•22• Never Hurt You

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"Boss, there is a girl outside and she is saying that Ms.Jennie called her here." One of their guards said from the door.

"Ok, send her in." Jungkook said.

A girl in her early twenties arrived at the door with two bags clutched in her hands.She looked younger than Jennie and her eyes seemed a little bewildered seeing so many men staring straight at her.

"Umm...hello, I'm Suzie.Jennie called me to..."

"Ok ok just give these bags and you can go."
She got cutoff by Taehyung's voice as he extended his hand waiting for the bags.She stared at his eyes for a minute making him raise one of his eyebrows at her questioningly.She stretched forward both her arms occupying the bags but as he reached for them , she gripped them harder.

"She'll scold me.She told me to bring it to her only." she said looking at him with her doe eyes.He momentarily lost his words looking at her as she looked too cute to scold her for this impudence.

"Yah! Taehyung, just let her go if she is saying Jennie had called her. She must be someone close to Jennie that she called her here." Hoseok said.

"Ya right and that too without our permission." Suga said in annoyance.

"As if she'd ask for our permission.She always do what she wants.Stubborn girl."Jin said.

"Uhmm..so can I come in?" Suzie said with her eyes desperately looking at them for an answer.

"You may come in." Jungkook said.
"Tae hyung, take her to Jennie."he said nonchalantly.

She looked at Taehyung as he led the way well basically only went to the room with her following him.While she struggled with the bags up the stairs, he walked up letting her handle her bussiness.

"What a gentleman!"she said under her breath while struggling with the bags.

As she reached there, he walked away not even looking at her for once.Just then Jennie came out of the room.

"Oh you're here.Did you bring all the things I asked you for?"she said taking the bags from her.

"Oh yes ofcourse.But sunbae,Can I ask you why you need these things?"she asked naively.

"Well I can't tell you about that right now.But I need to talk about some more things to you.So go and wait for me downstairs.I'll come in a few minutes." Jennie said going inside the room.

"Huh! Why sunbae!? These people look so dangerous." she said to herself biting on her lower lip in nervousness.

She went downstairs as instructed and again found their gazes on her.Her heart almost skipped a beat when she saw a gun tucked behind the back of the man who guided her upstairs.

While upstairs, Jennie took out the medicines and fresh clothes from the bags.She instructed Y/n to lie down while she applied the ointment on her arms and legs.She took out painkillers and gave them to her.Y/n gulped down the medicine and got changed into the fresh pair of clothes Jennie gave her.It took her some time and she was done with all the things.

"And now, I need to tell you one thing Y/n.I know about the anxiety you suffer from due to the things that had happened with you.But I can't know it fully until you tell me about it."Jennie said looking her in her eyes.

"Right?" Jennie again said as if asking Y/n's conscience to believe that she was saying the correct thing.

Y/n nodded her head slowly showing her that she understood.But in her mind, a lot of insecurities erupted at the thought of talking about the things that had happened with her.

Then Jennie walked out of the door telling her to take rest.Just as she left,Y/n went to the bathroom taking little steps and opened the faucet of the sink.She splashed the water on her face wishing to wash away the pain and anxiety of the trauma she had suffered.She knew it would be hard to talk about but she was also willing to give away those worries even if it needed to scrape back the old wounds.

Jennie came downstairs only to witness Suzie sitting like a little puppy with the other guys sitting around on the sofa and chairs looking at her like wolves.She sighed and went to her.As Suzie saw her,she jumped up from her seat and came next to her.

"Sunbae, you dare leave me alone the next time with these guys."she said holding her arm in a whispery voice.

"Aish, don't worry these guys are just no harm to you."Jennie said removing her arm but seeing those guys still looking at her , she turned into a magnet sticking to Jennie.

"Well we can't promise that." Taehyung said with a mischeivous smirk making Suzie widen her eyes.

"See eonnie."she said now losing the honorifics in fear.

"Seriously guys!"Jennie said looking at Taehyung and them for a brief second.

Then she took Suzie with her in the guest room where Jennie used to stay sometimes if she stayed back overnight.

"Look Suzie,these guys are just messing up with you.I have something more important to talk with you."Jennie said seriously.

"Oh ok.Tell me."Suzie said with sincerity.

"From now on, you'll need to help me a lot.I will ask you for some medicines frequently and you'll bring them to me.And also I'll be on leave randomly for few days and you need to cover up for me.There is someone who really needs my help and I know I can count on you."
Jennie told her making sure she understands everything carefully.

"Ok I'll help you sunbae."Suzie said with a determined voice.

"It's ok.You can call me eonnie from now on."Jennie said with a smile.

"Really!"Suzie said not believing that she gave her the permission to call her that as earlier she used to be too strict.

"You're my junior but now most importantly you're my friend and one more thing.Those guys are really nice but just a little rude towards new people." Jennie said to her.

