•43• Save Me

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His eyes were looking deep into hers and his hands holding onto her body. She also looked deeply into his dark stare until her hand reached forward and softly touched his cheek. He didn't stop her but backed away from her. As he turned his body away he felt a strong hug from behind and her hair dangling on his shoulder while she held tightly onto him.

"Don't leave me again."
Her words seemed to deepen the pit forming in his heart and his hand was reaching up maybe to touch her head but then he remembered what she had done. She had tried to ruin his empire, the one he had built through all these years of hardwork. So many people risked their lives for him, so many had lost their lives for him.

His hand reached his pocket and he took out his cigarettes , lighting up one and placing it against his lips. She loosened her hold on him as he turned towards her.

"I can take you from here."
He said after releasing the smoke making remnants to pour out as he said those words.

She just looked at him, into his eyes. Not able to understand his words, she still kept on looking at him.

He moved towards her slowly and stopped when his face was right in front of his. His fingers played with his cigarette finally dropping it on the ground and crushed it under his feet. His actions made her step back unknowingly but he stepped forward again to compensate the distance.

"I can take you from him. After all, man has his needs."
His hand reached up and played with her hair reaching her shoulder.

She quickly stepped back from him looking at him with stunned expression.


"Don't shout!"

Her words got stuck in her throat with his roared reply. His fisted hands and hatred filled eyes made her eyes tear up.

"You know what. It's been a while since we've been like this."
He said circling around her.

His hand gestured her to the bed and as she sat down on the bed, he followed next to her.

"Why are you so addicting?"
His hands touched her soft cheek softly grazing his fingers on her skin but she held his hand.

"Don't do this."
Her words were so strong it made him want to withdraw his hand at first but next he pushed her on the bed such that he was above her.

"You have no right now after what you've done."
His voice held so much contempt.

"I have. And whatever I did, it was for the ones I loved , including you."
She said taking deep breath.

"I don't believe you."
His eyes questioned the same.

"I'm not telling you to. Trust never comes so easily."
She said with a bitter smile.

"You think you are the smartest here,huh?"
His hands held her shoulders tightly and it was sure it must be paining her but her expression remained stoic.

"I just know what I did was to protect you."
She said as a tear escaped her eye.

"Protect me? From whom huh? From that bastard?!"
He shouted getting infuriated at her words.

"From myself."
She said making him puzzled up.

"I couldn't lose another one I love."
She said making her forehead touch his.

She was indeed telling the truth taking in the fact that she never disclosed something which could've caused damage to him. Whatever damage happened was to his goods and deals but never a scratch on him.

Her hand unconsciously placed his hand on her belly but he couldn't realise what she was doing but she smiled internally at the small moment of their family reunion.

She ,him and their child.

The thought made another tear escape her eyes. She looked at him while he stared back at her with a longing in their eyes.

For Jungkook , of only she hadn't done that, they would''ve been together.

For her, it was still a precious moment and still she had to get her brother out of that place even if it meant staying in that dreadful place for some more time.

But, one thing was sure in her mind. She could never let go of her love. Even if he hated her now, her heart still belonged to him.

"I will come back to you."
She said holding onto him.

She quickly pressed her lips on his but he pushed her a bit away not liking her touch on him anymore.

The door knocked and Jin's voice interrupted their moment.

He left her making his body's warmth leave her and she shivered at the sudden coldness.

He straightened up his coat and started buttoning up his shirt but as a thought crossed his mind, his hand moved up and dishevelled his hair. Further his hand unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt.

He moved towards her who was standing in front of the bed and suddenly rose up his hand playing his thumb on her lower lip and smudged her lipstick.

She couldn't comprehend what he was doing until his other hand moved and removed the pin from her hair making her hair go loose.

After all this, he simply moved away from her and stood in front of the door ready to open it. But again he took a glance at her and his eyes followed her body from head to toe and finally he opened the door and moved out.

She also followed up after him but bumped into his back when he stopped suddenly.

"I don't think this is your way. You go with your man. Don't follow me."
He said with ice cold tone of his.

" You are my man." she whispered to herself before quickly placing something on his palm and ran away.

'Never forget what we spent together was not a facade, neither from my side nor from yours. Don't do anything stupid ever while I'm gone.'
Those were her words in the letter she had placed on his palm. He clutched on the piece of paper tightly as if he would tear it apart but he couldn't do so and finally stuffed it in his coat pocket.

Days went by and he worked with his people building an empire nobody could infiltrate. His weaponry doubled or rather tripled with his gun and clothes business expanding three folds. Everyone was drowning in their work and mafia life like they were earlier but only one person was still not completely stable.

"What if she was right all along?"
He said to himself while his body was resting against the table and his hands holding a glass of liquor.

His eyes remained fixed on the view outside the large glass window but his mind was running on something else.

And taking a final sip of his drink, he rose up and cracked his neck and fingers before taking a look again on the piece of paper she had given him. He stared at the letter for a few fine seconds and again placed it back under his work file and looked up with a strange look of possession in his eyes.

"Find out which brother of hers she was talking about all along and everything about their situation."
He said with his hands firmly placed against the table and everyone affirmed to his order.

"It'll be done." Namjoon said and everyone looked at Jungkook with a strange feeling of familiarity.

Maybe now everything could come back to normal.

On the other side, Y/n stayed up until late and tried to find out something as a weakness to them. She didn't want to sit there while they create chaos for Bangtan. She didn't have anything to lose now and so was ready to give her all to protect them.

