JLxRWBY arc: i just need to know

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"People will never change easily"-Jaune luna mile

The screen start to show Pyrrha Kneeling infront of Jaune.

Jaune: You done?or you gonna sitting there to wait for another 30 minute?

Pyrrha: I need to know who is that kid?!-shout out-

Jaune: You don't need to know about that anyway.

Pyrrha: I just need to know who was the kid in the picture.

Jaune:.....That kid....is my dead son-depression voice-

This news shock Pyrrha, Jaune the man who use to love her, have a kid without knowing. Why didn't she know this but did Jaune mention about his son had death?

Pyrrha: I am sorry....about your son...death-say with guilty-

She get grab by the collar as Jaune slam her on the wall. His expression was really mad about Pyrrha word.

Jaune: DON'T ACT LIKE YOU FEEL GUILTY,NIKO!-shout in anger- You say sorry because you feel about my son death while you haven't meet him once!

Pyrrha: I know you still mad about me in the past....but I change no-get slam again-

Jaune: Bullshit! If you really change then tell me! Do you even feel bad about your action in the past!

Pyrrha began to silence, she can't answer that question. But she really did enjoy on beating Jaune without feeling bad about her action

Jaune: answer me!

Pyrrha: No...

Jaune realease Pyrrha's collar, the mistral champion look down in shame, the blond mercenary look at Pyrrha with disappointment on his face.

Jaune: That's what was I thought. People never change easily.

Time ability: Time accelerate activate

He leave infirmary room in a blur. Leaving Pyrrha alone with someone???

??????:HAHAHAHAHA. Can't believe a whore like you, still have that feeling for that former arc.

Pyrrha:-grit teeth-shut up Cinder!

[cinder Fall, spirit of fall maiden]
Cinder: Why don't you shut your damm mouth up after all-smirk-you can't shut a ghost up-floating around pyrrha-

Pyrrha: I say shut up!

Cinder: Try me, whore~

Pyrrha:grr-leave infirmary room-

Cinder: Hey wait up!-fly after Pyrrha-

Meanwhile izuku in combat training area. Bruce trading blow with mr,electric.

Izuku slide back with arm cross infront. Bruce hopping as he shake his hand in pain before they both dash to each other.

Izuku jump up into the sky and extend his right leg out with lightning cover his feet.

Izuku finisher: LIGHTNING BLAST!

Batman jump up into the sky. A chain of darkness forming a wing on Bruce right leg.

Bruce/Batman Finisher: DARK KNIGHT STRIKE!

They sent their flying sidekick to each other. Their attack create the impact, sending wave of energy. Jaune just arrive on training before got blow off by their impact attack.

Jaune's reaction is "WTF" before flying away.

To be continue

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