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*Author's Note: Time is a mysterious entity. It is immortal, yet it is what makes us mortal; it is unchanging, yet it changes everything around it. Time can let you waste away, or it can be healing. It cannot be bought or borrowed, but if we spend it wrong, we pay a high price for it. If you really think about it, regrets are just time spent in the wrong places. Everyone only has so much time, so value it like gold and spend it on those who truly matter to you. Chase YOUR dreams so that when your time comes, you won't wish that you had more time because it'd be too late by then. 


Time is the droplets of water that erode even the strongest bond

Time is a cold-hearted thief, but perhaps it's cause we take it for granted


It started with late replies and then you ignored me all the way

It's been a month of silence I can't help but to count the days

I don't know what to do when you're treating me like this

I've sunk to the bottom of your priorities list

I'm tired of always reaching out first

If you won't meet me halfway this won't work


What am I to you

I told you I'd die for you

But you're making me feel like a fool


Every truth is unveiled through the test of time

I valued our friendship like a worshiper to her shrine

Always stood in the shadows so that you'd get the light

Wrote your name with gold cursive lines

You were my ride or die but you're leaving me behind


Called out your name but the only response was the sound of my own voice

You're taking me for granted so I stepped back hoping you'll feel the void

You care more about hanging onto relics of your past

It's a blindfold you wear while wondering why your world's all black

It's only killing me cause I care too much

What do I do when you push away my love


What am I to you

I wanna know the truth

Cause you're making me feel like a fool


Every truth is unveiled through the test of time

I revolved around your world like a satellite

Wrapped my arms around your heart like ivy vines

But you're cutting me off like I'm some sort of weed

And now I'm growing on fear and anxiety

Time is the bearer of the harshest truths

Like a child holding onto their birthday balloon

I thought holding you tight would mean I wouldn't lose you

But I let go a little and you flew

And I watch as you get smaller and smaller out of view


What if I leave first before I get hurt

Run ahead of the fallout before it gets worse

What if I take the risk and wait for the plot twist

the one where you come back and we rebuild our bridge


Every truth is unveiled through the test of time

I gave you my loyalty but yours was never mine

You're turning as cold as our winter water sign

Poured me out like a cheap bottle of wine

But I'll linger like an aftertaste in the back of your mind

Time is the bearer of the bitterest truths

Denial only protects you till reality breaks through

Parts of me are missing like craters on the moon

And now you're forcing me to choose

To let you go or trade my sanity waiting on you


Time is the droplets of water that erode even the strongest bond

Time is a cold-hearted thief, but I won't let it take you away from me

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