Moving to Mondstadt

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The screen start to show izuku and Jaune keep walking on their journey

Not until they see a blond teen and pixie child got blown away by some strong wind. Jaune use "time dodge" to blink behind as he caught them.

[paimon the emergency food, aether the traveler]

Izuku watch the dragon fly away. He quickly run to his new partner

Jaune: hey? You guy okay?

Pixie child: paimon is fine! Paimon almost got blown away! It isn't for you mr...?

Jaune: call me Jaune and don't call me mister because it kinda make me look old

Paimon: Thank jaune! Paimon thought we were gonna get eaten

Jaune: eaten by wha- his partner run up-

Izuku:Jaune!-run up to his partner- you good?

Jaune: -nod-yeah I'm good

Izuku: great because a dragon just also exsit here too

Jaune:.....-quiet for few second- WHAT?!-yell in shock- we almost got ambush by those strange creature yesterday and Now dragon!-hold his face in disbelief- What next? A city of freedom? I would be in coma if that exsit here

Izuku: Come on let go

They would about to keep walk on their journey. Aether and paimon who got ignore in their conversation.

Aether: Hey! Wait?!

Izuku and Jaune: Huh?-confuse at blond guy-

Aether: Your clothes? You guy don't seem to be from this world

Izuku: well dub we are kinda not from this world

Paimon: paimon thought Aether was the only from another world before his sister!

Jaune:-notice a red tear shape there- Um izuku? Look at that-point at red tear- there's some kind of shiny red thingy on the big rock over there....

Paimon: let's go take a closer look-float up to it-

Izuku: Hey wait!....Damm it-sigh- I had a bad feeling from this.-dash to it-

Jaune: I think we forgot to introduce myself, my name is Jaune mile Luna and that green hair guy is izuku and you?

Aether: I'm aether.

Jaune: alright it was nice to meet you, aether. Now let go shall we?

Both blond boy run up to their friend/partner/companion as aether jump on medium rock before move to big rock, Jaune use aura boost to jump up straight at big rock.

Paimon: Paimon's never seen a stone like this before, so paimon can't tell what it is.

Izuku:-hold his chin-<this shape like a tear>

Paimon: all Paimon know is that it's dangerous. Best we put it away for now.

Jaune: Since you guy already got it. Both me and izuku would be leave now

Both were gonna leave the traveler and his companion on their journey

Paimon: But where are you guy going!

Jaune: Let just say we were gonna heading to northeast.

Paimon: are you guy also heading toward Mondstabt?

Jaune: mondstabt?

Paimon:Mondstabt is the city of wind which also know as the city of freedom.

Jaune:<I wish I was in coma already> thank for telling me, paimon

Paimon: How you know paimon name! Paimon never told you Paimon name!

Jaune: keep replace I or my with your name. So it not difficult to know your name here-scratch his cheek with one fingers-


Izuku: are we gonna get out off here or?-raise eyebrow-

The four walking expect paimon because you know she's "float" not waking.

?????: Hey,you!stop right there!

A female voice come from behind as they turn back to see. a girl running as when she jump off the cliff as she take a roll on ground before stand up as when she almost lost balance infront of their eye. She turn back to look at them

Jaune:<would that hurt her leg after roll for Landing?>

She has golden eyes with long waist length dark brown hair.

She wears a red bow that is shaped like a bunny ears, brown pilot goggles, two small bags with leather belts, a red and brown glove, a pyro vision tied on the red and orange ribbon, red jacket with long sleeves, a dark brown jumper outfit, and red stock on the white boots has symbols on it.

[ amber, Outrider for the knight of Favonius]

Amber: May the anemo God protect you, stranger!- clench her hand and place infront of her chest-

Amber: I am amber, outrider for the knight of favonius-introduce herself and do a salute- You don't look like citizens of Mondstadt. Explain yourself!

Paimon: We're not looking for trouble

Amber: That's what all the troublemaker say.-crossing arm-

Aether: Hello, I'm aether.

Jaune: hi there,I'm Jaune and-point at izuku- that green hair guy there is my partner, izuku

Izuku:<when the hell did I become your partner?>

[ Sans gojo: Yesterday]

Amber:...That doesn't sound like a local name to me-turn to look at paimon- And this...mascot, what's the deal with it?

Aether: it a emergency food

Izuku and Jaune were quiet outside but inside they laughing their crap out for paimon Jokename

Paimon: Hey!-got angry-That's even worse than being a mascot!

Amber: So to sum it up, you guy are traverler, right?

Izuku: yes, yes, we are.

Amber: well look, there's been a large dragon sighted around mondstadt. Best you get inside the city as soon possible

Amber: it not far from here, I'll escort you guy there.

Izuku:like the city behind you?-point at mondstadt behind her-

Amber: Well yes, it is

Jaune:-feel curious -aren't you out here for some other reason?

Amber: I am. But not to worry. I can keep you four safe while doing that too. Beside...

Amber: I'm still not sure if I can trust you four just yet!

Aether: that's a rather rude way to speak to guest

Amber: Oh, ahh...I'm sorry. Probably not something I should say as a knight

Ambers: I give you my apologies, uh...strange ye...respectable traveler.

Paimon: That sounded so fake!

Amber: Do you have something against the type of language usage prescriber by the knight of Favonius Handbook!?

The four follow amber, she then asked them while escort them to mondstadt

Amber:-walking- So, suspicious, travelers, what are you doing in Mondstadt?

Paimon: Aether got seprated from his sister during a really long journey.

Paimon: Paimon is his travel buddy, helping him to find his sister.

Amber:-feel sorrow for aether- Oh, looking for your family...huh. But what about you two-asked izuku,Jaune- What are you two doing in Mondstadt?

