Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Morning babe." "Mmm, morning Zayn." He kissed me softly. "Wanna face him today?" "No." "C'mon. It'll be funny. If he gets real mad, you can come back okay?" I nodded. "Okay...thank you." "Of course babe. We can go after breakfast." I nodded. "Okay." I got out of his grasp and slumped downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and started making tea when I felt his arms around my waist. "Hey Z...want some?" "If you don't mind." "I don't mind at all." I poured us both some tea and turned around in his arms. "Here you go babe." "Thank you love." He sipped on the tea with a smile. "You look good in the morning. No makeup. Perfect." "Oh shut up. I look hideous." "No you don't!" He said seriously, placing kisses all over my face. "I love you and you're absolutely stunning." I blushed like mad and looked down. "Thanks Zayn. I love you too." He smiled slightly. "What do you want to eat?" "I'm not hungry." "Oh c'mon." "I'm not! I'll fix you something if you want." "No, you're not doing that. After we finish our tea we'll go." I nodded and sipped my warm tea. As I finished my tea, I slipped the cup into the sink. "Zayn? About done?" "Yeah." "Okay. I'll go change and I'll be back." I ran upstairs and slipped on a sweater, leggings and my boots. I grabbed my bag and hopped down the steps. I found him still shirtless, wandering around the road. "You need to get a shirt on." "I'll just slip a jacket on." I nodded and walked over to him. His arms wrapped around me tightly. "I had fun with you this week." "I had fun too. I never thought I'd say this, but I was glad to get away from Josh." He laughed lightly. "I bet you were...Ready?" I nodded and grabbed his hand.

As we pulled into the driveway I saw cop cars. "Zayn-" "C'mon!" We jumped out and ran inside. "Josh!!" "Tori!!! Where the hell have you been?" "Zayn's. Why are there cop cars here?!" "I thought you were dead or kidnapped." "No! I was just at Zayn's for the week." "Why didn't you tell me?!" "Because I knew you'd act like this. I'm not a child anymore Josh!! I'm 19!!" A few policemen came in. "What's going on. Is this Tori Devine?" "Yes sir." "Well, sir, not to intervene but, she's grown. She really can do anything she wants. Well, as long as it's legal." "She lied to me!" "That's not a crime sir." "See? Even he agrees with me! I know Zayn does! He treats me like I'm supposed to be! Just because I have cancer doesn't mean you have treat me like a 5 year old!" "Well, if Zayn treats you so well, why'd you come back? Why?!" Tears welled in my eyes. "I don't know...I really don't know anymore." "Josh, she's staying at my place. You've gone insane lately." Zayn joined in, grabbing my hand. "Fine. See if I care!!" He stomped upstairs. I turned to the officers. "I'm sorry." "It's quite alright ma'am. Have a nice day. If anything happens, you can call us." "Thank you. You too." As soon as they left, I broke down. Zayn pulled me into his arms. "It's okay babe...we'll go back to my house." I shook my head. "That's not what I'm upset about. We've never fought...ever. He's always been my best friend..." He squeezed me tighter. "You wanna go try to talk to him?" I slowly nodded. He let go of me with a small smile. "Come with me." He hesitated but followed me up the steps to Josh's room. "J? Please. Open up." "It's unlocked." We walked in to see him laying on the bed. I walked over and sat beside him. He slowly sat up. "Why is he in here?" "Josh, I asked him to come." "Well, could you step out for a minute?" "Uh, yeah. Sure." He walked over to me. "Yell if you need me." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and kissed his cheek. Josh grimaced as he left. "Why don't you like us together? He's your best friend." "Yeah, but I don't like you two together...I don't know why..." I sighed. "Josh, what's gotten into you lately?" "I'm just very stressed and with the cancer it's just-" "So it's my fault..." "No! It's just-I'm stressed out." "What could you possibly be stressed from??" "...Mikayla is in the hospital." "Why didn't you tell me??" I yelled, tears in my eyes. The door swung open. "What's going on?" Zayn demanded. "I'm sorry. I just didn't think you could handle it." "She's my f****** sister Josh!!!" "I know...I'm sorry." I fell to my knees. Zayn ran over and wrapped his arms around me. "What happened?" "My TWIN SISTER is in the hospital and he didn't tell me!!" "'s okay. You wanna go see her?" I slowly nodded. "Alright. C'mon." He picked me up and held me close. "We-well, I will be back later to talk about this." Zayn said intimidatingly. He carried me out and out to his car. "I'll be right back babe." I nodded slowly and wiped some tears. He kissed my head and went inside. He soon came back out with my bag and got in the driver's side. He leaned over and kissed me passionately. "It'll be okay. We'll go see her and while you two are talking I'll go talk to Josh." I nodded. "Thank you Zayn." "Anything for you babe."

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