Chapter thirty-four

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Third Person P.O.V

The game starts off with an amazing for Gryffindor, they were playing exceptionally well, keeping there were keeping together knowing that the Slytherin team likes to pick off a team one by one, Oliver Wood (The youngest captain in the history of the Gryffindor team) had been planning for the final match since winning there qualifying match for the finals, he had gotten them to train for longer periods of time so that they are polished and ready for the game.

Hermione was watching Fred closely scared that he hurts himself while playing, she hates watching him play but she knew that she couldn't stop him because he loves play quidditch, but she fears for his life especially with matches against Slytherin since they like to put people in the hospital wing.

Since it is is the final everyone gets to come out since it is the last match of the school year before everyone has Summer break or Graduate from Hogwarts, Silvia, Hannah and Cedric were sitting with the other Hufflepuffs, all of the Hufflepuffs were cheering for Gryffindor since they all aren't fans of Slytherin since there more "we do whatever it takes to win" attitude while they have more of a mellow attitude.

Ravenclaws were all cheering for different people, some were cheering for Slytherin while some were cheering for Gryffindor, and there were some who with arguing as to who will win the match this year.

After around eight long hours the game was done, Gryffindor had won the match keeping their strick for the past five years up, all the Slytherins were cursing at the winning team but the team didn't seem to care as they all looked as if they were going to fall off their brooms.

(Sorry this part is super short, I am sick with a cold, sore throat and cough so all I want to do is lie in bed as of now. Also, I have another book which I have just started to update called "Love, Lost and everything in between" which is a marauders story, so please check that out.)

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