Chapter thirteen

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{08:00 am}

Hermione P.O.V

VALENTINES DAY! I am so excited for today because this will be the first one I have with Fred, I know we aren't together but I just...I'm happy that I get to spend today with him, I know that I like him and I just love how much he makes me feel as if I am worth more than what I am, he just makes me so happy and I am beyond grateful that he is in my life.

I got out of my bed and I went to my mirror and desk and began to put some makeup on. I'm not girly or anything but I thought that since today is Valentine's day we will be together all day so why not do something a little different. I began to put on a natural looking style of makeup, I sit there one my own since no one else is up yet.

I began to put my hair up into a bun thing, I don't really know how to explain it, once I was done with that, I walk over to my case and pull out my red dress that Fred had picked out for me when we went shopping last weekend together, he said that I would look stunning in the dress so why not wear if and show him right?

{08:00 am}

Angelina P.O.V

Valentine's day is the day about couples and being in love and I have to say that I am madly in love with George, I know this sounds crazy but I would love to marry him some day. He makes me feel alive like I haven't for years.

I threw the covers off of me and rushed over to my mirror and began to put on, I chose a natural look because you can not go wrong with a natural look because it is able to go well with any outfit you want to wear.

Once I was done I rush over to my case and throw out all of my dresses not knowing what dress to wear today with my day with George, I had all my dresses on the floor until there was only one left in my case, I pull it out and smile remembering when George seen me in it for the first time and he called me beautiful

{08:00 am}

Silvia P.O.V

It's my first Valentine's I am spending with Draco which I hope will be the first of many in our long and happy relationship which I hope is my only one because I really love being with him even though my best guy friend and him hate each other after the fight.

I slowly made my way to my mirror, I was too lazy to put on this amazing looking makeup so I just quickly put on a natural looking look because it was easy to do.

I then put on the dress that I had planned out the night before, I slowly put it on and look at myself in the mirror making sure that my outfit looked good and didn't have any wrinkles in it.

{11:00 am}

Hermione P.O.V

Okay so yes I did take this long because I ended up changing my hair like five times before getting the hair style I actually like. Fred said that he wants to have breakfast with just me and not have George, Angelina, Lee or Kizzy there ruining our day together which we both agreed that we were going to spend it alone with each other.

I walk into the great hall to see that room has been changed to have small round tables with two seats at them, I look around and see Fred's red hair, I make my way over to him, he looks up at me and smiles holding a bunch of roses "You look stunning" he whispered into my ear as he hugged me.

He pulls out a seat for me and takes my hands in his as he sat down "You really look amazing in that dress" he said "I knew you would look stunning in it" he said then kisses my hands "You don't look too bad yourself" I flirted which made him smile, we leaned over and kiss each other, in the corner of my eye I could see Kizzy watching so I cupped Fred's face and deepen it slightly which made him smirk. Once we pulled away he looked me in the eyes "Who are you and what have you done to my Mia?" he asked which made me giggle "She is right in front of you". We talked for a while, just talking about what we want to do and our relationship, not long after we stopped talking our breakfast showed up in front of us with a drink and flowers in the middle of the table

{11:00 am}

Angelina P.O.V

Me and George both agreed to meet for a quick lunch, I know Hermione and Fred went to lunch here because they both missed breakfast so they are getting some now.

I run and wrap my arms around George's neck then he spins me "I love you, have I told you that today?" he asked which made me giggle and nod "A few times today" I said which made him smile "And I will tell you for the rest of my life" he whispered before kissing me, we sat down and started to eat our food.

{11:00 am}

Silvia P.O.V

I was sitting alone in the great hall, I was supposed to meet Draco but he stood me up, Theo said he could be busy doing something for me but I really don't think he is, I think he forgot what today was and didn't have anything so went out to get something, Cedric had gotten me a bunch of yellow roses which he didn't have to but he said that he wanted to make it up to me after him and Draco had that fight.

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