chapter 3

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I awaken to a ceiling of rock above me. There is a dim candle flickering nearby. There is also voices. Deep, yet quiet, I strain my ears to hear what they say.

"Yes it surprised me to" one voice said, " one of them has never fallen with only one dose". "Yes very strange indeed" said a deeper voice, " Immersa, are you sure that you only gave her one dose?"  "Quite sure" said a voice that defenitley was female, "injected it and she was out before it was done." "Well, she must have been very weak if she fell so quickly" the first voice commented. The others murmur in agreement. Then, one whispered "she is awake"

This was when I truly started to feel scared

I heard a slight shuffling of feet, then the creature called immersa murmured "yes, she is awake, falicon, go tell Amacola that she is awake" "it shall be done" said Falicon.

As falicon shuffled of, I saw immersa shuffling closer out of the corner of my eye. As she settled down inside me, I tilted my head ever so slightly so that I could get a good look at her.

she was incredible, from the tip of her enormous wings to the tip of her curled tail.And her eyes, oh such eyes! They where a deep emrald green with a wide pupil in the middle. The moment I saw them, I could hardly tear my eyes away, they looked so kind, so knowing, they where almost hypnotic. Wait I thought to myself, I don't know who she is, let's try and be a little bit cautious. As I tore my eyes away I thought I saw  Immersa raise an eyebrow. Wether from humor or shock I did not know.

A few intense minutes later, a loud thumping interrupted the awkward silence."where is she?" A lowish voice (probably Amacola's ) Murmured. "oh, she is over here by... Immersa! What in the world are you doing?"

Falicon asked "errr, nothing" Immersa murmured. "Very well then" Amacola stated, " Let us now greet her!"

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