•41• I'll Break You

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Flashback still continuing~

She sat on the bed with knees hugged against her chest and her face buried in her lap. She felt nauseous at the thought of his brother's words. She understood his hatred for her as she was herself a victim of abuse.

She didn't even get a chance to share her trauma with her brother before he dismissed her to the room and ordered her to follow what his so called brother Sehun says.

It was easy to say for him but how could she, when she knew what he had done. He was the reason he was now parted from her love. The mere thought of Jungkook brought tears in her eyes.

She missed him so much. He missed the warmth she got in his embrace, his scent which soothed him, smile which made her forget all the worries. How he kissed her each time which made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

"I miss you." she whispered with her closed eyes imagining her love.

Her hand slowly reached her stomach as she lovingly rubbed her belly.

Yes, she was pregnant.

"Your child also misses you." she whispered and closed her eyes again as tears rolled down her eyes. She felt a sad smile forming on her lips as she imagined how she would've jumped in his arms telling him about the good news.

But that day never came as she was now not with him. She didn't know if he would want the baby now. The thought scared her so much and saddened her even more.

He didn't listen to her though she was telling the truth. And her brother even knowing all the truth was behaving like a stranger. She suddenly felt so alone.

"Don't worry, we have each other." she said looking at her belly lovingly caressing it.

A few days went by and someone came to give her food and water each day. She didn't even try to come out of that room. She didn't know if she had the power to tell her brother all the things and make him understand everything.

Then one day, she sneaked out of the room only to find a long doorway. She looked around and then her eyes met someone's.

"Oh, you're here already." It was Suzie. She said in a sarcastic tone expecting an outburst or something from Y/n. But she simply looked at her for sometime looking hurt.

Then she turned around and went back to her room. Her empty eyes could scare anyone, so how could they not scare the person who was involved in making her life so lifeless.

Suzie shrugged away her thoughts and went to Sehun as he had asked for everyone's presence in their meeting room.

Everyone of them were gathered together as Sehun sat on chair in deep thoughts and then he suddenly stood up.

"This girl is very useful to us. We'll use her against them again. Atleast to make them struggle mentally." he smirked at his own words.

"But they only kicked her out. Why would they care about her now?" Kai, one of his main men, said.

"Oh, I'm sure they would care. It's just how they are. Not like us but bloody family lover types." he spat with disgust as if mocking the whole Bangtan.

"And she'll stay here?" someone asked.

"Yes, she will. I've decided what things I've to do with her." Sehun said as his smirk widened as evil thoughts occupied his mind.

A few moments later he was standing in front of her while she was on the bed with her head tucked down. When she didn't flinch on his close proximity to hers, he realised she wasn't conscious. He came near her sitting on the bed next to her as his hand held her jaw gently pulling her head up from her lap.

He observed her features closely till his warm breath started hitting her face. His smirk widened seeing her frown a bit as her lips pouted. He was feeling a sudden urge to push her down on the bed and kiss her ravishly but he held in his desires.

Her body started falling sideways when he grabbed her arms pulling her on his lap grabbing her arms from the sides. Her back was resting on his chest as he leaned in till his lips touched her neck. He slowly pushed her hair aside getting more access of her neck and softly let his lips graze over her soft skin.

It aroused wild desires in him when she was in his hold. Just since he had seen her photo, he agreed on helping Baekhyun because his motive became to have her in his arms. But what he had towards her wasn't love, it was more like poisonous obsession. He loved seeing her helpless.

He pushed down her dress a bit making her shoulder exposed. He softly and licked her skin. She unknowingly shivered in his hold making him pull up her dress and with that he laid her down on the bed.

With that, he got up to leave when he heard her mumbling,

"J..jungkook... Why did you leave me? Please..."

His jaw clenched at her words but a few seconds later, his face twisted in a smirk and he thought about something.

The next morning

"Your training will start today." Sehun announced moving around her in circles as she stood clutching on her dress.

She clutched her dress more when he neared her. She quickly took her steps backward when he approached her from the front.

"You will work for me. You will do as I say. I tell you to fight , you'll do it.I tell you to sit, you'll do it. You have to follow each of my command." he said with taking steps towards her with his each word.

She tried to shake her head in a no but just then he grabbed her jaw. Her eyes widened as she struggled to get away from his hold. His presence scared her and his touch disgusted her. His hold tightened to the point her silent tears changed into painful whimpers.

Someone stood there with fisted hands. It was Taemin. He was getting bothered by the scene in front of him. Her cries were as if piercing a hole in his heart.

And just then , when her eyes from which big fat tears were rolling down met his, he felt his heart stopped. Those eyes held so much pain still she was looking at her in search of love. He took a step back not able to see her like that and with that he left the room but not before closing the room with a loud thud.

Sehun loosened the grip on her jaw and slowly stroked her cheek.

"Your brother doesn't like to see you like this. See right now also he left." Sehun said in a fake complaining voice.

She knew he was mocking her. She sobbed looking down. She couldn't even return back a reply because her own brother had made her so helpless.

Few days passed by and she did her best to keep herself away from Sehun.

"You will do it. It can't be difficult bro. Remember who she is. She isn't some naive little girl, she's the one because of whom your life turned out to be like this." Sehun was a manipulative person and for him manipulating someone as naive as Taemin wasn't a tough task. No matter how hard Taemin showed himself, only Sehun knew how fragile he was from heart but he also knew how to trigger him.

