Let make this a best fight

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The screen starts to show what happen later after issei preform a rider kick

Venti: the hilichurl usually do not venture into area with high elemental concentration. It put a heavy burden on their bodies.

Diluc: the abyss Oder must be manipulating them behind the scene. Yet they shouldn't have been able to determine that we would come. They're presumably spreading their force to halt our plan.

Venti: without further ado... I suppose I can play faster if my only audience is the wind.

Venti began to play the song as few music note come out to release the barrel . Then sudden strong wind almost blow them away

Issei: that was a nice wind-comment-

Paimon: It Actually opened! You're not entirely useless, Tone-Deaf Bard!

Issei: Ha-hitting venti lightly by elbow- Tone-Deaf bars

Jean: This is it. We are now entering Stormterror's lair. Watch yourself. Let's move

After 30 mintue later

Everyone arrive at the tower.

Jaune: hey look! A wind current. Also there is a Statues too

Paimon: it might lead us to the top of the tower

They began to go up to the tower and jump off the tower as they get lift up by wind current.

Venti: Oh, we can't advance any further. The ruin seem to be guard by ancient seal.

Issei: is this the work of your friend?

Venti: No there ruin we're once sport of an ancient city. Dvalin just happen to be nesting in these ruin of now. Tess ruin even predate the existence of the four wind

Venti: Mondstadt is a city without a ruler. However, before it was,

Issei: it was rule over by someone

Venti: not technically by someone but a tyrant. Anyway... I'll sing you that story when we have a chance in the future

Diluc: The marking on this seal.. it my archaeological Knowledge is not mistaken, this appear to be a light actuator.

Diluc: if we retrieve and reintegrate all the parts, we should be able to get it working

Jean: we should be close to completing the ceremony for this actuator. Let's put the part back and see

1 hour later after collect light actuator and defeating many mob

Issei and izuku and Jaune and aether are gasping for their life.

Paimon: come on guy. There only one seal left.

Aether: seriously!

Another 10 mintue to collet light actuator

The final seal had been open. The traverler gang having to hard time to go up to top of the tower

Venti: I'm thinking about turning these adventure into song after we're done

Aether: we're practically old partner now.

Venti: Hopefully, this song will sung for year to come by the people of Mondstadt, just like the lengend of Vennessa

Jean: I have love that song since i was small.-look at the traverler gang- How are you feeling right now, honorary knight and other?

Aether: Fucking tired.

Issei: wanna go back to home to sleep

Izuku: empty and hungry

Jaune: same as izuku.

Jean: well, I am completely prepare and fully confident that we can do this

Paimon: rest assured,I'm also completely prepare! Even Master Diluc accompanied us to the very end. Despite only being an accidentally involved..bystander

Diluc: You shared your secret with me, and I only return your trust to the same extent

Aether: So "trust" is what drove master Diluc here

Paimon: As for master Jean "responsibility" perhaps? What about the tone-deaf bard?

Venti: it's "Freedom"

Issei: yeah~...freedom of my ass! We litteraly do shit while you guy are fucking chilling up here! Like imagine when the dark knight of Mondstadt seriouly does nothing when he is outside of the kingdom!

Jean: we can pay you next time?

Issei: that would be 100,ooo mora  for wasting my time and the other

Jaune: I mean issei isn't wrong about it.

Izuku: Let make this quick because we don't have enough time for the author.

Issei: yeah yeah yeah even dragon had freedom to choose his own way of life blA blA blA blA blA

Venti: wasn't that should to be my dialogue?

Issei: author doesn't give a shit about it right now,venti

Jaune: Hey aether!

Aether: Huh?

Jaune: last miracle?-give his fist out-

Aether: yeah...last miracle-collide with Jaune's fist-

All of them step into the seal. They immediately teleport into the sky. Jaune land on time glyph as surface to stand on air. Izuku take out supernova dust, he absorb the energy inside the crystal.

He transform into demon mode before fly after Dvalin. Issei chase after Dvalin by creating fire grind rail for him to slide.

Aether flying after Dvalin by using wind glider and wind boost to push himself on air. Jaune chase after Dvalin by jumping before form another time glyph to land and jump again.

