Chapter Twenty-four

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Hermione P.O.V

Molly thought it would be a fun idea to have an easter egg hunt, we were all standing downstairs waiting for Molly to put us into groups so that we can work in groups of two or three, Angelina was going to come so that we could all be in pairs but she ended up getting sick and wasn't able to get out of bed. Molly was smiling at us after we all came down after getting changed "Well dears I am going to put you in groups of two and one group of three" she said with a smile "All of our names, including mine and Arthur is in this hat" she said, "I'll pull a name out then you stand over here and wait for either you partner or partners" she said and puts her hand in the hat, she pulls out a name "Fred" she said, Fred kissed me and walks over to where Molly said then she pulls another name out "Ginny" Ginny smiles and hugs her big brother happily, she takes her time picking "Percy" she said, he gave her a nod and walks over to where she said "Ron" he groans because he was still half asleep, in the corner of my eye I could see Percy shake his head as he read his book. She pulled out another name "George" he walks over "please for all of merlins sake let my partner be Hermione" he said which made us laugh "We will see" Molly said and pulls out a name "Sorry George you got Harry" she said which made Harry laugh and high fives him "Bill" Molly said then goes back into the hat "Hermione" she said, I walk to Bill and he hugs me "We are so winning" he whispered which made me giggle, I could see Fred raise an eyebrow "That leaves me, Arthur and Charlie" she said.

Me and Bill went up the stairs to his room "Keep your hands off my girlfriend!" Fred yelled jokingly which made Bill chuckle "Maybe I can show her what a real man is like" he joked back "Boys! No dirty jokes!" Molly scolds them which made me laugh.

Fred P.O.V

Me and Ginny walked into mine and George's room and sometimes our girlfriend's room to when they spend the night over here "You okay with Bill being alone with your girlfriend?" Ginny asked me "yeah of course gin, he's my brother, he knows how much I love her so he won't do anything were as Ronald, I don't trust him near Mia" he said which made Ginny sighs "because he likes her but she is in love with you" she said which makes Fred nod "yeah" was all I was able to say "let's get planning as to how we will win" I said which made Ginny smile happily

{1 hour later}

Hermione P.O.V

Clearly, Easter egg hunts are different for wizards as you have to answer questions to get the chocolate, get it wrong three times and you are out, which okay odd but okay. The first group that was out was Fred and Ginny, they were doing really well and was leading the race until they got a question about Transfiguration, which is neither their strong suits, Fred ended up not taking Transfigure after his third year because he hated it while George hated it but was able to do it and Ginny just sleeps during that class to Professor McGonagall dismay, once they got took out all of the eggs that they had disappeared and went to knew hiding places for the other teams to get them.

The next team that was out was George and Harry who ended up getting to there last question with only one chance left which they, of course, lost because they answered the Herbology question wrong, which I know for a fact Neville would have known. They were doing okay till they got took out, they weren't in first but they weren't in last either.

After Fred and Ginny got took out, Molly, Arthur and Charlie were in first until they got to a question about quidditch, now you would think they would have been fine since they have Charlie but they choose to take turns answering questions, by the time they got to the quidditch question it was Molly's turn and she knew nothing about quidditch I think Percy knows more than she does, she ended up saying the wrong answer which annoyed Arthur and Charlie.

By the time most of the teams left, it was only me and Bill against Ron and Percy, me and Bill both knew that Percy was doing the work and Ron was doing nothing so we knew how to take advantage of the situation, we heard them close by and we knew they were on there last chance and an egg was in view, so Bill smirked "We are going to win this since Percy only knows so much and because he has Ron as his partner who knows nothing" he said as we hid in the bushes, we heard Ron swear and go to the egg to answer the question and get it wrong, Bill smiles happily to himself proud of our plan and hugs me tightly "Your so my partner next year" he said which made me laugh "Only if Fred doesn't get to me first" I said back laughing, we made out way to the rest of the group. Ron and Percy were fighting because Ron messed up on there last chance, Fred smiles and picks me up and spins me which laughs "Hi to you do" I said then he kissed me softly "I knew you would win" he said, he took my hand and kissed, in the corner of my eye I could see Molly smile from ear to ear and looks to Arthur who kissed his wife's head "Don't rush in planning the wedding" he joked to his wife which resulted in her hitting his chest.

Me and Fred walked into his room and lie in bed, we ended up eating chocolates and talking, George walks with a smile and takes a bar of chocolate "Ron is really made that you and Billy boy outsmarted him" George said "Doesn't take much to outsmart him" Fred said which made the twins laugh while I shake my head and lie my head on Fred's chest, he rubs my arm and starts talking quidditch with his brother which I have no interest in. I just read my book while the three of us waited for Molly to call us for dinner.

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