Taemin stood there leaning against the railings of the balcony with his tensed body. He couldn't bring himself to think about hurting her. She herself looked so fragile and pure, how could he hurt her.

"I wonder what it feels like to have mother's love , I don't have one , you lost yours because of her but she, she had a mother ,whom she snatched from you. Because of her, you had to live there."

"Sehun please." Taemin's hands shivered as he let out those words with his shakily voice. He had let those feelings buried in his heart since so long and now Sehun was scraping them out and it was hurtful. Damn hurtful.

But Sehun continued,

"No, you let those monsters hurt you , cut you just in the belief that your parents will show up but did they? No they did not show up. Because of her. Because they had her , why would they need a stepson anymore..."

"Enough!" Taemin growled as he turned around just to get engulfed in a hug by Sehun.

"You suffered since so long. Now you have the chance brother. Show her what sin she had committed. How she had destroyed the life a small boy." Sehun kept saying to fuel Taemin's anger. He knew what things triggered him to the extreme.

He broke the hug just to see Taemin's eyes raging with tears. His hands were fisted as he left the place. Sehun knew he was going to her. As Taemin left, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his fake tears as a smirk played on his face.

"I'll break you so much that you'd be left with no one but me. You'll be crawling to me, that's my promise baby." he let out in a venomous tone.

Here, she was putting all the gym equipments to the other room as she was instructed by Sehun's men as her work for the day. She was told by him that she wasn't a guest who could lay down all day. She had to work there.

Sweat beads were rolling down her forehead as her head throbbed in pain. Her shoulders were paining very badly as she tried to lift up the dumbell.

Just then, she was harshly turned around and the dumbell fell from her hands making her scream in fear. Her eyes softened seeing her brother in front of her but his next move scared her to the core. He held her by her shoulders slamming her back against the wall. She groaned as pain shot up in her back.

"You're a curse." he said in a dangerously low voice.

Her heart shattered at his words. She tried to put her hands on his shoulder but he suddenly pinned her hands above her head and his face neared dangerously close to hers. She wriggled in his hold but he held her body firmly.

"You destroyed my life and you think I'll still see you as my sister." he whispered really close to her ear.

But she gasped as he whispered those words,

" I wished those words Sehun told me weren't true but your marks tell me it was true. You are actually a prostitute right."

Her body numbed at his words. Her mouth parched open to say something but no words seem to come out. Her eyes got closed and it started becoming difficult for her to breathe. He left her hands and she slid down against the wall. He got perplexed seeing her reaction.

Her eyes opened a little bit but again got closed as past memories started playing in her mind.

"You are my little princess!" Young Taemin said as he quickly took her in his arms and she giggled hearing his words.

He pinched her nose to which she pouted and crossed her arms showing her cute anger. And he also held her ears with his hands and his face turned sulky.

She giggled at his reaction and quickly threw her in his embrace.

"You are a prostitute."
"You are a prostitute."
"You are a prostitute."

His voice didn't seem to stop even when she clasped her hands on her ears. The voice kept on increasing and she coughed violently feeling her own tears choking her.

She suddenly felt hands roughly touching her body as voices increased in her mind.

"Shh...shh... It's okay." the man whispered roughly clasping his hand over her mouth. Tears rolled down as he unbuttoned her shirt.

His hands ran over her stomach raising upwards roughly groping her body.

Her hands roughly scratched her skin removing any other touch from her body. She became numb to her surroudings as her throat pained. It became for her to breathe as she scratched her neck.

Suddenly two warm hands gripped her hands softly removing them from her neck. She was still shaking violently when he engulfed her in a hug.

She was sobbing so bitterly that it became difficult for Taemin to stand there doing nothing. Guilt hit him like a tsunami seeing her in such condition.

A few moments later she was lying down on her bed in unconscious state with dry lips. His eyes were fixed on her battered state, her hair were dishivelled, her arms were red and her face was soaked with tears with the constant crying.

He took a shaking breath recalling her state. She looked so scared as if someone was actually hurting her. Her wails made a shiver run down his spine.

After few minutes, her eyes opened slowly but she remained numb to her surroundings until her eyes fell on her brother. Or the one who she believed was her brother. Because listening to his those words, it became difficult and painful for her to think of him as the same. He questioned her chastity so easily not giving even an ounce of thought what words he had let out of his mouth.

She shifted her body trying to get up when a sharp pain erupted in her stomach. Her eyes widened as tears started to build up in her eyes.

"My baby..." she whispered so low placing her hand on her belly.

But Taemin's eyes widened in shock as he heard those words,

"You're pregnant?" he whispered in the same low tone as if both didn't want this thing to reach any other person's ears.

She quickly scooped herself away from him as she tried to cover her belly with her tiny hands as if trying to protect her unborn child.

His throat dried up after listening that as he moved towards the door. Her eyes widened in shock and fear thinking what Sehun could do if he comes to know about this.

She felt her soul leaving her body when he reached the door. But just then , his hands quickly moved and he closed the door locking it from inside and he turned around towards her.But this time, she saw a glimpse of her old brother in him.


Thanks sooo much for reading!!
If you guys could comment, it will make my day.

And one more thing!!
What do you guys think about Taemin? Please let me know.

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