JLxRWBY arc: You're okay partner?

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The chapter cover show us Jaune sitting down on surface with his hand cover his pain.

Jaune and Pyrrha were searching kenjaku hideout, she notice notice Jaune's sleepless eye.

Pyrrha: Jaune....-feel worry- are you...okay?

Jaune: I'm fine, Niko. Let just keep looking that Body stealer.

Pyrrha:-grab her former leader shoulder-Jaune, you need slee-

He turn back and slap away pyrrha's hand. He look at his former partner with death glare.

Jaune: I don't need it right now-cold vocie-

Pyrrha:Jaune look-rub her eye-You haven't sleep after 2 week already. You need res-

Jaune: I will sleep when I completely kill that bitch.

Pyrrha: I don't know who that "bitch" you just mention about but you need rest

Jaune:-stop walking- When did you care about me now, niko.

Pyrrha: I...ever since you left, Cardin....had been acting suspicious and strange.

Jaune: does that even concern me?

Pyrrha: he alway receive text from someone and.....

Jaune: that asshole have a girlfriend and cheat on you and he explains why he use you to make me feel despair,sad , am I right?

Pyrrha: yeah...

Jaune: Now you just realize your mistake but who am I kinda. You were alway born as mistake already-sarcasm voice-

Pyrrha: Can you at least show a little sympathy here about what I said instead of trying to insulting me!

I don't care
Okay fine

Jaune:-choose I don't care- like I care. You gonna said it anyway.

Pyrrha: Jaune please, Even since I found out the truth, I just....realize how much the love that you alway give it to me.

Jaune: it already making me and you are fool already. For me is loving a whore and you? Loving that asshole.

Pyrrha: can please be nice to someone for once?

Jaune: Last I did? I almost got my self kill by my own goodness. So no

Pyrrha:Jaune...what happen to you? What happen to those year while you were away from beacon, your home. What really happen.

Jaune:....-keep walking- what really happen is people change just same like me. I been went through in every worse moment of my life. Until that day.....I don't wanna talk it

Pyrrha understand Jaune's reason why he doesn't wanna talk about it. They hear rumbling sound from the sky and they look up and see the cloud turn black.

Pyrrha:<Rain at this moment?>

Pyrrha is confuse about weather today. Only Jaune know why the sky turn black as he let out a smirk on his face.

Jaune:<So kenjaku finally make him use it>

They watch every thunder striking in one place.

Author note:
-two more arc chapter and it will end

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