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That night Peter and Pearl once again carefully snuck out of the Tower for patrol. They once again agreed to call for the other if one of the Avengers found them. They didn't have to wait long. They were out for maybe an hour before they both were met with someone. Pearl was sitting on top of a building in Staten Island when she heard someone approach but it was to late. She them felt electricity course through her body. As she fell of the roof, she came face to face with her mom, Black Widow. "Well, well, well. It is good to finally meet you Syrine." Black Widow raised her wrist at Syrine again. "Anything you want to say before I bring you in?"

Syrine smirked. "Yeah. Thank God you don't where a full body suit." Syrine raised her hands and shot her orange beam out of her hands. Nat barely knew what hit her she dropped into a deep sleep. Syrine got up and laughed. "Night night, Mom" She leaned down and kissed her forehead. Syrine turned on her comm. "Hey Spidey. I got Nat. You got anyone."

She heard a snicker over the comm. "Yep. I got Clint."

Pearl smiled. "The fact that your laughing seems like you are not being chased."

"Nope. Clint is hanging in there." Peter said laughing looking at Clint hanging on a wall being held up be Spiderman's webbing. He had a web gag over his mouth because he was curing Spiderman so much

"Can you bring him by. I want to get them to the tower but I think I like your way of carrying people better. I can also get Clint calmed down if you bring him by."

"Sure." Peter looked at Clint and smirked. "Okay Here we go." Peter created a cocoon from Clint and attached it to his waist. The whole time Clint was trying to break free from the webbing and get the gag off. Just guessing what he was saying Peter turned to him and said. "Language." Peter barely feeling the weight of Clint on his waist as he dragged him to the edge. Clint's eyes got huge as they ran and jumped off the edge. He let out a muffled scream as they swung. Soon they landed on the roof wear Nat and Syrine were waiting. Clint's eyes landed on Nat. The webbing had dissolved on the way there so he could talk now.

"What did you do?!" Clint asked Syrine venom spudded from his month.

"Wow Spidey. I'm impressed. How did you get him so fast?" Syrine asked completely ignoring Clint.

"It was easy. He tried to shot me with an arrow with some sedatives in it. Spidey sense warned me so I caught it. You should have seen his face. It was great. I webbed him up and then heard from you. You should have heard him scream on our way here. " Spidey said proud of himself.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!!?" Clint yelled again.

"Relax Clint. She is just asleep which is where you'll be going now." Syrine replied back with wit as she approached Clint. Clint's eyes showed relief but then scared again. Syrine touched Clint's forehead. In an instant Clint fell asleep in his cocoon. "Well that was way easier than last night." Syrine said. "Lets take them back to the tower and put them both in cocoons on the roof." Syrine said with a smirk.

"Way ahead of you." Spidey said running off the roof with Clint in tow. Syrine grabbed her mom and jumped from roof to roof carrying her bridal style. She got back to the tower right after Spidey. Spidey incased Nat in a cocoon and laid them both in web hammocks that would last till morning. They both went back out on patrol and came back a few hours later to find the cocoon had dissolved to be a blanket on them and them both sleeping peacefully. They both woke up very disoriented and curious as to how they got back to the tower. They both shared their experiences and called a team meeting to shared what they had figured out.

"Okay so here is what we know. They both come out at night. They both know each other and work together sometimes. Spidey shoots sticky webs out of his wrists and Syrine has the power to force people to sleep." Tony said, going over what they had learned.

"Yes but," Clint paused pensively unsure how to explain what he was thinking. "Wasn't a rough or difficult sleep. It was dreamless and almost peaceful. I don't think I have ever slept better than I did last night."

"Strangely I agree. I felt almost safe." Natasha agreed.

"Actually I noticed the amount of nightmares I have been having has gone down greatly. I don't know if that's relevant to these guys because it was inside the tower but it's something."

Everyone agreed that they had not been having as many nightmares. "Well we are getting off track. Anything else to add?" Steve asked

"They have changed their suits." Natasha stated suddenly.

"What?" Everyone asked looking at Nat.