Sehun was out for few days for some work and it gave her more of an opportunity to see through his files.

Her hands moved quickly rummaging over the heap of files trying to extract anything valuable. But then her eyes fell on a picture which dropped from a file. She picked it up to find her pictures. That file was full of her pictures, the pictures when she went out with Jennie, the ones when she went out with Jungkook and she realised it was the same day he proposed her.

Her hands unconsciously gripped firmly on the photos as faint memories seemed to come back fresh to her.

"I love you." she said looking at him in the picture in her hand.

When she heard some footsteps, she quickly placed all the photos back in the folder and fixed it in the file.

"You still love him?"
A voice reached her and she quickly turner around to face Suzie.

She had a perplexed emotion as if she was pissed yet jealous of her. She had seen her a few times earlier also thinking about Jungkook and talking to herself. When she knew that it was Jungkook who had thrown her out of his life, still she madly loved him. This thought always triggered Suzie as she never believed in love, at least that's what she used to think.

"You won't ever understand what love is." Y/n stated looking at her with hateful eyes as she recollected the moments Suzie was with Taehyung as if she cared for him, but for her it was all along a game.

"It may be easy for you to play with feelings but I understand what love is. It can make you do craziest of the things and you still won't regret it. Like I don't regret what I did as I did it for love." she again said and left the room leaving Suzie all alone. But Y/n didn't notice how Suzie's eyes reflected a sense of guilt for a second but she covered it up again with a cold expression.

But when she left, Suzie stood there with a pit of guilt forming in her stomach making her look down in defeat.

"You know they are everything I have. I was alone at first but now we seven can conquer anything together. And now I have you also."
She realised Taehyung's words and how he placed his head on her shoulder searching for comfort in her and how she hugged him reluctantly at first but got lost in his hold when he tightened the hug in an assuring way.

She touched her cheek feeling wet when she realised she was crying.

Y/n went to bed but not before looking out of the window and saying 'good night' to her love. She did it every night and just wished for him to remain safe.

She drifted to sleep as soon as her body reached the bed due to her tiredness.

It was 1 at night when her room's door slowly opened and a dark shadow registered its presence.

She shifted a bit in her sleep making her hair come on her face.

He slowly reached up and tucked her strands of hair behind her ear.

Her eyes forced open with a sudden impact when she felt a huge weight on her body and a hand was clasped on her mouth preventing any sound from escaping her mouth.

Her eyes widened in fear when the moonlight fell on that person and his face came in view.

It was Sehun and he was back. A smirk was playing on his face seeing her so confused and scared state. He had never tried anything like this before but today he was too drowned in lust to stop himself from doing the sinful act.

His hand fiddled on her shirt as his body pressed her down on the bed. He unbuttoned a few buttons of her shirt and tore the rest of it down making buttons break from their places. She yelped in fear and thrashed trying to get out of his hold but his heavy body weight was crushing her down.

She tried to push him away but his strong hold pushed her hands down while. Her mind got clogged with fear when she felt him nearing her face.

She tried to reach up her hand as he buried his face in the crook of her neck making her close her eyes in disgust. Her cries got muffled as his hand restricted any sound to leave her mouth. His tongue licked over her skin making her shudder in fear and disgust.

"You're mine."
He said in his whispering voice close to her ear before licking it.

Her hands fisted as she dig her nails in her palms. Her toes curled in disgust as he trailed his tongue all over her jawline to her shoulder leaving wet traces all over.

Her mind screamed for only one person as she felt herself getting broken little by little under him. Scenes of him flashed in front of her eyes when he vowed to protect her from everything in this world holding her tightly in his arms.

Tears of pain escaped her eyes as she found herself completely helpless under his strong hold. His animalistic behaviour made her sobs go louder but his hand pressed on her mouth tightly to not let her even let out a cry.

She could think of anything straight when the thought of her child came in her mind. There was a life inside her and only she could protect it from this animal. It was her and Jungkook's child , their baby and she couldn't let anything happen to their baby.

She felt him biting on her neck when she felt her hand got hold of something and she swung the vase which was kept at the table and hit it on his head.

"Ah!" he groaned in pain and when his grip on her loosened she got out of his hold and a faint scream escaped her mouth as she coughed and shivered.

But suddenly he rose up and pushed her against the wall. Her back hit the wall with heavy impact as it made a loud sound and his hand gripped her throat tightly.

"You bitch!"
He spat being furious as he tightened the grip around her neck draining her of oxygen.

She scratched his arm trying to pry his hand off her but his grip only tightened making her slowly lose her breath.

At the moment only one person occupied her mind as her eyes begin to close and just then she heard few voices and sound of opening of the door.

"Sehun stop it!" Suzie's voice came out loudly as she tried to get his hand away from her and others also tried to bring him in his senses.

It was Taemin's voice this time and he pried his hands away from her and grabbed her when her body started to fall limp on the ground.

Her senses got blocked as only one face and name surrounded her sanity at the moment.

"Jungkook, please save me."
Her inner sense prayed only one thing when he was choking her but he didn't come for her.

How could he come when he didn't even know what she was suffering from.

On the other side, a feeling of unease surrounded Jungkook as he suddenly woke up from his sleep. Sweat beads had formed on his forehead as his throat had dried up.

He got up from the bed knowing that now he would not be able to go back to sleep.

Destiny had decided to keep them apart but they were unknowingly connected to each other by their love.


I hope you guys will like this one.
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