Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I woke up and nudged Zayn. "Mhmmm yeah babe?" "Are you going to hang out with the boys today?" "I dunno. Maybe." "You should." "Okay but why?" "No reason." "Alright." He pulled me back down and kept me close. "I love you." "I love you too." "I don't like not being able to kiss you." "Good. Then I'll win." "Oh no you're not!" I went downstairs and sat on the couch so I wasn't tempted to kiss him again. He walked in and plopped down beside me. "I think I'm gonna go over about 12." "Alright babe. What time is it now?" "11." I smiled. "Okay. You might wanna go get ready. I'll fix you a sandwich." "Thanks." "You're welcome." I went into the kitchen and fixed his favorite sandwich-pb&j. He's such a kid but I still love him! As I was finishing, I felt a small smack on my bum, making me turn around. I found Zayn with a smirk. I shook my head laughing and handed him his food. "There ya go babe." "Thank you love." He smirked and went into the family room. I stared at him. His perfectness... "Zayn?" "Hmm?" "I'd like to know how the f*** you can look hot while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." He laughed. "I dunno babe. I believe you're the only person to ever wake up looking amazing." I blushed. "Thanks babe." He smiled and grabbed my hand. As he finished, he stood up and pulled me up as well. "Bye babe." "Bye baby. Love you." "I love you too Zayn." He hugged me tight then walked out the door. Now, Christmas shopping I go!


Okay. He should be home soon. I hope anyway. I need to hurry and hide this. I ran upstairs and found my duffel bag, still full of clothes. I threw the watch in and zipped it back up. "Babe??" I ran down the steps. "Hey!" I ran over and squeezed him tight. "I missed you babe." "You were only gone for a couple hours." "I know! It's very easy to miss you love." The phone started ringing. "I'll be right back." "Alright." I said smiling. I sat down on the couch, waiting for his return. He walked back in with a smile. "What?" "We need to go to the hospital." "What's wrong?" "Nothing. They have good news." I smiled. "Well, let's go!" We ran out to the car and jumped in. I grabbed his hand tightly. We pulled in and jumped out, running to the desk. Hey, when you live in a world of bad luck, you're eager for some good! "Tori Devine checking in with doctor-" "Seldon. Right this way." We were led into a large room with three chairs, a sink, and a small desk for the doctor. We sat down, our hands still locked. Doctor Seldon walked in with a smile. "Hello Ms.Devine, Mr.Malik. I don't think I've got to meet you yet." I shook my head. "No ma'am we haven't met." She nodded and stuck out her hand. "I'm Dr. Kim Seldon. You can call me Kim if you'd like though." She then shook Zayn's hand. "So, what's the good news?" "Tori, my dear, you've beaten cancer. It's all over." "What?! Are you serious?!" She nodded with a wide smile. I looked at Zayn who had tears falling from his eyes. "I'll leave you two alone." He picked me up and held me close. "I don't care about the fucking game. I'll do whatever you want. I just need to kiss you." I smiled and leaned in before he could. We made out, smiles on our faces. "Babe, you did it..." I smiled. "I couldn't have done it without you Zayn." "I love you so so much." "I love you too Zayn." I kissed him again and felt his arms tighten around me. He wiped my tears away with a wide smile. "Ready to go home baby? Or do you wanna go tell Mikayla?" "Let's go tell Mikayla first." "Alright babe." We practically ran to the elevator. "I can't wait to get my hair back..." "You'll look beautiful either way." I smiled. "Thanks." We stepped out of the elevator and made our way to her room. As soon as we opened the door, I heard 'Aunt Towwi!' I smiled wide as she flung her arms around my neck. "Hey sweetie." "Why are you crying?" "I'm just happy." "Oh...uncle Zayn!!" "Hey princess!" He picked her up and carried her over so he was standing in view. I hugged Jordan and finally Mikayla. "We've got good news." "Well, tell us!" "I beat cancer!" "Oh my god!!" "T-that's amazing Tor! C'mere." I walked over and wrapped my arms around her. "I love you Tori." "I love you too Kay."

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