"Look." Nat held up the only pictures they had of the two vigilantes. "This is not what they were wearing last night."

"Or the night before. You are right Nat." Tony said looking at the pictures.

"So they updated their suits. So what?" Sam asked. The meeting ended soon after. In the following nights. They would see out people to try an catch them. They always got away. It wasn't until they decide to all go after them together and Nat remembered to mention what Syrine said before she put Nat to sleep that they got progress.

"So Syrine's powers have less effect on suits. No wonder she ran like heck when she saw Vision." Tony said.

"I guess I should have stayed with her instead of following Spiderman when I saw him." Vision replied.

"Well tonight we all go out and see if we can drive them together." Steve said

"Getting them together isn't the hard part. I am pretty sure they have a comm going through them." Tony said.

"Split up. Tony, Rhodey, Scott, Wanda, Vision and Loki you guys focus on Syrine. Bucky, Sam, Nat, Clint, Thor and I will try to get Spiderman. Bruce wait at the tower. We shouldn't need the Hulk but be ready for any injuries." Steve said in his captain voice.

For a long time before that night, Peter and Pearl had discussed why that ran and hide from their family. They figured it boiled down to three reasons. One, they feared they would not be loved anymore. Two, they feared they would get experimented on. And three, the biggest reason, it was kind of fun to annoy their family. That night they decide to calm some of the reasons. At dinner they asked their family. "Would you still love us if we were not normal. Like if we were different?"

They got the overwhelming reply of "yes" "of course" and "you are in a group of super heroes. you can't be more abnormal than that."

They also asked, "what are you going to do to the two vigilantes when you caught them?"

"Main see whose side they're on and what their powers are."

"So you're not going to experiment on them?" Pearl asked

Steve lend over to her "we have serval people on the team that if we experimented on anyone without their permission they would revolt." He looked over at Bucky and Wanda.

"Why the sudden interest you two?" Tony asked

"No reason, just heard you guys talk a lot about them and wanted to know the plan." Peter said quickly.

"Well tonight nearly all of us are going after them so Friday will be watching after you guys while we are gone. You should be asleep so you will not even know we are gone. If you need anything tell Friday and she will contact us." Steve told them.

That night, Peter and Pearl knew they were going to have a challenge. They had become good that getting away from their family but not when they are all together. They decide to revel themselves if they captured them and had not removed their masks. They intended to make it a fun reveal though.

They were barely out on patrol for an hour before they were both met with a part of their family. "Well this is great." Syrine commented as she looked over who she got. She turned on her comm. "Hey Spidey heading your way. I got team suits with Wanda and Loki."

"I got everyone else. Lets met at the tower to give them less of a way to carry us." Spidey replied back.

"Roger that see you there." Syrine replied as she took off running.

"I thought your powers could go through suits." Spidey called as he swung.

"They can but its like cutting leather with a butter knife." Syrine called back dodging the blasts while try to get at least one of them down.

When they got to the tower they realized they truly had gotten themselves cornered. They both fought hard. Due to fear of them getting hurt, Syrine avoided putting Sam or Wanda to sleep. She was so focused on keeping calm to chancel her powers, she didn't notice that Clint had his bow aimed at her until it was too late. "Syrine look out." Spider cried as he detected the arrow. Without even thinking, Spidery flung himself in the path of the arrow. As soon as it hit him, he collapsed into a drug inducted sleep.

Syrine ran to him to make sure he was okay. In doing so, it left her vulnerable to another one of Clint's arrows. As she felt herself drift into sleep she looked up to see her parents. "Night night mom and dad" she slurred as she snuggled head into Peters stomach.

"While this was a long time coming. Should we unmask these vigilantes?" Tony asked see the two heroes on sleeping top of each other.

"Let's not. How about we take them inside and put them in an observation cell. With them truly being enhanced, the drug will wear off in an hour. Then we can ask them somethings." Steve said.

