Issei past story: skipping school day

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The screen start with a women doing her makeup. she was prepare for her date until something appear on her mirror. she turn her head back to look at but there was nothing there.

a tentacles grab her by the neck and got pull into the mirror world.

in a next day, issei remove bandage. his scar still remain. unlike normal human, issei healing factor able to recover injure over night, if he was a normal human then it a month to completely recover from that injure. his apartment was cover in news paper, he had a feeling that they gonna come through his place without knowing. danger.

issei put on his school uniform. eat his breakfast in silence. no friend, no sibling,no friend,no girlfriend, no parent. just him.

issei step outside of his apartment and close the door.

scene change to issei ride his bike as he went downhill road. Now let change our scene into school, issei laying his head on table with boring expression.

Issei:<Fuck...this class is boring when I though it was better>

Issei take out his iPhone in secret, checking if there a better thing on news on app. Then he see a popular singer, got mystery dead by unknown.

Issei:<mystery dead? Wait don't tell me.... It one of monster from that mirror world!?>-realize-

issei was shock and remember there are rule in that paper. he take out the paper and relook The rule and the introduce part

Hello issei homura or should I call you former name ########
I bet you are wonder who is this? Is this a scammer trick again? Well lucky for you.
You have Join elemental battlefield! A game where you kill monster and gain point and make a wish that can grant anything but the price is also gonna be thing that come with it.

rule number one
Ring wielder had to kill Mirror monster to gain point

Rule number two
If civilian got drag into the mirror world, they need to be save if they saw what happen in mirror world they would forget swiftly. You would get point after saving civilian

Rule number three
Ring wielder can kill other ring wielder to gain their point. But if mirror monster kill ring wielder then their point would gone forever

Rule number four
Ring wielder had to reach hundred million point to gain the wish but you can trade your point to shop.

Issei hold his iPhone in deadpan. How am I gonna say this....

Issei point: 10 point...(lowest point)

Issei:well time grind-open the window and look at class monitor- Hey monitor tell sensei I gonna skip today

Class monitor: yeah yeah I gonna tell her . I don't care a rapist anyway.

Issei: good-jump off-

Luckily, issei is prepare guy. Below him was a mirror, hid under the bushes. All he had to do left was put on the ring.

In the mirror world, issei flip out the mirror with a superhero landing on surface. Then he suddenly receive a punch into the left side of his face. Issei sent flying to aside and bounce on surface. He roll on surface and stop. His view was abit blur until it getting clearer, the first thing he saw is a mirror monster

[sans gojo: alright time to explain, this is speed demon. The speed it possess can reach at Mach 100, the weakness is the wing because the wing itself can generate kinetic energy for the speed to run but without it,speed demon can only reach Mach 1]

Issei: OH SHIT!-Roll to aside-

He was luckily enough to dodge that punch. He stand up with dust cover his vision. Issei form 10 fire spear around him. He observe his surrounding.

When the dust settle, he doesn't see that mirror monster anywhere. This battle gonna be agility and speed.

Play "so tired rock" by raven rock

He can't see it but he receive a punch from left and right side, repeating same attack. Until, issei get the uppercut.

Sending our brown hair protagonist fly into the wall, making issei cough out of blood before falling onto the surface. Wendy standing far away from school with binoculars.

She just let out a sigh and summon her bow by the wind. She pull the string back.

Wind began to form like an arrow. Once she realease the string, the wind arrow. A strong blow was sent but...

Speeed demon seen to be able to dodge that wind arrow without effort. This is the first time, Wendy miss her shot. She was really pissed but she did saw issei anyway.

Wendy:<oh that perverts gonna die. I can now watch him die painfully~>-use binocular to watch the show-

Speed demon looking at the wind wielder, even in that distance, it can still see Wendy. But it gonna ate issei but....

Issei attack: chain of fire

A chain of fire caught it around by fire glyph. Issei crack his finger while shadows cover his eye. It try to generate kinetic energy...but those wing need to flap to able generate it. The wing was attach by chain of fire glyph.

Issei attack: CATCH THESE HAND!

He let out a continuos punch into the face without giving a shit. Punching it until speed demon reach at verge of death.

He stop punching before taking a breath. He look at speed demon for a moment before he reels his back. He push his leg back. His fist cover in hot fire

Issei slam his punch into the speed demon. His fist went throught speed demon chest without a problem but the skin it have can be a heavy problem if you guy asking why it can be a heavy problem? Imagine mash burnedead from mashle. Try to punch speed demon in one blow(with weight braclet), it would still survive and standing still

His fire fist penetrate speed demon as you reader see, it leave a big hole on it. Issei look at his smoke fist before he look Wendy far away with his black eye and white pupil.


Wendy slowly put her binoculars down in fear. One step back away before she turn back and before she could run away, issei was standing right infront of her sight. She can sense issei killing intent

If this was a human then there no way, he can arrive in those matter of second. Wendy look at him with her afraid expressions. She was about to jump of the building before issei grab her neck.

Issei look at her with black eye and white pupil. She suddenly see issei....somehow handsome?Like daddy Nanam-wait I didn't write this script.

Meanwhile Sans Gojo, who is also me checking if I wrote something in the script correctly. Frisk and Chara run away from my house with daddy Nanami pillow.

Wendy is fearing about her life right now. Her tear about to coming out before issei let her neck go. His muscule was feeling pain after using speed burst and insane strength,It also come with a price for using that much boost just in a day.

He finally fall into the unconscious state. His body can't move anymore and Wendy use this chance to kill this threat....because issei gonna be her new problem in her goal.

Pointing her bow on issei head, she is now on two option.

No mercy

Author note:
-If you reader see this chapter then I bet you guy gonna ask "how did issei get so strong just in one chapter"
-don't worry I will explain it in Later chapter

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