2. The shadow

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Em's POV

As me and my dad drive home, we pass a turned over car

"Sucks to be them" my dad says

"Dad, someone died" I say as I look out the window

I stare at someone, are... Are.. Are they made of shadow?

I stare at them as we pass bye, they look up and our eyes meet, and that shadowy figure turns into a hot man.

Who is he? Why is he there? And why is he so hot?


Another car crash, man I hate theses. Sometimes the victim is alive, is torn to shreds, dies at the hospital, and gets splatter every where. At least this time the head fell off

I look up from my paper work to see a red car drive bye, I lock eyes with the passenger. For a split second I feel non existent butterflies in my non existent stomach.

Who is that

Oh well gotta find the soul and her head. I walk... Float... Across the scene as I see a crying old couple. Great there is two... More paper work yay

I float over to them "are you ok" I ask

"We are dead" the lady says

I look at the paper, "I'm sorry marge"

"How do you" she asks

"I'm the grim reaper, I know this must be hard for you to understand but" I say "You. Are. Dead. There is no way to change that"

Well.... I can bring back two or three people a year

"And you both have two options, one you can haunt this world and the person who killed you" I say as I look at a woman freaking out "or two, you can come with me and spend your after life in a peaceful world"

"I like option one " her husband said

I chuckle "but what would be the best for you two"

"Option two" he sighs

I smile

"let me finish this paper work, then off to either heaven or hell" I say

"Just curios" marge says " where would you reccomend "

"Wait between heaven and hell" I ask

She nods

"I'd pick hell, cause if you live in heaven you'd have everything you'd ever want and that's just boring " I say as they stare at me with crazy eyes "but hell is interesting, it changes every day,  so it doesn't get boring "

She shakes her head her husband chuckles

"I mean you'd get punish once a day, but after that its like the normal world " I say

I look back at the paper work "but from your guys record, it look like you'll be getting into heaven "

I look at marge's husband, he looks disappointed and I look at marge, she looks happy.

If only...

Em's POV

So its been a few hours since we got home, and let's see I got a bitch slap to the face and two new cuts

Just what I need...

"Em you need to make lunch" dad yells "I don't want to have to beat you again "

"Even if I make lunch you'll still do it" I scream

"Your the worst daughter I ever had " he yells

"I wish mom was here" I yell back

"If she was here you you" he yells "fuck off, just make this stupid fucking food"

"How bout no" I say

I hear him walk put the door and into his car

Shows him

Probably should make it though... I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen

I start to make a nice salad with strawberries and chicken

Some people thinks its gross, but we grow our own crops so its delicious and healthy

About an hour later dad comes back home drunk and dirty

Sometimes I hope he'd die from his bad habits, but I'm not one to talk about bad habits....

I get him a bowl of salad and he thanks me. When he's drunk he's the nicest

The hair on the back of my neck rises, like someone is ticking it. I feel like someone... Something is watching me

I sit down and pull out my phone

Lexi : u coming over tonite

Me : no can't my dumbass dad is drunk so can't

Lexi : can we come over

Me : you can as long as you leave in an hour

Lexi : consider me there

I sigh, better shower

I run upstairs and start the shower and strip down

"What was that" I ask

I swear I heard something, I whip my head the other way and sigh

"Guess it was nothing " I shrug as I hop in the shower

Ten minutes later

I get out if the shower and put on a tank to and jeans

The door bell rings and I run down stairs and open the door

"Emmmm" Lexi says

She runs to me and gives me a huge hug

"We're not twelve " I laugh

"Yeah whatever, do you have beer" she asks

"Of course I do" I say " what kind of friend would I be if I didn't "

So after two hours of drinking and talking, dad kicked Lexi out and made me go to bed

I wish mom was here... But now I have to make dinner

After dinner I called Jake and we talked for a food hour then I slept


She's so peaceful when she sleeps, sooner or later she will be mine

Better get back to work, gotta collect souls

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