Issei past story: Let just hang out in autumn season

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The screen start to show issei, sitting on bench to waiting someone. His clothes wear was diffrent from before

He was listening to some music. His mind was peaceful with [FULL FORCE!]. Issei look up to sky with his eye close, he still thinking about why he should protect "her". his face feel like a shadow cover his eye.

Issei open his eye, the first thing he saw is Wendy Eye with a smile on her face.

Wendy:-bend her back up-Been waiting for me? Rapist~

Issei: You're late

Wendy: I know I know. I just got woke up late today.

Issei:-look down to up-You look...pretty warm today?

Wendy:what? You thought I would come out of my house just get cold in November?

Wendy wear different clothes from her school uniform. A hoodie with a scarf around her neck. Underneath her are short pant and long black sock with a pair of shoe on her foot

Issei: I meant You look.... "Pretty" warm.

Wendy:..doesn't that mean the sa....-quiet for a moment before realize-Bakana!-get fluster feeling in her heart before punch Issei-Don't say us like we are couple already!-her face get red-

Issei:-hold His gut in pain-So..r.ry

Wendy: Anyway. This is your first time to hang out right?


Wendy:-smile-Let play something at the arcade!

Super mall, arcade area

Wendy: Welcome to arcad-see issei standing infront of Punching machine-Heh-having a smirk-

Wendy: Let me show you how strong I am-walking toward punching machine-

She feel her fist back and slam her fist into the bag. The screen showing how much of a impact from Wendy's punch.


Wendy:-put the coin into the machine-Your turn now, rapist< I bet he is weaker than me>

Issei just extend his hand out infront of the punching machine. The atmosphere became cold as issei's eye turn black and pupil become white. He clench his hand into the fist. His muscle can be seen to be grow.

One inch punch


The impact on the screen, showing issei's strength. Wendy jaw drop at issei's strength but she shook her head as she snapping out from her shocking state.

Wendy: then our next game will be shooting zombie!

30 minute later, issei is still alive and facing the boss while Wendy is dead on round 2. She fall on the floor and is feel in disappointment of herself

Wendy: Just you wait on our next game issei!

Issei:-smile in confuse-Okay

10 minute later, they are playing dancerush stardom. Their Song to dance is Crazy shuffle/Yooh.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Issei's score is 97

While Wendy's score is 95.

Wendy was shock about how crazy when issei play this game. Heck maybe it wasn't his first time

Wendy: Oi Perverts, you sure about this is your first time to play here?

Issei: Yeah this is my time here

Wendy: then how did you even beat me in every game!?

Issei:Lucky beginner I guess

Wendy: there no way you have those much luck on your first time!

Issei: you could call it a lucky day

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! Please focus your eye on the singer stage!

The stage get their attention. Everyone stop playing as they look at the stage.

Announcer: We will chose people with their ticket number. If you are wonder what are we doing? Then you don't know that today is 10th anniversary of this arcade! Today we will celebrate it by having a singing competition!

Issei:What?-confuse before realizing why they give both ticket for the-Oh~...well shit

Wendy: What~are you nervous-teasing issei-or you're bad at sing

Issei: Oh please, it not like I get my number.

The number on screen appear

Number 1000

Issei's number ticket....He stare at the screen with a swear.

Issei: Fu-beep-

Issei's background immediately change to the stage. His hand holding with a deadpan expression.

To be continue!

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