Chapter twenty-seven

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Silvia P.O.V

My body is numb...I feel like I can't move...just seeing him...lying he dead? Is he alive? After that fall I fear the worst...what if he is dead? What about Cho? She is in love with would break would break me. I see a group of teachers rushing to Cedric along with Cho who had tears streaming down her face, I could see her grab his hand as she sobbed, I hear the Slytherins cheer because Draco got the snitch but no one was caring about them winning, everyone had their eyes on Cedric not looking away, the teachers lifted his body using there wands and walk away with his body as fast as they could so that they could save him...what if they can't...what if he died on the pitch? That isn't fair on him or his family...or on Cho. How is Cho? What is going through her mind? Is she scared that she might lose him? Or is she glad that she can get out of the relationship? But she was crying..she cares...or is she faking? I could hear voices talking and whispering but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

After a while me and Hannah walked back to our common room, we didn't speak...we didn't look at each other or anyone for that matter...we were just in a fit of shock and sadness after seeing one of our closes friends getting hurt, next thing I knew I felt Hannah pull at my arm "Siliva...its Draco" she said in a very cold tone, I look up and I could feel this rush of angry when I seen him do his classic smirk "Hey Sivy" he said, I gave Hannah a look which she knew what it meant and walked off.

Draco smiles proudly "what did you think of the game?" he asked "HOW COULD YOU! HE COULD HAVE DIED!" I screamed "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME NEAR ME AFTER WHAT YOU JUST DID! HE'S MY FRIEND AND YOU ALMOST BLOODY KILLED HIM FOR A GAME THAT WON'T MATTER IN A FEW YEARS BECAUSE WE WILL BE OUT OF HERE!" I scream I could see Astoria walk over "What's going on? Why are shouting?" she asked gently but I was too angry with Draco to care, he hurt my closest friend and he thinks I will be happy that he won? "It is none of your business Astoria!" I said angrily, I could see Draco getting mad "Don't talk to her like that she didn't do anything to you!" he said angrily "You know what I am done with this conversation" he said and leads Astoria to their common room.

I walk back to the common room angry and frustrated, how could he come to me and act like one of my friends isn't close to death? How is he able to sleep at night knowing he, might have killed someone? And he seems to no care...he just wants people to praise him...but I can't not after what he did Cedric "Silvia?" Hannah said gently "what happened?" she asked gently which made me break down crying, "he asked what I thought about the game" I said which made her shake her head "He is an asshole! I can't believe he asked you that when he just put your other best friend into the hospital, please tell me you broke up with him?" she asked which made me shake my head "I didn't...Astoria walked over and told her to leave and Draco stood up for her then left to there common room together" I said which made her sigh "do you think he's cheating?" she asked which made me look at her "What no! He wouldn't do that to me...would he?" she asked "I mean...look what he did to much as I hate to say this but nothing he does will shock me anymore...he could have killed Cedric" she said, I knew she was right but I don't want to believe it, he said he loves me...or was he telling that to someone else? Was it to me? Or was it to Astoria?

{3 hours later}

Me and Hannah were sitting in the common room, no one was speaking to each other...we were all worried for Cedric and hoping that some good news will come and that everything will be okay...I really hope that he is okay...I feel so guilty for his family if he didn't make it. A few moments later Professor Sprout the head of our house came over "Cedric is alright...he is in a coma...we are unsure as of what date he will awake but he is very much alive" she said gently and sweetly like she says everything in "His family is with him now, you girls may skip my class to see him tomorrow" she said and gave us both warm hugs. She has always felt like a mother to me...she acts like it too, it makes me so grateful to have her as a teacher and someone I can consider a friend, unlike Professor Snape who would love to make our lives hell.

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