Chapter twenty-nine

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Silvia P.O.V

I am so angry! On my way to the great hall with Hannah, a first-year Slytherin had told me that Draco, Pansy, Theo and Blaise were partying, but that doesn't annoy me but it is the fact that the first year told me that Draco was laughing his head off and bragging about what he did to Cedric, how low can he be to do that! That is horrible to brag about, especially that you are the reason that he got put in a coma because Draco wanted to win! It's all about having fun! Not trying to kill someone!

I storm my way to the Slytherin common room since I knew Draco and his gang wouldn't be up getting up and to the great hall, he never leaves until he has all of his gang members with him so that he isn't alone when he enters. I bang on the Slytherin door, a Slytherin opens the door "What do you want blood traitor?" They asked which made me roll my eyes "not here to deal with pure-bloods who think it is okay to belittle people that aren't the same blood type as you so get out of my way before I make you the next person I yell at" I said and made my way over to Draco.

I stood there angry "your bragging about putting Cedric in a coma!" I yelled at him "How dare you to brag about doing that to someone!" I yelled, "He could have died!" I yelled "It wasn't my fault he can't keep his balance after being bashed into!" he said trying to defend himself, how is he able to stand there and act as if he was proud of what he had done to Cedric "I don't know who you are anymore!" I said angry "How cruel of you! Do you want him dead?" I asked "Silvia you need to leave because this...last I checked was not your common room," Daphne said "So get out before we kick you out... your choice," she said, I turn around and walk out of the Slytherin common room and to the great hall, Hannah never came into the Slytherin common room with me, I think she knew that I was going to blow up at Draco and she was right...I know full well that she heard the whole thing from the outside of the door, I couldn't help myself! He was acting as if he won the lottery! Even though he is rich, he would still brag that he got more money than everyone else since some of us don't come from rich families, some of us have to work what they got. But he thinks he is above all and doesn't have to answer for the things that he has said or done to people! It's wrong! It's unfair! He is a horrible person for thinking he can get away with what he has done to my friend.

(Sorry this is short, I am in a lot of pain with my stomach so this chapter may not be as good, also I am back to online classes, and I am unsure as to when the next chapter is, it may be during the weekends but I doubt it since I have a project that I haven't really started that it due on the 13th)

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