synthetic novels

synthetic novels

4,527 379 200

Trong cuộc sống vốn đã rất hiếm các cặp vợ chồng sinh được năm em bé, bây giờ hãy tưởng tượng rằng hai gia đình đã có chúng. Gia đình Nakano có 5 cô con gái trong khi gia đình Tsukiyama có 5 cậu con trai. Chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra khi 10 thanh niên này gặp nhau thời trung học? Liệu có lãng mạn đến quyền lực thứ năm?…

Ikemen Revolution

Ikemen Revolution

20 0 19

Ikemen RevolutionLove & Magic in Wonderland"Listen well, AliceIf you want to make it home, there's one kind of magic you must not fall under the spell of... ...Love"19th century, London. Trapped in Wonderland, a fateful encounter awaits you... King of Hearts: Lancelot Kingsley: "Until the end, I swear I will love you. "King of the Spades: Ray Blackwell: "Where have you been hiding from me all this time? "Queen of Hearts: Jonah Clemence: "Look only at me. Do you really need to be told that? "Ace of Spades: Fenrir Godspeed: "Are you ready? The party starts now! "Jack of Hearts: Edgar Bright: "Do you need some assistance?"Ace of Hearts: Zero: "You don't fear me? "7 of Hearts: Kyle Ash: "Such a pain. "Queen of Spades: Sirius Oswald: "You're a good girl so don't cry. "Jack of Spades: Luka Clemence: "Just leave me alone. "10 of Spades: Seth Hyde: "Let's be friends! "Caught in the middle of a battle between the Red and Black Armies... ...your only hope of getting home is the night of the next full moon. Joker: Harr Silver: "Don't get close to me. "Cheshire Cat: Loki Genetta: "You fascinate me. "Mad Hatter: Oliver Knight: "Don't treat me like a kid. "White Rabbit: Blanc Lapin: "I'm here to help you. "As you battle with your conflicting feelings...A horrible threat looms in the shadow... What fate awaits you...?…