Chapter thirty - seven

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Hermione P.O.V

The first day of my fifth year feels strange to think that I am a fifth year and my boyfriend is a sixth year...time has flown by, I'm happy that it has but I'm also scared because I know this war is coming...everyone wants to act as if it isn't going to happen but it will and we all might not make it...Fred might not make one is safe.

I get out of my parent's car and walk into the station, I see Angelina who was holding two flasks with tea in it "keeps us warm for the ride" she said as she hands me one "they stay warm the whole ride and we never see the bottom of it" she said which made me smile "with the amount of tea that we drink we need a never-ending cup" I said which made her laugh loudly, we made our way onto the platform, there was a Hufflepuff girl running to us "Kizzy is trying to flirt with the twins" she said, I look to Angie unsure of the girl who is in front of us "I'm Honey by the way" she said then leads us to the twins and Kizzy, the twins were trying to get Kizzy away but she was trying to feel them "Get your huge man hands away from our boyfriends!" Angelina said angry "They would be better off with me" she said which made Angelina slap Kizzy hard, Kizzy puts her hand on her cheek "You bitch!" she held and swings her small bag, Angelina ducked before it hit her and it ended up hitting me, I held my nose as Fred held me close to him, he took me to the train and we go to a compartment "show me" he whispered as he lifts my chin up to look at my nose "it looks broke" he said which made me whine "Great" I said which made him laugh and hold me "You still look good to me" he whispered softly "Let's sleep before we have to deal with Angelina" he said which made me nod "good idea" I whispered, he lies down and held his hands out which made me laugh, I snuggle into him happily as I close my eyes.

{After feast}

Fred had taken me to get my nose fixed before dinner when we got back Angelina was still very made about what had happened which now brings us to after dinner where she is still angry "Angie came down" George begged "NO!" she yelled "SHE TRIDE TO BLOODY FEEL YOU UP AND KISS YOU!" she screams "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN AFTER SOMETHING LIKE THAT" she yelled "THEN SHE HITS AND BREAKS MY BEST FRIENDS NOSE!" she yelled out loudly, Fred holds me close as we watch her angrily shout at her boyfriend, me and Fred both didn't want to get in the middle of her being angry and we thought that George could handle it since I mean that is his girlfriend right so he has to deal with her when she is angry.

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