•26• Deserve Him

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"I...I can do it." she whispered to herself as she got up from her bed and freshened up.It took her only a few minutes to gather the courage to reach the kitchen.She told the cook that she'd like to help.She tried to put together all the knowledge about anything she had which she could use to help them.Firstly,food.She liked to cook.So this morning, she prepared a few dishes with the help of the cook.

While doing that,she realised how many times she smiled at every effort she made and every small mistake she made.She was discovering happiness in the small elements of life.Then she helped the maids to set the table for breakfast.

All the guys started coming down for breakfast to which she quickly ran to the kitchen and hid behind the kitchen wall.She was excited but also nervous.As Jungkook came down, his eyes looked around for her and caught a glimpse of her peeking from behind the wall.She again hid herself quickly seeing his eyes wandering.

'Cute.' he thought to himself as he saw her.

He wanted to run to her and ask her if she's fine and all but now he knew, she needs to toughen up and open up on her own.He had done his part and will keep supporting her but she needs to get over her fears herself.

All the guys sat down but no one exchanged a morning greeting.No,they didn't even exchange a smile.But seeing such delicious food,they just dug in.

"Um.." Taehyung hummed in pleasure at the blissful taste.

Everyone nodded and kept on eating and automatically their moods changed.

"Yah! Taehyung-ah, tell that small brother of yours that today we have to go to meet our new allies for the deal." Jin said still focused on the food.

"Hm?" Taehyung said looking at him with his full cheeks for a moment as his was mouth filled with food.

"I know about it." Jungkook also said still focused on eating.

"Yah, just everyone.Don't forget that it's a very important deal so everyone better be present." Suga said now looking at Jungkook.

"Yah hyung, why are you saying that looking at me?" Jungkook nagged finding Suga's gaze on him.

"Just saying." Suga said and looked away snickering at his childish remark.

And it didn't take long for them to overcome that short period of unusual discomfort as they were again back to their normal selves.

They laughed together forgetting their worries and seeing them like that made someone's heart flutter.She kept on leaning her back against the wall with a peaceful smile on her face listening to their talks.But she jumped in surprise when sneakily a face appeared peeking at her,

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Hobi said in his angelic voice.

She looked at him surprised for a moment but frantically nodded her head finding him still looking at her.

"Then come or shall I send a carriage for you!" he said in a joking way and walked away.

She unknowingly laughed a bit at his comment making him look back at her for once and then again looked forward with a proud smile.

She sat on the chair beside Jungkook earning a playful smirk from the other members.They were also liking the way she was comfortable around Jungkook.They knew very well how much Jungkook cared for her.

She smiled at them shyly and ate the food.It felt so good to her to get comforted and live with them like a family.She again looked at them one by one feeling extreme care and love getting radiated by their pure smiles.

Soon it was time for them to leave and they contacted Jennie asking for her presence in the house.She responded in positive and asked them to wait for a few minutes and she'd be there.

Half an hour passed and they again tried to contact her but just then an enraged Jennie entered the house muttering something to herself angrily.

"Just those bastards yah! I wanna kill them.Just so..."

"Hey hey! Calm down Jennie.What's the matter?" Jimin asked her.

"Oh guys!"she stated with a little surprise as she felt all eyes on her,"it's nothing ,just leave it.You guys can go,you must be getting late."

"Jennie?" she turned to find Y/n looking at her a little worried seeing Jennie's clothes messed up and her shirt a little torn from the above.

"Oh that!" Jennie quickly covered that part with her hand feeling a little embarassed.

"Jennie! Just tell us what happened?!" Namjoon said in his firm voice making her sigh in defeat.

"Ok,ok.I'm telling."she said and continued,

"There was a guy following a school girl who seemed to be on her way home.I found it strange and followed him and ugh... as I turned into that alley where he turned,that man was grabbing that girl by her hair and his hands were all over her."

"That dog! He had the impudence to touch a girl like that!" her tone sounded rougher at this.

But then seeing their eyes still lingering on her, she continued,

"Then?" they asked impatiently,

"Oh then!, then what! , I beat his ass after that and ya this got ripped in the process." she said pointing towards the torn part of her shirt.

She finished explaining earning angry glares from all the guys there.

"You better not act stupid like this next time." Jin said in an irritated voice.

"I would if I'd feel the need and guys,the thing is that you should be with me for what I did but what I'm getting now is an earful after fighting with a crook." she said in a single breath and left from there and settled herself on the couch.

"But Jennie..." Jungkook tried to say something only to get stopped by her in the mid.

"It's fine Jungkook.I understand.You all can just go, it's getting late."

Jungkook nodded at her as he knew she was quite wise to take those things by heart and it was evident that they were only worried about her.

After they left the place, Y/n came and sat next to Jennie.She kept on looking at Jennie with her doe eyes not saying anything.

"What?" Jennie smiled and said seeing her innocent face.

"You did right." she replied and held her hands in her own.

Jennie looked at her with caring eyes finding a sinless girl, so pure for this world.She realised the desperation her voice held when she said that.She knew it must have been hard for her to go through so much all alone.

The rest of the time went by with Jennie and Y/n talking.Jennie found it a bit difficult at first to avoid topics which would hurt her like her past but now she saw how Y/n wasn't that afraid of her past.It was true that it was still difficult for her but not impossible at the most.

Talking with her, Jennie found out about her orphanage life which was the most terrifying for her.

She tried to hold in the gasps when Y/n told her how the first time she was abused in the orphanage.She looked at her still telling everything just her voice cracked a few times.She realised how hard Y/n was trying not to break down in front of her.

"And it happened multiple times after that until..." she paused for a moment as it felt like she was feeling those nightmares again just by their mention.

"Until one day, it felt unbearable to the point I thought about taking my own life." Jennie loudly gasped as Y/n said that.

Y/n smiled weakly at her and said,
"But it might be easy to say than to actually do.I realised that I want to live, that... that I don't want to die."

Jennie took her in her embrace feeling tears escape her eyes.It was so difficult to even imagine what she was actually suffered.

Jennie didn't want her to remember those hurtful memories anymore so she decided to talk about something else.

She asked her about the guys and juat talking about them made a smile appear on Y/n's face.Y/n told her how homely she was feeling here and her heart was so warm around them, mainly around him.

"Y/n, can I ask you something?" Jennie asked with uncertainty in her voice.

Y/n nodded at her with a smile.

"Do you like Jungkook?" she asked.

Y/n looked down at her question fiddling with her shirt a bit.She bit her lower lip in sudden fear and discomfort.

C..can I like him?

Will he be fine with that?

I do feel things when he's around.

Is it really true- I...I like him.
NO, I feel like I love him.
But he's...he's so good.

Too good to have a broken person like me by his side.

She thought so much but at last shook her head in a 'no' while still looking down.

I don't deserve him.


Ok, I think I took a while to publish this.

Forgive me for that. ฅ'ω'

Thanks for reading!
Love you guys!

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