•48• Forgiveness and Healing

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 "Forgiveness is a strange thing. It can sometimes be easier to forgive our enemies than our friends. It can be hardest of all to forgive people we love."

"Here, sit down.", Taehyung stretched out the chair for her to sit.

She sat down and looked at him as if wondering what he was up to.

It's been few days she back from the hospital. Everything started to feel like it was before, before in the sense when she first time came here.

It started feeling like home once again and they never left her alone for even a single minute.

Her favourites, Taehyung and Hoseok were always by her side. Jimin never left a chance to cheer her up. Jin always had her smiling at his silly dad jokes, well they were silly but he never accepted. Namjoon was the serious one, still his clumsiness put a smile on her face and these days it felt as if he became even more clumsy, or he did it intentionally to earn a certain someone's smile. Yoongi directed all the guards to accompany her wherever she goes, he wanted his little sister safe at all the times.

There was only one person who wasn't around her since the day she arrived from the hospital. He left right after escorting her to her room. She wanted to know where he was but her conscience still had not forgiven him.

"Y/n?...Y/n?", Taehyung's voice broke her from her trance.

"Yes...huh...what?", she looked at him abruptly breaking through her thoughts.

"We were talking if you would like to come with us to the beach. The weather's really beautiful today so we can do that.", Taehyung said showing his sparkling eyes.

"Oh that... Will it be okay for the baby?", she asked looking up from her cereal bowl with the spoon still in her hand.

"Oh come on, you gotta ask that Y/n, he's our nephew. The beach is all clear for today. Not a single soul's gonna be there.", Jin said holding the phone next to his ear as if he was just talking to someone on the phone.

"Clear?...", she didn't get him initally as it was holiday so how could the place be not full of people.

"Crystal clear.", Yoongi said applying the butter on his loaf of bread.

"Guys!", a loud voice came from behind as a back hug engulfed Y/n which tensed her at first but she relaxed as he said further.

"It's gonna be so awesome today. A beach holiday! Oh, what can be better than this.", Jimin blabbered sitting down next to Y/n.

She munched on her cereal as her eyes wandered around the front door to catch even a glimpse of him but he didn't come.

"Just five more minutes and we'll be there.", Jin announced looking at her while she was still only looking outside the body.

They sighed and again fixed their gaze on the road. Since the past few days she was with them still she was somewhere else.

"We're here."

She slowly came out of the car still unsure if she wanted to come here. Her hand gripped Jin's sleeve lightly when more cars arrived one after the other behind them.

"It's ok Y/n, they are all our men.", Jin assured her and his words put a relaxed smile on her face.

They walked further towards the shore when suddenly,

"Oh! I guess I forgot the mat in the car only.", Jimin said and went away to bring it while Taehyung and Hoseok also tagged along with him.

Only Jin was left with her as Yoongi and Namjoon had not come due to some urgent work as they said.

"Where did these guys go? Lemme go and have a look, okay Y/n. You stay here.", Jin said walking away while she kept standing there alone.

A few more minutes passed and now all of them were not coming back. She thought about going back to check on them but just then her eyes caught a figure few metres away.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she thought,

Didn't they mention that no one would be here other than us?

She walked towards that direction just to find a table with chairs arranged with curtains and lighting making it look even more beautiful.

She found it really pretty and couldn't help but gaze as she had never seen something like that before. The last time she had come to beach was with her parents when she was just a child. But the memories of that time were really beautiful and precious to her.

She was looking at the setup when a head came in view as someone stood up. She moved a bit forward and found that it was him. He looked at her and rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"Hi...", he said coming a bit forward but she just frowned as her smile fell.

She turned around to move away from there his voice stopped her.

"Y/n, please wait back.", he quickly said in a desperate tone.

Her face turned around to face him with a stern face.

"What is it now Jungkook? What is left for you to say? Anything else you forgot to tell me to remind me what kind of woman I am.", she said through her gritted teeth.

"Please...", he approached her slowly as his eyes showed dark circles as if he had not taken proper sleep since days.

His hand slowly grabbed her while she kept her gaze at him. She could not deny the fact that she missed him, it was true that she was angry and upset with him but still she wanted to see him.

"I know nothing can change the fact that I hurt you so badly. But I don't want to lose you now.", he said holding on her hand firmly.

She just smiled sadly seeing him like that. She was also like that once, asking for him to believe him.

