage and that day started playing in front of her when she first faced that monster.That day still traumatized her and now her ptsd was making her feel as if it was happening at the moment.

She felt a hand caressing her waist while the other searching for the places she didn't want anyone to touch her.The feeling felt so bad that she started feeling nauseated.She felt as if her hands were jammed as she couldn't protect herself.Her frail body felt like being crushed by a heavy weight.Her breathing was so disturbed that she was continually gasping for air.

She suddenly felt another touch on her body which worsened her condition to the point she started screaming and sobbing.

"No!No!"She kept on screaming and energy started getting drained from her body.

She kept gasping for air on the bed as more tears soaked the cloth covering her eyes.The pain felt so excrutiating for her whole body and mind that she felt as if someone was drilling holes in her head.

And after some time,

There were no screams,no cries, not even heavy breaths.Wait,were there even breaths left? No one knew.

She was on the bed like a dead body.

While on the other side,Jungkook was waiting with the other guys in the bar near the hotel.It had been an hour since they were there.

"Jungkook,don't you think we should try to contact Jimin?It's been more than half an hour."Hoseok said to Jungkook.

"Yah!don't worry.We all know,among us,he is the best.He will be back soon with Y/n." Suga reassured.

Yes,Jimin was chosen by them to go and bring Y/n.It was true that Jungkook insisted to do that but they knew that the people there might get suspicious seeing him there again.And they also knew that Jimin was very capable to do the job.

But it's been some time they called him when he told that he was going to her room.By this time,he should've come back with her or even informed them if something was wrong.

Discomfort and fear were clearly visible on Jungkook's face as he didn't want her to get hurt again and this time Jimin was also there.He was anxious if they were fine.

"Just fuck it."Jungkook said exasperated and got up from his seat.

He ordered everyone that they were going in now without any further delay.The others were in denial at first but agreed finally and they armed themselves hiding their guns and weapons and went on the way to the hotel.

Ok,I'll tell you at first that this would be a very confusing chapter but it's a very important chapter.

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