Venti:-notice something-Look! There are two shiny spot on Dvalin's back! They appear to be poisonous blood clots that have coagulate on his wounds.

Venti: The abyss order must have curses the wound. That's what's corrupting Dvalin's mind

Issei: Let me guess! To save Dvalin, we are gonna need to remove those blood clots

Jaune take out destiny wrath as he take out some bullet to load into the chamber. Izuku gather electric into his palm


Aether gather anemo energy ontop His finger tip. Issei create a fire ball on his palm and clap both his together but one he pull his hand distant away, fire coming out from his palm as he forming an arrow.

Issei's attack: ARROW OF SUN!

Aether's attack: BULLET HURRICANE!

Issei: Eat this!

All four of them fire their respective power,weapon at purple crystal. Jaune keep fire until he ran out of bullet before Jaune jump away to another time glyph.

Their attack did abit damage on the crystal. But the dragon let out an roar of pain before flapping it wing to make a distant away From them.

Jaune: that dragon is getting away!-jump to another glyph-

Izuku: I can see that, PARTNER!

Issei see incoming attack at them. Those anemo beam are coming toward them. Jean and Diluc use their counter attack

Jean's attack: tornado drill!

Jean deactivate her wind glider as wind sourrouding around her with the weapon as she lunges through anemo beam. She reactivate her wind glider.

Diluc's attack: flame feather

Diluc summon his claymore as his weapon wrap in flame. He swing the heavy sword, releasing a flame slash. The flame attack then form into many feather. When His attack contact with anemo beam. Destroying the dragon's attack.

Issei: Thank Diluc and jean! Leave that to us!

Issei began to speeding up as he slide on fire grind rail. Izuku increase his flying speed. Aether clap both his together before suddenly leave a strong wind blow behind him. Jaune was last behind the gang.

Jaune:< I can't reach them....>-grit his teeth-<I could use time stop but this will take a huge amount of my aura depend on that dragon size...but I have aura amp but it will create a lot of pressure on my body after I use both semblance...screw it!>

Jaune stop on time glyph before extend his arm out. Venti was confuse about why Jaune didn't go after them.

Jaune's ability: Time stop!

Jaune focus on certain target to trap in. Dvalin suddenly get freeze inside of a bubble by Jaune's Semblance. All of them was surprise about an bubble trap Dvalin inside. Izuku know who this belong to as he turn to look at Jaune.

Our blond mercenary began to bleed out from his nose and also come out from his mouth as he try his best to hold that Damm dragon in time freeze while also recharge his aura too


Izuku: DO WHAT EXACTLY?!-yell back-


Izuku:OH RIGHT-yell-

Issei's finisher: PYRO IMPACT!

Issei leap into the air and fire glyph was form behind him as fire dragon flying out of the glyph.

fire dragon flying behind him. It then breathes fire at issei, propelling him into a flying kick.


Izuku's finsher: lightning sonic.

Izuku fly toward Dvalin with electric wrap at his feet. Leaving trait of afterimage behind.

Aether's finsher: Anemo! MAXIMUN ELEMENT!

Aether deactivated his wind glider as the wind lift him up and launching himself toward Dvalin with a flying sidekick .

Jaune let out a smile before his body reach the maximum of what his body handle of his semblance. Blood coming out from his eye.

Time glyph slowly disappear underneath him. Jaune's vision becoming blur.

Jaune:<this may....be my last effort>-eye slowly close-

Time glyph completely gone as he let himself fall from the sky. Jean rush to catch Jaune before he could hit the ground.

Jean:-successfully catch him-Jaune you okay!

He was still breathing but not! Dead. His body is almost at fatal state after using his semblance. Jean let out a sigh of relief before She let Jaune laying on grass.

Jean:<this feeling...why I have a feeling like I know him?>-feel a bit headache but it fade away-<why did my head hurt>

Meanwhile the other, Dvalin got free from time bubble but not so long after the trio of Traverler gang sending out their strongest kick at the crystal from behind Dvalin's back.

Their attack succefully shatter the crystal. But the only problem is the crystal on Dvalin's neck. The dragon let out a roar of pain

Venti:-feel bad-Dvalin... I'm sorry this is hurting you... hang on, just one more

Dvalin flying toward somewhere. They chase after the dragon to some random flapform

To be continue!

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