So Tony carried Spiderman to the cell. While Steve carried Syrine. All of the team was anxious to met the heroes so they all stayed by the window where they could see them. After about an hour both of Spiderman and Syrine woke up. Both of their hand flew up to their faces to find the masks were still on. They both snickered. They then noticed the rest of the team looking at them intently. "It's good to see you are awake. We are the avengers and we have some questions for you both. Who are you? Who do you work for? And what are your powers?" Steve asked in his captain voice.

Spiderman and Syrine looked at each other for a moment, almost silently communicating. All of a sudden they both started laughing. "We have heard you guys adopted some orphan's recently. Get them. We will only talk when they are they only ones in the room." Pearl said with a smirk so big you could almost see it through the mask.

"Don't bring our kids into this!" Tony yelled

"Then no talky." Peter answered.

"But-" "ah" "Hey-" "atto" "Fine. Everyone clear the room. We will go get our kids but be warned if you try any funny business we are right outside." Steve warn threateningly. Tony and Nat went to wake up their kids when they found their kids not in bed. They yelled for them but the didn't answer. They ran down to outside the cell where everyone was wait. "Guys Peter and Pearl weren't in their rooms we can't find them anywhere."

All of a sudden two voices came from the room they had just left. "Hey wierdos looking for us?!" The whole team rushed into the room to see Spiderman and Syrine with their masks off making silly faces at them. As soon as they saw them they dropped to the floor laughing. "Friday please tell me you got that." Pearl yelled up to the ceiling.

"Of course."

They both sat up and smiled. "Surprise" (Yes think Thor Ragnorok)

"What the-?" "How?" All of the team was stuned. The kids just kept laughing. "Can we discuss this somewhere more confortable or at least in the same room?" Peter asked. That broke everyone out of their trance. Tony rushed forward to unlock the cell. They all went up to the living room.

"So you are the vigilanties?" Steve asked unsure how to start.

"Yep!" Peter and Pearl said together.

"So how did you gett your powers?" Clint asked.

"Neither of us are sure. We both remeber a bright orange light but we have been using our powers for about a year." Pearl replied.

"What exacrtly are your powers?" Loki asked.

"I can stick to walls, shot webbs and I have a sixth sense that warns me of danger. I also have super speed and streghth." Peter replied.

"And you can force people to sleep?" Steve asked looking at Pearl

Pearl played with her hands. "Not exactly. I can hear people's emotions and memories and force recall of them."

Everyone looked at her confused. "It is easier to show than to tell." Pearl turned to Thor. "Thor can you think of your most fun memory with Loki?"

"Sure." Thor thought for a monemt and smiled. Pearl started to laugh. "Thor that is so mean. I am totally using that on that from now on."

Loki's eyes got big. "Brother what are you thinking?"

"Get help!" Pearl answered with a smirk.

"No not that one." Loki said atacking Thor.

"So that is me reading memory. Now um," Pearl was hestant about her next request. "Can I borrow you and the Hulk, Bruce?"

"Um what are you thinking Pearl?" Bruce asked aphehencivily.

"I want to draw out the Hulk and calm him down all with my powers." Pearl said kind of guilty.

"We are going to the gym for that." Tony declared. They all went to the gym. Pearl and Bruce stood face to face as everyone else stood on the side lines.

"I don't want you to do anything Bruce. I am going to draw out the Hulk and then get him to leave." Pearl said cofidently

"No you ever done anything like this before?" Bruce asked hesitantly

"No but I always wanted to." Pearl said with a smile. Pearl shot Bruce with her orange beam and, through gritted teeth, sang Monster. The results were almost imedate. The Hulk appear in full force and fury. Everyone gasped at the sight. "It is nice to finally meet you Hulk." Pearl said with a smile

The hulk roared in response.

"Well okay then. Time to go night night." Pearl said confidently. She shot another beam while in a soothing voice sung "Song of My Father." The hulk started to shrink and soon all that was left was sleeping Bruce. "I also, like Peter, have super strength and speed." Pearl called as she gently picked up Bruce.

"So you're responsibly for all of our nightmares going away?" Bucky said suddenly

Pearl smiled. "Yep. I just sing a calming song and force recall happier memories."