Jaune: oh you know I was on journey with my partner and We suddenly got knock out and the second we know that we are in some forest. Then we encounter paimon and Aether there.

Izuku: but after hearing aether separate from his sister, I think we decide to help St-<almost spill out!>I mean aether on his journey until we find our way back to home.

Amber: I see...

Paimon:-asked-Sorry, what were we saying?

Amber: Ah...okay! Let me finish my other stuff first, and then I can help you up poster around the city

Paimon: anyway...what exactly is it you need to finish first?

Amber: it's'll understand in a bit.

They follow amber but Jaune notice something on hill, a hilichurl

Jaune: Um...guy there something on hill-point at hilichurl-

Paimon: Ah! A hilichurl!

Amber: Quick! Get it!

Amber summon her bow, aether summon his sword and paimon is disappear..., Izuku and Jaune just faceplam about how paimon disappear in this situation.

Amber fired 3 charge fire arrow and aether running toward hilichurl to slash the creature. The hilichurl turn into ashes after killing it. Paimon reapper like nothing had happen expect Jaune and izuku wonder where di paimon go

Amber: These monster have been getting too close to the city recently. My task this time is to clear out their camp

They follow amber from behind her as they found the camp. Jaune and izuku enter the fight as they walk past amber and aether

Amber: Wait, please don't approach hilichurl!It very dangerous for you two!?

Izuku: just trust us, miss outrider. Both of us are enough

Aether: Jaune,izuku! You guy don't have a weapon

Jaune take out destiny wrath, izuku take out his as he extent baton out

Jaune: You were saying?

Aether: umm... Nevermind

Amber: You two can't handle that many hilichurl and a mitachurls!

Izuku:-spin the baton- just let us handle this, outrider


The two charge as so the hilichurl


Jaune preform vertical down slash, slice hilichurl#1 into two piece. Izuku swing vertical down his baton then after that he turn around with horizontal right swing, Hilichurl#2 receive a stun and electric shock to dead.

Jaune spin his weapon around as his weapon change to gun mode. Izuku retrack his baton back as his palm start forming lightning.

Izuku point his palm at hilichurl fire out lightning bolt toward to 2 hilichurl. Jaune was out of normal time flow, he running as he step on hilichurl#5 knee and he grab the shoulder and turn back on mid air with a super punch. Blond shifter was back to normal time flow, hilichurl#5 get a broken skull from behind and Jaune raise up his weapon aside and shot through hilichurl#6 mask.

Jaune using time dodge, he keep "blink" in zigzaging way with elbow come to straight way,left way,right way,left way, 4 hilichurl were knock out the way.

Aether has join the fight!

Aether: Let me help!

He charge in the fight as aether slash downward, horizontal left and right. He forming a vortex of vacumm in his palm,causing continuous Anemo DMG to opponents in front of him.The vacuum vortex explodes not affecting aether but his opponent.

Amber ready to fire out!

Amber was mid air and was upside down, firing element charge straight down at 3 hilichurl. She land down on surface safely

Izuku realease alpha blast, he send a electric shockwave as izuku push 4 hilichurl back using a blast of electricity to push further away.

Then After that, he realease alpha rocket twice, It consists of a huge payload of explosive kinetic energy, and explodes on contact with 4 hilichurl.

Mitachurls last one left. Jaune and izuku give each other a fist bump before they jump up into the sky

Finisher attack: LIGHTNING BREAK!

Both extend their feet toward mitachurls, Jaune forming time glyph infront of his left feet. A crackling sound, lightning channeling into izuku right feet.



Both yell out their finisher as they delivering flying side kick toward mitachurls. The finisher contact with Mitachurls head as they kick through it head, Jaune and izuku land back on surface with a slide on grass.

Jaune hold his fedora down to cover his eye. Izuku raise up his right hand as when they both giving high five. Mitachurls fall down with a explosion erupts behind


Amber: Heh, nothing to it-look at aether-Though I've Gotta say, you me a little with your moves there...-look at Jaune- But what was that back then?-getting curious- you were move so fast and even blink like time was so slow for you.

She was getting curious about Jaune Time semblance but why not izuku? She thought izuku was also a electro vision holder but she didn't wonder why it look like blue. In teyvat, they don't have semblance or dust in this world.

Jaune: Sorry,amber. but you know I can't trust you...yet because everyone had a reason not told to their own thing out.

Amber: Hmmm...-process- I guess your right

Izuku:-look at aether-Thank for the backup even though both of us are how'd it feel?

Aether: I barely broke a sweat.

Izuku:...<You just beat a hilichurl not a group you dumb Star!> anyway. I wonder how those "hilichurl" ended camp here

Paimon:-hold her under chin- Now that you mention it. How is it the hilichurl ended here? These creature don't seem like the type to set up camp so close to cities like this.

Amber: Exactly. It's more normal for them to be much further out in the wildness. But Because the dragon—Stormterror—has been around a lot more recently out orchard have been destroyed and the local market has been affect as well.

Amber: when the storm hit, we usually end up with at least a few injures, so the knight of the favonius have been tied been doing the best they can to defend the area.

Meanwhile with Me!

Sans gojo standing there with my arm crossing infront of hoyoverse comic

Sans: Diluc was damm right about this. They really are fucking lazy

Back with Jaune,izuku,aether, paimon and amber!

Paimon: So these annoying create have been getting closer and closer to the city?

Amber: Exactly. That said, clearing this camp helped make the area a little safer.

[ Sans: Move like a little bit slacker than safer]

Amber: Come with me! A responsible knight must make sure to see you to the city safer.

They follow amber from behind as they headings toward Mondstadt

Author note:
-fun fact for you, Jaune fedora had unlimited space to hold multi Dust and Another weapon, Some other stuff.
- izuku could regeneration 1 percent electric in 2 minute

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