Chapter 1: How it All Began

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''It's not looking good for you, Yami,'' the teacher said and shook his head.

I sighed.

I ruined another test.

''I hope you will pass your final tests,'' he said.

I looked down at the floor.

''Yami, don't underestimate it, you have to study hard and -''

''I know,'' I said curtly with a deep voice.

My teacher looked at me with two stinging eyes.

I cleared my throat. ''I know,'' I said, but this time I said it like I meant it.

''Good. You may go now,'' he said. ''Study hard, Yami. The final tests may look far away, but they are sooner than you may think.''

''I'll pass,'' I said confident.

''If you say so,'' he said mockingly.

I put my hands in my pockets and walked out of the classroom.

I just can't believe I screwed up that test. I thought it was going to be easy, I studied so hard for it! It's just ridiculous. Maybe I'll never pass my final tests.

I started to walk a bit faster, still thinking about my stupid teacher and his stupid test.

I looked down at the floor again, my hands still in my pockets.

I sighed.

''The biggest mistake of my life,'' I mumbled.

On high school, I had always been very good at foreign languages, so I decided I wanted to study one after I graduated from high school.

I chose French.

And despite I was so good at it at high school, I sucked at French.

Like, really.

It was the third test in a row that I ruined. And I had to study hard if I wanted to have a chance of passing those finals...

I was so focussed that I didn't see him coming.

He was walking fast too, and before I knew it we bumped into each other. He fell down on the floor - and I fell down on top of him. All the note books, booklets and pieces of paper he was holding fell down on the ground with us.

I gasped. ''I'm so sorry,'' I said softly and looked at one of the note books that had fallen down with us, searching for his name.

''Yugi,'' I said. I tried to stand up so I could free him. When I hovered above him, I looked at his face.

My eyes widened.

He looks just like me...

We both had this tri-colored star-shaped hairstyle, exactly the same.

But even more stunning were his eyes. He slowly opened them, and I could see the deep amethyst color they were.

''It's not your fault,'' he moaned, ''I didn't pay attention, I was in a hurry...''

''I didn't pay attention too,'' I sighed and stood up. I offered him my hand, which he took and I helped him to stand up.

''Thanks,'' he said.

''No problem.''

I looked around and saw that his stuff laid across the whole corridor. I picked up one of the papers.

I knew this - it was French.

''Are you also studying French?'' I asked him.

He nodded. ''You too? Weird, I have never seen you in class before. What was your name again?''

''Yami,'' I said. ''And indeed, it's strange that we've never met before. I mean, I'm sure that I would have noticed you.''

He chuckled. ''I think it's remarkable too, we almost look exactly the same.''

His eyes inspected me. ''Except for that you are a bit taller. And you have these golden bangs,'' he said while pointing at my bangs. ''And your eyes are a different color,'' he said with his kind of... sweet voice.

''Remarkable it is indeed,'' I laughed.

''Well, I'd love to keep talking with you, but I have to hurry now,'' he said.

''Alright, see you soon,'' I said while he ran away.

I never got to know where he was hurrying for.

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