"I know...I know that what I did was so wrong, totally wrong. I just don't know what to do to turn it right. I just know one thing and that is I love you but I won't ask you forgive me cause I know I don't deserve that." , he said the last words looking at the ground while she kept looking at him.

She almost felt so weak and wanted to just hug him but composed herself and placed her palms on his chest pushing him a bit away.

"You know what I thought you would do when you come to know that I'm pregnant. You would embrace me so tightly lifting me up and turning me around laughing so happily.", she said wrapping her arms around herself for warmth.

"I...", Jungkook couldn't decipher what to say as he realised how his actions had hurt her.

"And you know when I was at that place,...", she said remembering the time she was at Sehun's place, "I cried for you to just come around and hug me.", she completed as a sad smile again came on her face.

He suddenly hugged her catching her off guard but she couldn't deny that she didn't want to break that hug. But then her hands touched his shoulders holding firmly as if wanting to just push him but couldn't bring herself to do that.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've put you through. I'm so sorry...", he continued to say while crying just like a little child.

Her heart broke at his voice and her efforts to push him away died down. She just couldn't push him away. She left her hands by her sides while he remained in the embrace.

"I won't ask you to stay if you would say you want to leave me. I just don't want to lose you now. After everything that has happened, I don't want to let go of you again.", he said looking in her eyes with his face really close to hers.

His words reminded her of the old Jungkook she knew and whom she fell in love with. She didn't realise when her eyes filled with tears at his words.

She wanted to hug him like that the moment she came back but his actions always pushed her away from him. His actions made them so distant and upset that she started having those nightmares again. Only but this time, even more scarier.

Her arms slowly wrapped around him and she also hugged him back leaving him wide-eyed.

"I have still not forgiven you.", she sniffled while still not breaking the hug.

She could not disregard that it was him who taught her about love and care. It was him who gave her a reason to smile. It was him who protected her so many times. It was him who made her come out of her pit of nightmares. It was him who she loved so dearly.


"Where are you going?", Hoseok said rising up from his seat when he saw Y/n all dressed up.

"Oh, I'm going for an interview. I'm going back to work.", she said smiling brightly.

"But in this condition, do you think it is fine for you to work Y/n?", Jimin said being concerned.

"I know guys. I won't be back to my previous work. This one is a simple desk and chair job. No danger involved.", she said putting her hands up in cute gestures.

"Finally, she's gonna go a decent job.", Jimin said sighing.

"Uh? What do you mean? Was my last job not decent?", she said looking at him in a glare.

"Oh...what, no! ", she just giggled at his reaction and looked at his flustered face one more time then turned towards the door ready to leave.

"Wait up! I'm coming!", a voice interrupted her steps but she didn't look back and continued to move and sat down on the backseat of the car.

Just then the car door of driver's seat opened and a fidgeting Jungkook entered the car hastily and strapped the seatbelt around him.

"Seatbelt?", he kept looking in the front as he asked.

"Just drive.", she scoffed and said while going through her documents.

Her hand nervously moved a few strands of her hair behind her ear as her eyes were locked on the papers in front of her.

She didn't want to live a pitiful life. She still hadn't forgiven him although it has been days since that day. Her baby bump was quite prominent now but her eyes were having the glow rather than being dull. Her gestures showed her confidence and her smile was back.

He looked at her focused face on the mirror as his lips curved in a smile. His eyes followed her actions when suddenly she looked up and he quickly looked away being alarmed.

"Jungkook-ssi?", he looked at her turning around as she called his name.

"You're going to drive or shall I call a taxi?", her words left him baffled as he realised he was so fixed on her that he forgot to drive.

"Oh yeah...yeah.", he quickly put the key and started the car.

His eyes were fixed on the road and he didn't realise but her lips curved in a small smile at his actions.

The distance between them was reducing day by day and it was a relief.

"Okay then, I'll leave.", she said slinging the purse on her shoulder.

He quickly took exit from his seat and started following her when she suddenly turned around.

"What is it, Jungkook?", she said being annoyed.

"All the best.", he quickly said pecking her cheek and turned away.

Her cheeks blushed red at his actions as her heart melted. She could not lock away the emotions and feelings he was arousing in her.

"Thank you.", she whispered to herself and took a deep breath entering the skyscraper.

'Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do so.'


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