Amongst all these talking and stuff , they didn't realise that the night time came.Jennie decided to stay for tonight not ready to leave Y/n alone as she might feel uncomfortable.

"Ok I'll be leaving now."Suzie said to Jennie.

"Um...it's a little late.Shall I ask one of them to take you home?"Jennie said but Suzie immediately shook her head in a 'no' as to her they looked more intimidating than the dangers of the night time.

"But..." Before Jennie could say anything she quickly left the place in a haste.

As Jennie came in the drawing room,she saw them seated there.

"Is she fine now? Did she talk to you?Did you treat her wounds? Is there anything serious?" Jungkook showered her with a series of questions.

"Woah calm down Jungkook.Yes she is fine as for now.And I have treated her wounds and given her the painkillers.And there is nothing serious in physical aspects but her mental condition might not be the best.You know,the wounds she is having over her body are some of assault..."

Jungkook clenched his teeth as he heard that word.

"while some are of self harm.So in mental and emotional terms,we need to help her.Cause people are normally not able to get over this even when they are in healthy atmosphere.I don't want to you Jungkook to regret for anything later on so please be very careful when you'll talk to her.Don't make her feel even a little bit uncomfortable.She is already scared of people around her.It took her sometime to open up around me also so for you guys also it'll take a while."

Jungkook nodded his head understanding and sighed at the end.Now she was near him,still he couldn't just run and embrace her.He couldn't whisper lovely words in her ear making her feel safe because of what the world had done to her.He was angry no he was fuming.Telling Jennie that she could stay in the room next to Y/n's ,he went towards their training room.He looked at the gloves resting by the table but just went towards the punching bag and started throwing punches at it with his bare hands.It hurted him every time the bare skin of his knuckles collided with the hard leather but the pain his heart was feeling at the moment was far more than that pain.

Beads of swear rolled down his forehead as he didn't stop for even a second until his knuckles started to throb in pain.He fell on his knees looking at his injured hands.But for him it was nothing, his love had suffered so much more in the hands of those monsters and he wasn't going to leave anyone of them.

His eyes held so much anger which could tear apart the entire existence of the people who hurted her.He knew he could kill them but it would be too easy.Even a slow and painful death would not be enough.They would have to suffer so much more than they could ever even dream about.

But right now , the most important one was her.He had to make sure she feels safe here.He wanted her know what she meant to her but not now.It would be when she would be confident enough to have not even an ounce of fear that someone might hurt her.

After dinner, they went to their rooms as all were very tired but Jungkook didn't eat knowing that she was still in deep sleep and had not eaten anything.Jennie recommended not to wake her up as she needs rest the most.But Jungkook couldn't sleep thinking she might wake up hungry.He went to her room slowly and opened the door enough to get a glance of her.She was sleeping calmly with her angelic features shining under the moonlight illuminating the room.

He didn't realise when a smile got tugged on his lips seeing her safe in front of him.He kept looking at her face which was the most beautiful face he had ever seen.Her innocent eyes which were now closed and resting gave him a longing pleasure.But his eyebrows got furrowed in confusion when suddenly her hands clutched the bedsheets tightly in her sleep.She stirred in her sleep and the peace which was there on her face got broken as suddenly her expressions changed to fear.He quickly entered the room and went near her but her body started shaking violently in her sleep.Her closed eyes showed so much movement as if she was seeing something in front of her.He touched her arm to wake her up and break her nightmare. But as be touched her, a whimper escaped her lips,

"Pl..please." she felt so desperate and her voice was a pleading one.

"Y/n,open your eyes please." Jungkook couldn't think of anything else so called out for her.

While in her nightmare,she was again on the bed of her room in the orphanage,the place which she thought was her home but the people there made her realise how cruel humans can be.Her hands were tied above her head and her legs throbbing in pain under the weight of the man hovering over her small frame kissing her roughly.He was digging his nails on the skin of her arms.The pain was too much already but it increased ten folds when his hands slipped inside her shirt crossing every limit.

"No!" she shrieked in horror and the stream of tears her closed eyes were hiding finally was finally set free when she opened her eyes.Everything was blurry for her but she again whimpered in fear when a hand touched her face.It was a warm hand which didn't hold her roughly or scratched her but only wiped the tears from her face.The lights finally got switched on and she turned towards the door to find Jennie and other guys standing there.

She lowered her gaze down and hugged herself ashamed of her weak self.But then she felt a hand under her chin gently raising her face up,and she looked up to find a pair of eyes gazing at her.

Her mind stopped processing as her eyes got drunk under his gaze.The love his eyes held couldn't be barred by anything in the atmosphere. She couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. She felt a hand caressing her head to which she closed her eyes furrowing her eyebrows maybe because the hands which ever held her hair were for afflicting pain on her.

"I would never hurt you."

A voice caught her off guard. It felt so pleasing when those words invaded her ears calming her down.


2000+ words..woah hella long chapter!

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