"Well this is certainly an interesting development. Lets get some sleep and figure out how to move forward in the future in the morning." Steve said unsure how to end the conversation.

They all went to bed soon after. The next morning, after breakfast, they called Fury. They simply told him that they got the vigilantes and knew who they were and they agreed to join the team. Tony, Pepper, Steve and Nat were very hesitant to let their kids come on missions but eventually they allowed them to. It wasn't until a really tough mission that they figure out how close Peter and Pearl were.

On this mission the whole team was there. They had gotten word that some new weapons were being sold and they needed to stop them. They tracked the weapon to a Hydra base because of course Hydra has them. The mission was going okay-ish until they broke out their new weapons. They took aim and shot Steve with a orange beam. Steve tried to block it but was unsuccessful. As soon as it hit him he dropped to his knees and screamed Bucky's name in angst. When one of the shots reached Nat her face went pale and blank. The shots kept coming and soon everyone, except Pearl and Peter had dropped like flies. One of the shots hit Pearl. She immediately felt enormous fear and recalled every fear and pain filled memory of her life. Her instinct took over as she pressed her hand to her forehead and screamed the bridge of Brave by Skillet. She felt better afterward and knew immediately what the weapon was. She yelled in to her comm. "Everyone listen to me. Fall back and get to the quintet. I will help you there." Soon everyone was back at the jet. They were all shaking and scream. Pearl continued to yell to break through the agony. "Everyone get any suits you have on off now." Everyone was soon in simple clothing. "Okay here we go." Pearl pressed her powers out in front of her and sung Brave at the top of her lungs. Soon everyone had stopped shaking and screaming.

"Okay lets regroup and formulate a new plan." Steve said.

"Those weapons have the same powers I have just in a more ramped up scale. They show you and cause you to feel your most fearful memory. Our best bet is to get me as close to the base with a bomb to destroy it. I have the fastest antidote to the weapons so I am the best choose. I will have my Courage playlist playing through one ear. As soon as I hear someone scream, I will start to sing. It will not take away the pain but it will help it." Pearl said.

"As much as I hate that idea, I think you are right, Pearl." Natasha said

"Great. Let's go. Though someone please watch Peter." Pearl said concerned.

"Why don't think I cant handle this." Peter snipped back.

"In a way yes. Remember my powers don't work on you. So if you get shot, you may be having issues for a while." Pearl replied.

"Well we will hopefully not have to cross that bridge." Tony said uncertainly.

So the team took off running. It wasn't long before Pearl heard a scream and she started to sing. She was halfway tot he base when she heard the scream she pray never to have heard, Peter. At that instant she became overly protective and charged at the base. She barely felt any of the power shots. She had a goal and was intending to accomplish it. She got to the base and set off the explosives before anyone really knew what happened.

She took off running back to the jet, knowing Peter would be there. "Come on Pete. I told you not to get shot. I will try but I don't think its going to work." Pearl shot Peter with her beam but he only screamed louder.

"Come on you have got to do something." Tony pleaded

"I don't know what to do." Pearl said holding back tears feeling like a failure.

"Come on Peter needs you." Tony begged

At that instant, Pearl felt something in her brain click as if a memory that was hidden had been unlocked. "I haven't ever listened to this song in years but it feels right." Pearl said to no one in particular. She kneeled down and started to stroke Peters hair and stated to sing.

(I know this song both in English and Spanish. I just find the Spanish version more calming.)

The team was shocked at what they saw. The did not know that Pearl spoke Spanish. What shocked them more was that by the last chorus Peter had stopped shaking and had joined Pearl in signing the song. "My mother used to sing that to me when I had bad dreams. It has been years sense I heard it." Peter said looking at Pearl.

"I used to sing it when one of my stuffed animals had a bad dream. In a way it helped me sleep." Pearl admitted.

"Well no mater what thank you. You saved me from myself." Peter said hugging Pearl. The team started to wonder if there was more to those memories than any of them realized. 

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