Chapter thirty nine

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Pansy P.O.V

I can’t believe it! My life is over! How can I show my face when they now know who I am! They know I am gay and now people will laugh...who told the paper? I swear I can’t trust anyone now because someone outed me! They told people that I was gay before I could tell my own family! What will Draco think! What if he hates me!

I was in the room of requirement sobbing my eyes out not knowing how to move on with life when people will look at me differently and think they can’t be near me because I like girls...I’m in love with being with girls. I look up hearing the room of requirement doors open and to my shock I see Hermione, Angelina, Draco, Theo, Blaise, Astoria and Daphne, now that was strange seeing Draco in the same room as Hermione since of course they don’t get along “Pans we read the paper” Hermione said which made me break down crying. Hermione, Angelina, Astoria and Daphne all rushed to me hugging and telling me that it is going to be okay “I’m going to find out who wrote that article then I’ll kill them” Draco said “they shouldn’t have done that to you pans and I am going to make sure that they won’t do it again” he said as he walked over to hug, I have to be honest I was shocked he didn’t get mad that I didn’t tell him.

“I’m gay” Theo said then smirked “Hold on” he said then walks out the walks out of the room and yells “I’M GAY YOU BITCHES SO IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PANSY THEN YOU HAVE PROBLEM WITH ME!” he walked back in which made me giggle “What?” he asked acting as though he didn’t just yell that he is gay “I am not having my best friend being the only gay in the school” he said and I run and hug him tightly “Thank you Theo” I whispered which made him kiss my head “Now if we can’t find anyone we marry each other got” he joked which made me smile and nod “Of course” I said which made Draco chuckle “Sorry Theo Pansy would be able to get better than you mate” he said which made everyone laugh “Do you think I could Potter to go gay?” Theo asked jokingly “Darling if you did get Potter to go gay he would try to sleep with Draco” Astoria said which made everyone except Draco laugh, Astoria wraps her arms around his waist “I’m kidding I swear” she said which made Draco smile “I’ll so get you back for that” he said

[3 hours later]

I can’t believe Draco is staying in a room with Hermione like they don’t go near each other but there being nice which is scary as hell to me, we were lying on beds, Theo was lying in bed with me, Draco was in bed with Astoria, Hermione and Angelina are in a bed together which meant Blaise and Theo are in a bed together. Not long later Draco and Astoria fell asleep in each others arms which was cute as hell, then Hermione and Angelina fell asleep holding pillows which they were more than likely thinking of there boyfriends, Theo and Blaise were the most recent to fall asleep which left me and Daphne we hadn’t really talked on our own since the whole us kissing happened “So your gay?” she asked me looking at “Yes I am” I said broudly this time since Theo showed me that I shouldn’t be ashamed of loving who I love, Daphne got up and took my hand to the closet, she began to kiss me which I was loving, our lips felt like two puzzle pisces, I wrap my arms around her neck as we kissed, I was enjoying it but then it hit me, she isn’t gay, I pulled away “Are you gay?” I whispered to her which made her shrug her shoulders “I don’t know maybe” she whispered, I kissed her one last time then walked away to my bed, I pulled out a bit of parchment and began to write.

“My name is Pansy Parkinson, I am a fifth year Slytherin and I am gay. I used to feel like I shouldn’t like girls but thanks to my friends who are from a variety of houses, they made me see that I am the same person as I was before, they helped me see that I am not weird for liking girls that I was unique for being able to carry myself in a way that I wasn’t ashamed for who I like or what I do about my feelings, that I just the same as them. My friends got me to see the light when no one else would and they kept telling me that they would love me if I was gay or straiaght i am thankful for my firends because they showed me that it is okay to be me and to not hid it from any one

So I am gay. I have nothing to hide because I am not scared anymore. I am not scared to show people who I love, because love is love adn you know what I don’t care if people don’t like me because I am a gay person, all I care about is the people that I love excepting me and you know what that is enough for me and my life, so thank you for telling people I was gay, and you know what they can think whatever they want about me.


Pansy Parkinson.”

(I am sorry this chapter is short and that it took awhile to come out, but to be honest I was scared of this chapter. I am not a part of the LGBTQ+ community so I don’t know what that is like for the people that are in it, to come out to there families so having to write that for a character honestly scared me to death because, I wanted to write well and to not hurt anyone who is in the LGBTQ+ community but I honestly didn’t know what was the best way to tackle such a subject, so I hope that this chapter is at least at the standard of ok for people who have experience coming out. Lots of love, Becca)

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