Chapter Nineteen

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Fred P.O.V

April 1st at last! Merlin I have been waiting for this day since last april, not only is it my and georgie's birthday but it is april fools day. I'm in the common room waiting for George to finish getting ready to go to classes, its also the first birth I am having while I am with Hermione which will be fun.

After twenty minutes of waiting I see George come down with the biggest smile on his face "You know what today is freddie" he said which made me smile happily "I know exactly what today is georgie" I said, we hugged and made our way down to the great hall, Angie and mia had already left for breakfast. We made our way over to them once we seen them, I sit next to Hermione and kiss her head "You seem happy" she said "yeah you guys are normally bit moody in the mornings" Angelina said then looks at Hermione "You know what today is" then Hermione remembered "Oh how much do you dreed this day?" Hermione said "So much" Angelinga repealed which made me and George laugh and shake our head "Wow I love you too Mia" I said I could hear Hermione laugh then stop, after a second I realized what I had said. George and Angelina look at each other then get up "I'll see you in a bit Freddie I'm going to go to hogsmead with angie for breakfast instead" he said the rushed out of the hall with Angelina, Hemrione and I sat for five minutes not saying anything till she broke the silence "You love me?" she saked softly looking at him "You know I have Mia" he said as he took her hands "You've always know that I love you...I know its not even been a year but-" Hermione cut me off with a kisses, I smile as I cup her face "So beautiful" I said which made her blush which made me smile.

After breakfast me and Hermione partted ways, she went off to meet Angelina with some 'girl things' I think I never asked because I didn't want to annoy her at all. I waked off to our secret hideout that is within the castle that we go to so we can plan pranks without being ratted out by Percy or Ronald. I walk though the door and I see George plan out our prank "I say we turn the Slytherin banners into 'Snape can kiss my ass - Draco Malfoy" he said as I sit down in front of him "Sounds perfect" I said "then we can fill there cups with a potion that makes there teeth black" I said as I wrote down Georges idea "Perfect then we can put sleeping potions into Snapes cup" George sadi which made me laugh "And those sweets that we made to give you spots also" I said, we high fived each other and we startd to get on our pranks.

{skip to right before the prank}

Me and George had smiles on our faces which made our girlfriends worried as to what we are doing "Freddie tell us what you are doing please" Hermione begged "You'll find out in a minute when the food comes out" I said which made her sigh and rest her head on my should, I gently kissed her head. About a few moments later the food came out, Hermione held on tight to me while Angelina did the same with Geaorge, a couple of Slytherins took a drink from there cups then everyone could hear screams because there teeth were back then the banners changed to 'Snap can kiss my ass - Draco Malfoy' on them, then next thing we next Snap shot up then passed out from the potion, me and George high five each other while our girlfriends look at each other with scared looks on there faces "I don't think you two will make it to your birthday party after all of that" Hermione said as Angelina nods "Agreed" was all she said as they both look in shock at the slytherins then to me and George "I know we are that breath taking" George said which made Angelinas hit his arm as she shakes her head at him "unbelievable" she said as me and Hermione laugh at them.

(The twin's birthday will be the next chapter, I may do that chapter tomorrow or Sunday depends on if I am free tomorrow or have a couple hours free to do the next chapter) 

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